2017 AAUS Kathy English Calendars

NEW!  We have 2017 AAUS wall calendars that feature the artwork of Kathy English. Visit the "Print Products" tab in the online store at www.aausfoundation.org to purchase yours today!  

2016 Symposium Survey

Take a few minutes to give us some feedback on this year's meeting as we begin preparations for 2017!

2017 Dr. Lee H. Somers Scientific Diving Intern

OWUSS is now taking applications for the 2017 Dr. Lee H. Somers  AAUS Scientific Dving Intern.

Rebreathers and Scientific Diving Proceedings

The proceedings of the Rebreathers and Scientific Diving Workshop held at Wrigley Marine Science Center, Catalina Island, CA February 16-19, 2015 are now available for download or print on demand from Lulu.com 

Conrad Limbaugh Memorial Award for Scientific Diving Leadership 2016

The 2016 AAUS recipient of the Conrad Limbaugh Memorial Award for Scientific Diving Leadership is Rob Robbins. Come hear Rob speak at this year's symposium.

AAUS Certification Program

It is time for your annual AAUS-ITI Instructor Renewal.  More information here.

Current E-Slate

Curent ESlate is available on the first of every month.  You can access older editions in the resource library under "publications".

Nautilus, Shearwater, Oceanic and Hollis Institutional Pricing

Nautilus, Shearwater, Oceanic and Hollis have gratiously extended their institutional pricing to all AAUS organizations.  Follow the link for more information and access to the price lists.


Event Calendar View All

AAUS BOD Call for Nominations

The 2017 AAUS Nominating Committee is now accepting for consideration nominations of individual members to stand for election for the AAUS BOD

Qualified candidates must be voting members in good standing with the AAUS. The nomination letter (not to exceed 300 words) is best focused on how a particular candidate can contribute to the Academy based on their academic or diving safety contributions, or previous development or not-for-profit organizational governance experience. Please submit your nomination letter to the AAUS Nominating Committee chair, Amy Moran (morana@hawaii.edu) no later than March 15, 2017.

AAUS Student Scholarship Applications Due

AAUS Student Scholarships 

The AAUS Foundation awards scholarships to graduate students engaged in, or planning to begin, research projects in which diving is used as an important research tool or studying diving science. The Kevin Gurr Scholarship awards $3000 to a Master program student. The Kathy Johnston Scholarship awards $3000 to a Doctoral student. AAUS may also award additional $1500 scholarships to the second ranked proposals in each category.  The Foundation also grants the Kevin Flanagan Travel Award providing up to $800 for undergraduate/graduate students to attend an AAUS scientific meeting and the Hollis Gear Award that provides up to two recipients with an award valued at $1250, good towards Hollis dive gear and travel monies.  Applications are submitted electronically and all proposals are due June 30. For more information and application instructions, visit www.aausfoundation.org,or send questions to the Scholarship Committee Chair at aaus@disl.org

AAUS Scholarship Recipients Announced

AAUS Scholarship Recipients are announced today.

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Spring 2017 AAUS New DSO Orientation

AAUS is looking to hold a new DSO orientation in late February 2017. This program is designed to provide an orientation for new Diving Safety Officers and for existing DSO's who would like more information and an update on particulars of running a Diving Safety Program at their respective institutions or organizations.  Essential training for anyone considering accepting or assuming the role of Diving Safety Officer and planning on operating an AAUS Diving Safety Program, it is also open to non-AAUS organizations who would like more information about AAUS.  The cost for this one day workshop is $100. If you are interested in attending, please contact the AAUS office (aaus@disl.org)  as we guage interest in this meeting.

2016 Presidential Addresses


Rick Riera-Gomez

University of Miami

It is an honor and a privilege to move into the President position of the AAUS Board of Directors (BoD) and I look forward to the next two years with great excitement. But first I have some thank yous to mention. I would like to say thank you to outgoing AAUS President Amy Moran for her steady leadership. Her calm demeanor and thoughtfulness was great to have on the BoD as we worked through some very difficult situations.  I would also like to thank outgoing BoD members Elliott Jessup and Lora Pride for their service to the Academy.  I wish you both a great 2016 in your “real” jobs.

Special thanks must go to longstanding outgoing BoD member Michael Dardeau who has served on the AAUS BoD for the past 12 years. Michael, thank you for your friendship, service and ability to bring an invaluable perspective to the BoD.

With the turnover on AAUS BoD I would like to welcome the following people for stepping onto the 2016 BoD – Marc Slattery, Mike Anghera, Chris Ledford and Vin Malkowski.  I look forward to working with you all.

As you may recall, in 2015 the AAUS BoD developed a strategic plan (SP). This SP started in 2014 with a large fact finding period that gathered information from many different groups including the organizational membership, individual membership and past AAUS Presidents. The BoD then worked through this information and identified the strengths and weaknesses of the Academy.  The SP puts forth a clear and ambitious path for 2016. During the next 12 months, the AAUS will move forward with initiatives in the SP that membership has identified as priorities.

Some Strategic Plan Highlights for 2016

One of the major initiatives that received overwhelming support from the membership is development and implementation of an accreditation program. We have been working on this program for a while and will be starting with a full accreditation process this spring. This will be a voluntary program and will have some associated costs. We will be sending out details over the next couple of months so please watch for announcements.

Another major initiative that received much support is the development of an AAUS DSO qualification program. We have also been working on this for a few years and it’s time to move it forward. This will also be a voluntary program with associated costs. More details about this will also be forthcoming in the next couple of months.

Some of the other actions identified in the strategic plan that we will be working on in 2016 are increasing communication links, improving collaborations between AAUS and its membership and other community stakeholders, and exploring alternative revenue streams for AAUS, just to name a few.

As you can see we have an ambitious 2016 ahead but I, and the 2016 Board of Directors, welcome the challenge.




Amy Moran

University of Hawaii 

December marks my final month as President of the AAUS, and it’s been a pleasure and a privilege to serve as president for the past two years and on the AAUS Board of Directors for five.  We’ve accomplished a great deal in the last five years, none of which would have been possible without the efforts and dedication of too many people to name. 

Donors:  thank you to for your financial support and donations, large and small, which allow the AAUS Foundation to continue providing support to promising young scientists, and thank you to the organizations, individuals, and institutions that have donated funding, space and resources that allow our meetings and Symposia to be so productive;

AAUS volunteers:  thank you to all the AAUS members who’ve contributed their time and expertise to planning, committee work, strategic planning, meeting support, etc. etc.!

I do need to mention a couple of people by name.  Mike Dardeau, who’s been on the Board longer than anyone I know of, is stepping down as of January 1.  Mike has served on the Board since 2004 and has been Treasurer since 2006, and for most of that time he’s been the main person keeping the AAUS solvent and functional.  We all owe Mike a huge debt of gratitude. 

Heather Fletcher, who started working with the Board right around the same time that I did, is the heart of the AAUS and I can’t thank her enough for everything she’s done. She’s wonderful to work with and I hope she’ll be with the organization for many years to come.

Finally, to all the Board members I’ve served with: Tim, Rick, Pema, Neal, Narineh, Mike, Michael, Marc, Lora, Liz, Kevin, Jim, Jenn, Jen, George, Elliott, Diana, Christian, Chris, Cheryl, Bill; thank you for making my time as president tremendously productive, and also a lot of fun.

The Academy is in great hands with incoming President Rick Gomez and President-Elect Marc Slattery, and I have full confidence in both of to move the goals of the AAUS forward in the next four years. 

 Best wishes to everyone for a great 2016!

AAUS 2016 Board of Directors

The AAUS Board of Directors undergoes changes in 2016 as four long-standing members step down and a new President-Elect, Secretary and two new directors join.  We would like to extend our thanks, gratitude, and appreciation to Amy Moran, Mike Dardeau, Elliott Jessup and Lora Pride for their many years of service and hard work.  You've been a great pleasure to work with and you will be missed!

We welcome Chris Ledford as our new Secretary and Marc Slattery as the President-Elect.  We also welcome two new Directors to the Board:  Mike Anghera and Vin Malkowski. Chris Rigaud will transfer from a director’s position to that of the Treasurer. We look forward to working with all of you in 2016 and beyond.

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