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2013 Funded Prescott Grant Proposals

 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012-2001

For FY2013, 12 competitive Prescott Grants were awarded totaling $1,046,417.

FY2013 Funded | FY2013 Received

NOTE: The President's FY13 budget request did not include funding for the John H. Prescott Grant Program in FY2013, but Congress included funding for the program in the final budget. See our briefing for the stranding network for more information on the FY13 budget proposal and Prescott Grant Program [pdf].

AK | CA | CT | DE | FL | HI | IL | LA | MA | MD | ME | NC | NJ | NY | OR | PR | SC | TX | VA | WA

State Applicant Project Title Award Number Federal Funding
AK North Slope Borough Enhanced Stranded Marine Mammal Response in Northern Alaska NA13NMF4390158 $85,992
AK Seward Association for the Advancement of Marine Science Alaska Region Stranding Network Enhancement 2013-2015 NA13NMF4390159 $72,683
CA California Academy of Sciences Expanding Response to and Data Collection from Dead Stranded Marine Mammals in Northern California, Specifically in Sonoma County NA13NMF4390161 $99,945
CA The Regents of the University of California, Santa Cruz Enhanced Stranding Response and Expansion of the Marine Mammal Anatomy and Pathology Library (MMAPL) at U.C. Santa Cruz NA13NMF4390162 $80,494
FL Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute Supporting Marine Mammal Stranding Response Along the East Coast of Florida and Continuing Comprehensive Guidance for Public and Network Response NA13NMF4390150 $99,996
HI The Marine Mammal Center Support for a Hawaiian Monk Seal Health Care Facility: A Critical Tool to Enhance Survival of Critically Endangered Seals NA13NMF4390160 $67,900
MA International Fund for Animal Welfare Improved Stranding Response and Data Collection through Collaboration NA13NMF4390154 $71,518
ME College of the Atlantic Maintenance and Enhancement of the Marine Mammal Stranding Response Program (MMSRP) for the Mid-Coast/Downeast Region of Maine, 2013-2014 NA13NMF4390153 $79,996
NY Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation Continued support for the development and deployment of the Specially Trained Animal Response Team (S.T.A.R.T) NA13NMF4390155 $99,313
OR Oregon State University Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network NA13NMF4390157 $100,000
TX Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network Support for Operational and Enhancement Needs of the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network for the Recovery and Investigation of Live and Decease Marine Mammal Strandings NA13NMF4390152 $99,778
WA Cascadia Research Collective Marine Mammal Stranding Response in Puget Sound and Washington Outer Coast, and for Large Cetaceans throughout Washington State, 2013-2016 NA13NMF4390156 $88,802

Updated: September 26, 2014