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Go to DOE Fossil Energy Web Site Home Page

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 Energy Protection for Americans

The U.S. Department of Energy has created a Gasoline Supply Reserve of one million barrels in leased commercial terminals in the Northeast.

Background Information &
Reserve Documents

(Requires Adobe Reader to view)
- Notice of Sale
- Distribution Plan
- Sale Implementation Plan
- Questions and Answers

- Comments
- Reserve Background
- About This Site

To receive E-mail Alerts concerning the Reserve, please click on the Register button above and provide your name and e-mail address.

To submit bids in the case of a sale, please click on the Register button above and complete both sections of the form. This will establish a UserName and password which will be needed to submit bids.

Please note that both your UserName and Password should be kept strictly confidential, since they potentially bind you to a contract with the government.

Should emergency use of the Reserve be ordered, the Department of Energy's solicitation and bid process will be posted on this site. The buttons above will direct you to the solicitation and will provide instructions for submitting your bid(s).

This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.5 or better, Firefox 3.0 or better, or Chrome 8 or better and with a screen resolution of 1024x768.
 Questions? Contact these DOE officials:

Patrick Willging



Clark James



Sally Leingang



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