Environmental Studies Planning

Science for Informed Decisions

BOEM must comply with numerous environmental statutes, regulations, and executive orders to carry out its mission. BOEM is dedicated to acquiring and using the highest quality scientific information in support of Bureau decisions. To that end, the Environmental Studies Program (ESP) employs a rigorous planning, review and procurement process to meet the nation’s environmental research needs for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) resource assessments.

The ESP in Headquarters and Regional program offices prepare the annual Studies Development Plans (SDP) to cover a three-year planning period. The plan includes brief study descriptions or profiles that describe proposed studies for the upcoming fiscal year and for one successive year. These studies are designed to collect the information necessary to meet the needs of the users, including BOEM scientists, rule writers, modelers, and decision makers. Proposed studies are evaluated for program relevance, programmatic timeliness, and scientific merit. Additional program oversight is provided by the National Academies Committee on Environmental Science and Assessment for Ocean Energy Management to provide independent, scientifically credible and objective information on issues relevant to BOEM’s environmental studies and assessment activities and to support discussions on relevant issues. Collectively, these inputs contribute to the development of research plans.

Current and Previous SDPs

While the SDP serves a primarily internal planning function, it is a publicly available document and is used to communicate the proposed studies both internally within BOEM and externally with potential partners and other interested parties. The SDP and resulting studies undergo peer review at several stages to ensure the quality of the work proposed. When completed, the annual SDP forms the basis for the National Studies List (NSL).

To formulate the NSL, the offices in each Region and Headquarters develop a priority order for the many studies proposed in their SDP's. These lists are evaluated again by Headquarters, principally considering program relevance, timing, and budgetary constraints. Discussions are conducted with each of the program offices and when consensus is achieved, the NSL is recommended for approval. Once the annual appropriations for the Department have been approved, studies on the NSL are procured via competitive procurements, cooperative agreements with a State institution or university, or through inter/intra agency agreements with other Federal agencies.

It is important to note that the NSL is subject to change throughout the course of the year as conditions warrant and due to budgetary constraints.

The Environmental Studies Program (ESP) anticipates pursuing awards in Fiscal year 2015 for projects encompassing all scientific disciplines and on all coasts of the United States, listed in the following table. The information in this table is for planning purposes only and all awards are subject to change and availability of funds. As individual project announcements become available, the Study Titles will be linked to the appropriate website for application or proposal information:


FY 2015 New Starts Planned for the Environmental Studies Program



Study Title

Tentative Funding Mechanism

Gulf of Mexico

Explosive Removal of Structures: Fisheries Impact Assessment


Gulf of Mexico

Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Program for the Northern Gulf of Mexico


Gulf of Mexico

Chemical Products Used in Gulf of Mexico Oil & Gas Operations: Inventory, Disposal, and Risks


Gulf of Mexico

Interdisciplinary Research at the Site of Three 19th Century Shipwrecks: the Monterrey Shipwrecks

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement

Gulf of Mexico

Fugitive Emissions Update – Component Count and Amounts


Gulf of Mexico

Deepwater Coral and Chemosynthetic Atlas and Modeling Program: Gulf of Mexico

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement

Gulf of Mexico

Sponsorship of the 2015 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference

Sole Source


Wind Energy Development on the Atlantic OCS:  The Identification of Port Modifications and their Environmental and Socioeconomic Consequences



Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon Habitat Use in Mid-Atlantic Wind Energy Areas

Cooperative Agreement


Understanding Whale Presence in the Virginia Offshore Wind Energy Area

Cooperative Agreement


Quantitative Assessment of Spatially-Explicit Social Values Relative to Wind Energy Areas

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement


Describing Marine Wildlife Distribution and Movement Patterns on the South Atlantic OCS



Comprehensive Seafloor Substrate Mapping and Model Validation in the Atlantic

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement


Initiating an Arctic Marine Biodiversity Observing Network (AMBON) for Ecosystem Monitoring

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement


Development of a Very High-resolution Regional Circulation Model of Beaufort Sea Nearshore Areas

Cooperative Agreement


Coastal Habitat Maps:  Closing Spatial Gaps in ShoreZone Imagery and Data for the Cook Inlet Area



Synthesis of Sub-Sea Physical Environmental Data for the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas



Traditional Knowledge Implementation:  Accessing Arctic Community Panels of Subject Matter Experts



Estimation of Abundance and Demographic Rates of Pacific Walruses Using a Genetics-based Mark-Recapture Approach

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement


Field Evaluation of an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) for Studying Cetacean Distribution, Density, and Habitat Use in the Arctic

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement


Subtidal and Intertidal Habitats and Invertebrate Biota in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement


Cetacean Distribution, Abundance, and Ecology in Cook Inlet



Alaska Marine Science Symposium (AMSS) 2015

Sole Source


Archaeological and Biological Assessment of Submerged Landforms off the Pacific Coast

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement


Data Synthesis and High-resolution Predictive Modeling of Marine Bird Spatial Distributions on the Pacific OCS

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement


BOEM-MARINe (Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network)

Cooperative Agreement


Synthesis of Pacific Platform Research

Cooperative Agreement


A Demonstration Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (BON) for Ecosystem Monitoring

Cooperative Agreement


Consequences of Ocean Energy Projects to Productivity and Trophic Structure in Marine and Coastal Habitats

Cooperative Agreement


Cross-shelf Habitat Suitability Modeling

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement


Propagation Characteristics of High-Frequency Sounds Emitted During High-Resolution Geophysical Surveys: Tank Testing

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement


Propagation Characteristics of High-Frequency Sounds Emitted During High-Resolution Geophysical Surveys: Open Water Testing



Understanding Propagation of Seismic Noise and Effects to Marine Mammals at Larger Temporal and Spatial Scales



Development of a Decision Support Tool to Reduce Sea Turtle Dredging Entrainment Risk



Managing Dredge Impacts by Optimizing the Use of Sand Resources



Assessment of the Cumulative Effects of Anthropogenic Stressors on Marine Mammals

Sole Source


Sediment Sorting During Coastal Restoration Projects: Implications for Resource Management, Environmental Impacts, and Multiple Use Conflicts

Inter/Intra Agency Agreement