Geofence Application to Improve Environmental Awareness

This application idea is approved by the EPA.

Problem: Awareness of Your Environment

Many people often do not know of EPA-related projects or environmental features within their neighborhood, daily commute, or vicinity.

Challenge: Create a Push Notification Mobile Application

The challenge is to create an application that will enable people to be more aware of their environment. This application will empower the users to better understand what facilities or environmental features are located within a specific radius of their given location.
Specifically, the application will be a push notification-enabled application for mobile phones that will use a geofence (virtual barrier) to locate when the user is within the defined boundaries of a feature. Programs that incorporate geofencing allow an administrator to set up triggers so that when a device enters (or exits) the defined boundaries, the user is notified. The application will have a customizable radius that can be adjusted by the user. The user will also be able to select what type of features (environmental features, green infrastructure, habitat restoration project, polluting facilities, superfund sites) he or she would like to be informed of via a push notification when in the feature’s proximity. The application should run in the background, and provide push notifications when the user/device enters the boundary of a feature.

Overview of tasks that need to be completed for this challenge:

  1. Compile a geospatial database of the features
  2. Set up geofencing tool (e.g. via ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server)
  3. Create a basic front-end interface that allows the user to:
  • Set a radius
  • Select features

Additional Information/Data Sources/Additional Information:

Brownfields Properties:{0C6C38EB-50CA-4406-BD50-C3F7D95000E5}

Cleanups in My Community:

EPA Facilities:

Facility Registry Service:

Integrated Grants Management System:

USEPA Grants:

Listed Impaired Waters:

National Hydrography Dataset:

Pollutant Discharge Permit Status:

Superfund Sites:

Related Open Source Code/Tutorial:

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