Climate Change Indicators Map Builder

This application idea is approved by the EPA.

Source Code : Github Exit

Additional Code files: Exit

Problem: Developing a map builder for Leaflet

Develop a map builder similar to for the leaflet interactive maps JavaScript framework ( using the Climate Change Indicators Data.

Challenge: Map builder with 4 primary components

The map builder will have 4 primary components that includes a data editor, map configuration (with the options to include LeafletSlider for maps that require a time series), source code editor and preview area. The map builder will allow non-programmers to easily generate the required code to run a leaflet map on their webpage….additional leaflet plugins can be added in the future to the chart confirmation section (see

Overview of tasks that need to be completed for this challenge:

  1. See attached zip file for sample geocoded data of climate change indicators.
  2. Develop a map builder for leaflet that includes the following functionality in an intuitive, easy to understand interface:
    1. Ability to copy and paste csv geocoded data into the map builder. The geocoded data will then be formatted (in JSON) and the source code should be provided to the user so that he/she can embed the map within a webpage.
    2. If the data contains a time component, add the option to leverage the LeafletSlider to the map configuration screen.

Related Open Source Project on GitHub:

Additional Information/Data Sources:

Zip file containing Climate Change Indicator gecoded data in CSV format.

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