Survey Forms

FAQs for Survey Form EIA-782C

What is the purpose of this survey?
What is the estimated time needed to complete this survey?
When and how can I submit data each month?
Where can I find published data from the EIA-782C?
Do I have to report data?
Who is required to report on the survey?
What are criteria for resubmissions?
Are my data confidential?
Should I inform you of a change in the contact person in our company for the survey?
Should I inform you if our company is sold, merged with another company, or buys another company?
What is a data reference month?
What petroleum products does EIA want me to submit data for?
What is the exclusionary list and how do I use it?
My company has a product exchange agreement with another company, how do I report those sales?
Should I report sales of products that are exported outside of the United States and its Territories?
Should I report sales made for local consumption in Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands?
How do I convert fuels from one unit of measure to another - from barrels to gallons, for example?
What is oxygenated gasoline and where do I report it?
What is reformulated gasoline?
What does E10 mean and should I report it?
Should I report sales of E85?
Where should I report sales of gasohol?
Where do I report Conventional Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (CBOB), Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (RBOB), or Gasoline Treated as Blendstock (GTAB)?
What is Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (RBOB)?
What is the difference between No. 1 and No. 2 diesel fuel and No. 1 and No. 2 fuel oil?
Do you distinguish between No. 1 diesel fuel oil and No. 1 fuel oil on this survey?
How and where should I report sales of biodiesel?
What is No. 4 fuel oil?
My company supplies Naval Distillate for use in U.S. military ships, where should I report these sales?
Should I report sales of dyed fuels?
During the winter, we blend other products with diesel fuels to prevent gelling. Where should I put these fuels on the form?
Should I report Diesel Treated As Blendstock (DTAB)?
What is Consumer Grade Propane (CGP)?
Should I include sales of bonded aviation fuels?
What is residual fuel oil?

What is the purpose of this survey?

Form EIA-782C, "Monthly Report of Prime Supplier Sales of Petroleum Products Sold for Local Consumption" is designed to collect sales volume data from suppliers who produce, import, or transport 14 finished petroleum products across state boundaries and local marketing areas for sales to local distributors, local retailers, or end-users. If you respond on the EIA-782C survey, please note EIA is attempting to gather your company's sales data in the state where the product(s) will be consumed, as opposed to the state where the title to the product is transferred. For example, if the title transfers in Texas but the product's destination state is Virginia, you should report the sales data in Virginia on the EIA-782C.

What is the estimated time needed to complete this survey?

The reporting burden includes the time of gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reporting the information. The estimated respondent burden for the EIA-782C is 2.1 hours. The amount of time required will vary depending on the mode of data collection, number of state filings, and size of company, etc.

When and how can I submit data each month?

Every month reports are due no later than 20 calendar days after the close of the reference month. For example, if the reference month is March 2013, the report must be submitted to EIA by April 20, 2013.

Completed forms may be submitted by facsimile, email, electronic transmission, or mail.

  • Secure File Transfer forms -
  • Email -
  • Fax completed forms to: 202-586-9772
  • Mail - Oil & Gas Survey, U.S. Department of Energy, Ben Franklin Station, PO Box 279, Washington, DC 20044-0279
  • Electronic Transmission: The PC Electronic Data Reporting Option (PEDRO) is a Windows-based application that will enable you to enter data interactively, import data from your own database, validate your data online, and transmit the encrypted data electronically to EIA via the Internet or a dial-up modem. If you are interested in receiving this free software, contact the Survey Respondent Service Team at 202-586-9659.

Where can I find published data from the EIA-782C?

These data are published in the Petroleum Marketing Monthly (PMM) on the first business day of the third month following the reference period. Tables 45 through 47 contain prime supplier volumes at the U.S., PADD, and state levels. In addition, the volumes are released in the Prime Supplier Report in more detailed units between the 21st and 25th of the second month following the reference period.

These data are used to analyze and report on petroleum product supply, demand, and price changes and in models to forecast petroleum product prices and sales by state and end-use category.

Do I have to report data?

Yes. The report is mandatory. The timely submission of Form EIA-782C by those required to report is mandatory under Section 13(b) of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (FEAA) (Public Law 93-275), as amended.

Failure to respond may result in a civil penalty of not more than $2,750 per day for each violation, or a fine of not more than $5,000 per day for each criminal violation. The government may bring a civil action to prohibit reporting violations which may result in a temporary restraining order or a preliminary or permanent injunction without bond. In such civil action, the court may also issue mandatory injunctions commanding any person to comply with these reporting requirements.

Who is required to report on the survey?

This survey form must be completed and submitted each month by suppliers who produce, import, or transport product across state boundaries and local marketing areas and sell to local distributors, local retailers, or end-users. These data are reported by refiners, gas plant operators, inter-state resellers and retailers, and importers.

What are criteria for resubmissions?

Revisions to prior month's reports are required if previously reported volume data are in error by more than five percent
(+/-5%). All revisions must be submitted within 120 days after the end of the reference month. However, EIA must be notified of significant changes discovered after 120 days and will determine if a resubmission is needed. For the elements that are changed, enter the corrected value/information. In correcting volumes, enter the full (i.e., corrected) volume, not the net change.

Are my data confidential?

Yes. Please be assured that the volume information you provide is confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only. Your volumes will be used along with other volumes to calculate product demand, based on sales, which will be used by the Executive Branch, Congress, and industry in monitoring petroleum product markets.

The information reported on this form will be protected and not disclosed to the public to the extent that it satisfies the criteria for exemption under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. §552, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) regulations, 10 C.F.R. §1004.11, implementing the FOIA, and the Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. §1905.

The Federal Energy Administration Act requires EIA to provide company-specific data to other federal agencies when requested for official use. The information reported on this form may also be made available, upon request, to another component of DOE; to any Committee of Congress, the Government Accountability Office, or other federal agencies authorized by law to receive such information. A court of competent jurisdiction may obtain this information in response to an order. The information may be used for any nonstatistical purposes such as administrative, regulatory, law enforcement, or adjudicatory purposes.

Disclosure limitation procedures are applied to the statistical data published from survey information to ensure that the risk of disclosure of identifiable information is very small. For more information on data confidentiality, please see Section 8, Provisions Regarding Confidentiality of Information, of the survey instructions.

Should I inform you of a change in the contact person in our company for the survey?

Yes. Whenever there is a change in the contact person at your company please contact a representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at The contact person should be the person who can answer questions about the data you report.

Should I inform you if our company is sold, merged with another company, or buys another company?

Yes. Whenever there is any change in ownership please inform a representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at

What is a data reference month?

This is the calendar month to which the reported volume information relates. We ask that the EIA-782C be submitted to EIA no later than 20 calendar days after the close of the reference month (e.g., if the reference month is March 2013, the EIA-782C report must be submitted to EIA by April 20, 2013.)

What petroleum products does EIA want me to submit data for?

EIA requires information on the following finished petroleum products only:

  • Aviation Gasoline
  • Gasoline, Conventional (regular, midgrade, and premium grades)
  • Gasoline, Reformulated (regular, midgrade, and premium grades)
  • Kerosene
  • Kerosene-type Jet Fuel
  • No. 1 Distillate
  • No. 2 Diesel Fuel (<15 ppm sulfur)
  • No. 2 Diesel Fuel (>15 ppm to < 500 ppm sulfur)
  • No. 2 Diesel Fuel (> 500 ppm sulfur)
  • No. 2 Fuel Oil
  • No. 4 Fuel Oil
  • Propane, Consumer Grade
  • Residual Fuel Oil < 1% sulfur
  • Residual Fuel Oil > 1% sulfur

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more variations and distinctions for reporting on the survey:

  • Oxygenated gasoline — gasoline with a measurable amount of an oxygenate. Within this context, oxygenate means a substance that increases the oxygen content of gasoline. Ethanol is frequently used as an oxygenate. Include sales of oxygenated gasoline with conventional gasoline.
  • Reformulated gasoline — gasoline whose formulation has been certified according to the procedures described in Title 40: Protection of Environment, Part 80--Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives, Subpart D--Reformulated Gasoline. Additionally, gasoline designated by state regulations as Cleaner Burning Gasoline (CBG) should be reported as reformulated gasoline.
  • E10 — the "E" in E10 stands for ethanol. The "10" refers to the percent, by volume, of alcohol blended with gasoline. In other words, EXX means gasoline blended with ethanol, where XX stands for the amount of ethanol (percent by volume) in the product. Include sales of E10 in the grade it was sold.
  • E85 — EIA is not currently collecting data on sales of E85 on the survey.
  • Gasohol — report sales of gasoline blended with up to 10 percent alcohol in the grade and formulation in which they are advertized and sold. Alcohol can increase the octane rating of gasoline, so be sure of how your company markets this product. More specifically, if the product was labeled and advertized as a regular grade of gasoline, report it as regular gasoline, regardless of octane rating. If it was labeled and advertized as a midgrade product, report it as midgrade.
  • Gasoline blendstocks — RBOB (Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending), CBOB (Conventional Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending, or GTAB (Gasoline Treated as Blendstock). These products should not be reported; only report sales of finished, consumable gasoline on the EIA-782C survey.
    RBOB is a petroleum product, which when blended with a specified type and percentage of oxygenate, meets the definition of reformulated gasoline.
  • Diesel blendstocks — Diesel Treated As Blendstock (DTAB) should not be reported. Exclude all blendstocks. Only report sales of finished, consumable distillates on the survey.
  • No. 1, No. 2 — differences in diesel fuel and fuel oil are not distinguished or broken out on the survey for No. 1 but are for No. 2. Typically, distillate fuel oils are used in furnaces or boilers for space heating purposes, while distillate diesel fuels are used for transportation or operation of other (power-generation) engines. For more detailed information on the specifications that differentiate these products, please refer to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards for diesel fuels (ASTM D975 - 11 Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils) and fuel oils (ASTM D396 - 10 Standard Specification for Fuel Oils.)
  • No. 4 — fuel oil is made by blending distillate fuel oil and residual fuel oil and conforms to ASTM D396 - 10 Standard Specification for Fuel Oils. It is used in industrial plants and in commercial burner installations that are not equipped with preheating facilities (as is often necessary with the heavier residual fuel oils). There is also No. 4 diesel fuel which conforms to ASTM D975 - 11 Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils. It can also be used as a fuel for low- and medium-speed diesel engines. Exclude sales of No. 4 fuels in No. 2 distillate categories.
  • Biodiesel — EIA is not seeking data for sales of unblended biodiesel (B100) on the EIA-782C survey at this time. For No. 2 distillates, report sales of B2, B5, B20 or similar conventional/biodiesel blends according to their sulfur content, or as No. 2 fuel oil, as appropriate. For No. 1 diesel or No. 1 fuel oil, report sales of B2, B5, B20 or similar conventional/biodiesel blends as No. 1 distillate.
  • Naval distillate — No. 2 distillate product is also known as F-76 and conforms to MIL-DTL-16884L "Fuel, Naval Distillate" specifications. Check your accounting or invoice documents for the sulfur content of this product and report its sales as No. 2 diesel fuel, according to its sulfur content.
  • Dyed fuel — are used off-highway and are not subject to many federal and state excise taxes. Both gasoline and distillate fuels may be dyed based on their intended use. Include all applicable sales of dyed fuels in the appropriate sales category.
  • CGP — Consumer Grade Propane, in most U.S. markets, refers to HD-5 propane. HD-5 propane contains a minimum of 90 percent propane, a maximum of 5 percent propylene, and small amounts of other gases (e.g., butane). HD-5 propane is considered the highest grade of propane available to the average consumer. On the EIA-782C survey, HD-10 propane is also considered consumer grade propane; therefore, include sales of both HD-5 and HD-10 on the form.
  • Winter blends to prevent gelling — There are several different types of winterized diesel blends, so it is best to contact us via email or by phone at 1-800-638-8812 and we will help you determine where this product belongs. Include the survey number you are inquiring about and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email.
  • Bonded aviation fuel — sales should be excluded on the EIA-782C since they are dedicated for consumption outside of U.S. territory.
  • Residual fuel oil — are the heavier oils, known as No. 5 and No. 6 fuel oil. They conform to ASTM Specifications D 396 and D 975.
    • No. 5 fuel oil is also known as Navy Special Fuel Oil (NSFO) and is defined in Military Specification MIL-F-859E. It is used in steam-powered vessels in government service and in inshore power plants.
    • No. 6 fuel oil includes Bunker C fuel oil and is used for the production of electric power, space heating, vessel bunkering, and various industrial purposes.

What is the exclusionary list and how do I use it?

In order to avoid double-counting sales, respondents should not report sales made to companies included on the EIA-782C Exclusionary List. Please note that the Exclusionary List for the EIA-782A is different. It is possible to have a sale excluded on EIA-782C survey that is included on the EIA-782A. If you are unsure whether to exclude a sale, you can call us at 1-800-638-8812.

The lists are updated annually and distributed to respondents before the January data reference month, so be sure to check the revised lists before filing your January reference month reports. More detailed information about their purpose and proper use is included at the beginning of each list.

My company has a product exchange agreement with another company, how do I report those sales?

EIA excludes volumes sold through exchange agreements to avoid double counting of data.

Exclude products supplied to exchange agreement partners, except where the amount supplied exceeds the amount received and the imbalance is invoiced as a sale during the reference month.

Should I report sales of products that are exported outside of the United States and its Territories?

No. On the EIA-782C, exclude the sales of the surveyed products that are exported. The survey is trying to capture data covering petroleum product demand at the state level, so do not report sales exported outside of the United States.

Should I report sales made for local consumption in Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands?

Yes. The EIA-782C collects data for sales made for local consumption in these U.S. territories. Please use the abbreviations GU, PR, and VI as your state code for these sales.

How do I convert fuels from one unit of measure to another - from barrels to gallons, for example?

One barrel is equivalent to 42 U.S. gallons. To convert units of measure, use the Energy Calculator - Common Units and Conversions.

What is oxygenated gasoline and where do I report it?

Oxygenated gasoline is gasoline with a measurable amount of an oxygenate. Within this context, oxygenate means a substance that increases the oxygen content of gasoline. Ethanol is frequently used as an oxygenate. Include sales of oxygenated gasoline with conventional gasoline.

What is reformulated gasoline?

Reformulated gasoline means any gasoline whose formulation has been certified according to the procedures described in Title 40: Protection of Environment, Part 80--Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives, Subpart D--Reformulated Gasoline. Additionally, gasoline designated by state regulations as Cleaner Burning Gasoline (CBG) should be reported as reformulated gasoline.

What does E10 mean and should I report it?

The "E" in E10 stands for ethanol. The "10" refers to the percent, by volume, of alcohol blended with gasoline. In other words, EXX means gasoline blended with ethanol, where XX stands for the amount of ethanol (percent by volume) in the product. Include sales of E10 in the grade it was sold.

Should I report sales of E85?

No. EIA is not currently collecting data on sales of E85 on the survey.

Where should I report sales of gasohol?

Report sales of gasoline blended with up to 10 percent alcohol in the grade and formulation in which they are advertized and sold. Alcohol can increase the octane rating of gasoline, so be sure of how your company markets this product. More specifically, if the product was labeled and advertized as a regular grade of gasoline, report it as regular gasoline, regardless of octane rating. If it was labeled and advertized as a midgrade product, report it as midgrade.

Where do I report Conventional Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (CBOB), Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (RBOB), or Gasoline Treated as Blendstock (GTAB)?

These products are considered blendstocks and should not be reported; report sales of finished, consumable gasoline only on the EIA-782C survey.

What is Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (RBOB)?

RBOB is a petroleum product, which when blended with a specified type and percentage of oxygenate, meets the definition of reformulated gasoline. Exclude sales of RBOB.

What is the difference between No. 1 and No. 2 diesel fuel and No. 1 and No. 2 fuel oil?

Typically, distillate fuel oils are used in furnaces or boilers for space heating purposes, while distillate diesel fuels are used for transportation or operation of other (power-generation) engines. For more detailed information on the specifications that differentiate these products, please refer to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards for diesel fuels (ASTM D975 - 11 Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils) and fuel oils (ASTM D396 - 10 Standard Specification for Fuel Oils.)

Do you distinguish between No. 1 diesel fuel oil and No. 1 fuel oil on this survey?

No. On the EIA-782C survey, EIA does not require you to breakout sales of No. 1 distillates by product type (i.e., diesel fuel or fuel oil) or by sulfur content.

How and where should I report sales of biodiesel?

EIA is not seeking data for sales of unblended biodiesel (B100) on the EIA-782C survey at this time. For No. 2 distillates, report sales of B2, B5, B20 or similar conventional/biodiesel blends according to their sulfur content, or as No. 2 fuel oil, as appropriate. For No. 1 diesel or No. 1 fuel oil, report sales of B2, B5, B20 or similar conventional/biodiesel blends as No. 1 distillate.

What is No. 4 fuel oil?

This product is made by blending distillate fuel oil and residual fuel oil and conforms to ASTM D396 - 10 Standard Specification for Fuel Oils. It is used in industrial plants and in commercial burner installations that are not equipped with preheating facilities (as is often necessary with the heavier residual fuel oils). There is also No. 4 diesel fuel which conforms to ASTM D975 - 11 Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils. It can also be used as a fuel for low- and medium-speed diesel engines. Exclude sales of No. 4 fuels in No. 2 distillate categories.

My company supplies Naval Distillate for use in U.S. military ships, where should I report these sales?

This No. 2 distillate product is also known as F-76 and conforms to MIL-DTL-16884L "Fuel, Naval Distillate" specifications. Check your accounting or invoice documents for the sulfur content of this product and report its sales as No. 2 diesel fuel, according to its sulfur content.

Should I report sales of dyed fuels?

Yes. Include all applicable sales of dyed fuels in the appropriate sales category. Typically, dyed fuels are used off-highway and are not subject to many federal and state excise taxes. Both gasoline and distillate fuels may be dyed based on their intended use.

During the winter, we blend other products with diesel fuels to prevent gelling. Where should I put these fuels on the form?

There are several different types of winterized diesel blends, so it is best to contact us via email or by phone at 1-800-638-8812 and we will help you determine where this product belongs. Include the survey number you are inquiring about and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email.

Should I report Diesel Treated As Blendstock (DTAB)?

No. Exclude all blendstocks. Only report sales of finished, consumable distillates on the survey.

What is Consumer Grade Propane (CGP)?

In most U.S. markets, consumer grade propane refers to HD-5 propane. HD-5 propane contains a minimum of 90 percent propane, a maximum of 5 percent propylene, and small amounts of other gases (e.g., butane). HD-5 propane is considered the highest grade of propane available to the average consumer. On the EIA-782C survey, HD-10 propane is also considered consumer grade propane; therefore, include sales of both HD-5 and HD-10 on the form.

Should I include sales of bonded aviation fuels?

No. Exclude sales of bonded aviation fuel on the EIA-782C since they are dedicated for consumption outside of U.S. territory.

What is residual fuel oil?

These are the heavier oils, known as No. 5 and No. 6 fuel oil. They conform to ASTM Specifications D 396 and D 975.

  • No. 5 fuel oil is also known as Navy Special Fuel Oil (NSFO) and is defined in Military Specification MIL-F-859E. It is used in steam-powered vessels in government service and in inshore power plants.
  • No. 6 fuel oil includes Bunker C fuel oil and is used for the production of electric power, space heating, vessel bunkering, and various industrial purposes.