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Full details of the President's FY17 budget for NNSA are available here
National Nuclear Security Administration Highlights FY’17 Budget Request

Budget Request Reflects Commitment to Maintain a Safe, Secure, and Effective Nuclear Deterrent; Prevent, Counter, and Respond to Global Nuclear Dangers; and Effectively Power the Nuclear Navy

Feb. 9, 2016

(WASHINGTON) – The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) today released details of its portion of the President’s FY 2017 Budget Request. The President’s $12.9 billion FY 2017 Budget Request for NNSA represents an increase of $357 million—or 2.9 percent—above the FY 2016 appropriation, affirming the Administration’s continued commitment to NNSA’s enduring missions: maintaining a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent; reducing the threat posed by nuclear proliferation and terrorism; and providing safe and effective nuclear propulsion for the U.S. Navy. 

 “The FY 2017 Budget Request is a strong endorsement of NNSA’s vital and enduring missions, and is indicative of the Administration’s unwavering commitment to a strong national defense,” said Lt. Gen. Frank G. Klotz (Ret.), Administrator of NNSA and Under Secretary for Nuclear Security. “Investments in modernization of our nuclear enterprise; implementation of our long-term stockpile stewardship strategy; and the continued strength of our nonproliferation, prevention, and response capabilities are critical to carrying out our missions.”

Budget Highlights:

The Weapons Activity FY 2017 Budget Request ($9.2 billion) is 4.5 percent above the FY 2016 appropriation to meet the Administration’s requirements for the programs and capabilities necessary to sustain the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile. The Budget Request will allow NNSA to:

  • Complete production of the W76-1 by 2019; deliver the B61-12 gravity bomb’s First Production Unit (FPU) by 2020; deliver the W88 Alt 370 (with conventional high explosives refresh) FPU by 2019; and maintain the 2025 date for the W80-4 warhead FPU.
  • Collaborate with DOE’s Office of Science to develop exascale-class high performance computing.
  • Make strides in recapitalizing the aging research and production infrastructure and capabilities, including the Chemistry and Metallurgical Research Replacement (CMRR) Facility project, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in N.M., to support our plutonium strategy, and the Uranium Processing Facility at the Y-12 Facility at Oak Ridge, Tenn.
  • Address the highest infrastructure risks and halt growth of deferred maintenance.
  • Accelerate the dismantlement rate for weapons retired before 2009 by 20 percent.

The Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (DNN) FY 2017 Budget Request ($1.8 billion) is 6.8 percent below the FY 2016 appropriation. The DNN Budget Request includes all NNSA funding to prevent, counter, and respond to global nuclear dangers. The decrease for this fiscal year is possible due to prior year carryover balances available to execute some programs, and because less funding is required for MOX. The Budget Request will allow NNSA to:

  • Continue technical support to the International Atomic Energy Agency to meet its safeguards and monitoring missions, including those associated with implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the Iran Deal).
  • Terminate the MOX fuel fabrication project and pursue a dilute and dispose approach as a faster, less expensive path to meeting the U.S. commitment to dispose of excess weapons grade plutonium.
  • Advance technical capabilities to monitor foreign nuclear weapons program activities, diversion of special nuclear material, and nuclear detonations.
  • Build international capacity to secure and prevent smuggling of nuclear and radiological material through equipment installations and upgrades, and capacity-building workshops and training.
  • Strengthen DOE’s emergency management system.

The Naval Reactors FY 2017 Budget Request ($1.4 billion) is 3.2 percent above the FY 2016 appropriation to support the Navy’s fleet of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines. The Budget Request will allow NNSA to:

  • Continue development of the reactor for the Ohio-class submarine replacement.
  • Continue refueling of the Land-Based Prototype reactor at the Kesselring site in New York.
  • Complete design and initiate construction of a new Spent Fuel Handling Recapitalization Project at Naval Reactors Facility in Idaho.