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Frank Gonzalez

NOAA Center for Tsunami Research
(Director Emeritus)

Ocean Environment Research Division
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory


Frank I. Gonzalez earned his Ph.D. in physical oceanography from the University of Hawaii in 1975 and joined PMEL two years later. In 1984 he received NOAA's highest award for outstanding scientific research--the NOAA Administrator's Award--for his work on hazardous ocean waves. He has participated in field surveys and documentation of three devastating tsunamis that occurred in Nicaragua 1992, Indonesia 1992 and Japan 1993.


Contact Information

7600 Sand Point Way NE, Bldg. 3
Seattle, WA   98115-0070
VOICE:  (206) 526-6803
FAX:    (206) 526-6485
updated: March 28, 2006