Impact of Agriculture on Water Use

Determine how to help industry optimize water use and create low impact, and adhere to water conservation using some type of tool to deliver info of agriculture activities – i.e. hardware, software. Optimize use of non-potable water (water reuse) Develop a methodology for improving agricultural water use processes through monitoring of the irrigation processes. Incorporate […]

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Using different data layers to create an analytic tool that helps water utilities plan and make informed decision about drought concerns/issues. Use interactive visuals e.g interfacing with Zillow maps Issue a warning or send out advisory information on water conservation to communities that these water utilities serve. Tie in with demographic/population to visual # of […]

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Visualizing Nutrients

Design a compelling, innovative visualization that both (a) informs individuals and communities on one or more threats, causes, consequences of, facts about, or solutions to nutrient pollution and (b) inspires them to take action to reduce nutrient levels.

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Green Infrastructure Challenge

Develop an algorithm that detects the square footage of green roofs from a given satellite image. With this information, determine the density of green roofs for a given city. This information can then be used to suggest where implementing green roofs would be most effective.

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Nature App to Identify Ecospots

Problem There is a need to identify, quantify, and value ecosystem attributes so that ecosystem services can be more fully considered in decision making.  Cultural services remain the set of ecosystem services that are most difficult to identify, measure and quantify.   Objective This app represents a first step towards better identification of those attributes of nature […]

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Harmful Algal Bloom Reporting App

Problem: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Harmful algal blooms are a major environmental problem in all 50 states. Known as red tides, blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, harmful algal blooms have severe impacts on human health, aquatic ecosystems, and the economy. Objective: To develop an application that will make it more convenient and accessible for citizen scientists […]

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Water Quality Ranking Based on Water Quality Indicators

This application would provide a water quality suggestion to the end user. (Excellent, good, medium, bad, poor) and would provide a suggestion for/against types of recreational activities (swimming, boating, etc.) Water indicator includes; temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, fecal coliform, biochem oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, total suspended solid. If users know the quantities or level of these […]

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Community Goal-Setting App

Targets the volunteering community in all states relevant to the Chesapeake Bay Program. App could be web based or mobile and location aware. The app will allow users to: Pledge their efforts to help with maintaining the health of the bay Set goals and track them while viewing the efforts of others in their area Write reviews and comments Share […]

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