Coastal Inundation Mapping

Course Description

Flooding is a life-threatening and expensive issue in communities across the nation. This course provides baseline information about the various types of flooding and teaches methods for mapping current flooding and potential coastal inundation scenarios using a GIS. Hands-on exercises will help participants understand and apply the spatial methods covered in this course. Students connect to Web map services, access elevation and water level data, convert between vertical datums, create and manage digital elevation models, map inundation model output, develop inundation zones, and map sea level rise using modeled tidal surfaces.

You will learn how to

  • Identify the different types of coastal inundation
  • Better interpret mapping products and terminology
  • Access topographic and bathymetric data
  • Perform datum conversions
  • Use interpolation methods to create digital elevation models
  • Explore water level data
  • Map coastal inundation (including sea level rise) using a GIS


This course offers 16 hours of continuing education credits for the GIS Professional (GISP), American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), and Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) professional certifications.

Participant Requirements

  • Intermediate GIS skills (minimum six months to one year)
  • ArcGIS versions 10.x
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