Website Known Issues

This page describes known issues related to the ECHO website itself. For data quality problems, please see the Known Data Problems page.


  • Some formatting problems remain in Internet Explorer 8 - IE8 issues will not be addressed. Later versions of Internet Explorer will continue to be supported.
  • Facility search performance will be further optimized. If experiencing problems with slow facility searching or searches that won't load, please send information about the search ran, Internet browser, date, and time of day to ECHO Support

Facility Search Page

All Data

  • Search options that are under development have been disabled:
    • Federal Facility in ICIS-Air, ICIS-NPDES, RCRA, ICIS FE&C, or TRI
    • Low Income


  • Search options that are under development have been disabled:
    • Federal Facility in ICIS-Air, ICIS-NPDES, RCRA, ICIS FE&C, or TRI
    • Low Income


  • Searching on multiple watersheds may return 0 results if the HUC code lengths differ between the watersheds.
  • The search form may not display properly in older browser versions, such as Internet Explorer 8.

Industrial Stormwater

  • Search Form
    • "Matches exactly" search logic will be added to the Owner/Operator Name search in the future.
    • As future enhancements, the 2-digit SIC Code search option will be updated to allow multiple selections, and the 3-4 digit SIC Code option will be updated to allow searches on a range of SIC codes.
    • Additional search options are under consideration.

Hazardous Waste

  • Search options that are under development have been disabled:
    • Low Income
  • In Internet Explorer 10, users may experience difficulties using the Time Since Last Inspection and Formal Enforcement Actions sliders.

Enforcement Case Search

  • Several search options that are under development have been disabled at this time.
  • In the Case Search Results, the Case Summary does not display a map for criminal cases.
  • A "Primary Law" search option will be added to the search form in a future release.
  • A "County" search option will be added to the Criminal Case Search in a future release.
  • For the map, the icon representing "Other statuses" for criminal case records will be refined to match the style of the other map icons.

Detailed Facility Report

  • Adding a download option is a possible future enhancement. Please use the browser's print functionality to save a PDF file of the Detailed Facility Report.

Effluent Charts

  • Effluent charts functionality is not compatible with Internet Explorer 8.
  • Improvements to the formatting and display of the charts and data tables are ongoing.

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