Fish and Aquatic Conservation

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AADAP Program

The Aquatic Animal Drug Approval Partnership Program (AADAP) was established in 1994 following a decision by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that mandated that the use of medications in aquaculture needed to be regulated. The Program’s goal is to ensure continued progress towards obtaining safe and effective new FDA-approved medications for use in Federal, State, Tribal and private aquaculture programs throughout the United States. It is the only program in the U.S. that is fully dedicated to this mission, and program benefits extend to freshwater and marine finfish culture and fisheries management programs nationwide.





Influence of Salinity on Sedation of Sunshine Bass with AQUI-S®20E (10% eugenol)

an image of a bottle of AQUI-S20E

This latest Drug Research Information Bulletin, DRIB #51, is now available.  









Efficacy of Reward (Diquat) to Control Mortality Associated with Columnaris Disease in Walleye

Credit: USFWS
an illustration of a walleye

To gain FDA approval, it must be demonstrated that a product is safe and effective. In this bulletin, trial results demonstrate the effectiveness of diquat to control mortality in walleye fingerlings naturally infected with columnaris disease. 

Drug Research Information Bulletin



Erymicin 200 Injection INAD is Now Available

thumbnail of a fish diagnosed with a bacterial kidney disease

The Erymicin 200 Injection INAD 12-781 is now available to treat salmonids diagnosed with bacterial kidney disease or to prevent the transmission of this disease from the broodstock to the eggs/progeny.

Read more information  

Attention all marine ​finfish field researchers​!

thumbnail of the new marine finfish news release

A sedative is now available for use under the Fish and Wildlife Service Investigational New Animal Drug (INAD) program where you can sedate your fish and then release them immediately back into the ​marine environment.

Continue Reading




Effective January 1, 2017!

thumbnail of memo for new antibiotic medications

Changes to the federal rule regarding access to antibiotic drugs for use on fish.  

Read more concerning the upcoming changes.






Induction, Recovery, and Hematological Responses of Pallid Sturgeon to Chemical and Electrical Sedation

a photo of a pallid sturgeon

For many field-based fisheries activities and research, the use of a safe sedative that allows fish to be returned to public waters immediately upon recovery, is critical.

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Efficacy of Chloramine-T to Control Mortality in Tiger Musky Naturally Infected with External Columnaris Disease Flavobacerium columnare

a thumbnail of the drug research information bulletin number 46

This DRIB or Drug Research Information Bulletin was recently published on this site summarizing medication effectiveness.






Recap - 22nd Annual USFWS Aquatic Animal Drug Coordination Workshop

group of people with a banner at the AADAP coordination workshop

The 22nd Annual Aquaculture Drug Approval Coordination Workshop took place June 9 – 10, 2016 at the Snow King Lodge in Jackson WY.    

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Last updated: November 21, 2016