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2000 Northeast Region Vessel Permit Data

The following files are a list of permit holders of NOAA Fisheries Northeast Region 2009 Vessel permits. Please be aware that this information is only a summary of the permit information. Further, the information provided does not reflect agreements that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has no knowledge of regarding any reservation of permit rights by the current or any previous owner upon sale of a vessel. The information contained on this site does not guarantee that these permits can be renewed or applied for in the future. This information is advisory only and does not represent the baseline information for any vessel, which includes limited access scallop or multispecies vessel baseline information, used to determine vessel upgrade or replacement eligibility. The National Marine Fisheries Service reserves the right to make a final determination regarding a vessel's eligibility for any permit.

The NOAA Fisheries Northeast Region Permit Data are in two formats: Microsoft Excel Worksheet (XLS) and Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File (CSV).

  Vessel Permits

Click on the following links to view and download the Vessel permit data files:


Last Updated: April 5, 2012

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