Survey Forms

FAQs for Survey Forms 802 and 812

Is the EIA product called "distillate fuel oil 15 ppm sulfur and under" (EIA product Code 465) intended to be the same as ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel?

Yes. While the product name gives a specific sulfur range, the intent was to capture all of the ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel even in cases where the sulfur content may exceed 15 ppm. Examples of diesel fuel with sulfur content exceeding 15 ppm that would be reported to EIA as "distillate fuel oil 15 ppm sulfur and under" include fuel with sulfur content greater than 15 ppm but within test tolerance, and fuel with sulfur content greater than 15 ppm during transitions or other periods when EPA regulations allow such fuel to be sold as ultra-low-sulfur diesel.



Survey form & instructions

Contact: Robert Merriam,
(202) 586-4615


Survey form & instructions

Contact: John Duff,
(202) 586-9612

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