2015 Stories

link to article Study confirms link between El Niño intensity and precipitation in California (12/16/15)
link to article Accidental Geoengineering? Airline traffic may help create an icy haze that's brightening U.S. skies (12/15/15)
link to article NOAA Climate Change Web Portal makes IPCC data more accessible (12/13/15)
link to article Cloudy with a Chance of Warming (12/10/15)
link to article Citizen science volunteers transcribe weather data from 19th century ship logs (12/04/15)
link to article CSD's Ru-Shan Gao Awarded NOAA/OAR Employee of the Year (12/03/15)
link to article Science On a Sphere® at COP21 in Paris (12/02/15)
link to article New instrument scores observation "first" on balloon flights in China during summer Asian Monsoon (11/25/15)
link to article 2015 Sets a Record Low for Antarctic Ozone Hole in October (11/20/15)
link to article How unusual was the long, cold winter of 2013-14? (11/5/15)
link to article Some New Refrigerant Compounds Break Down to Form Potent Long-lasting Greenhouse Gas (11/2/15)
link to article HFC Greenhouse Gases: A Tale of Two (or more) Futures (11/2/15)
link to article Annual Antarctic ozone hole larger and formed later in 2015 (10/29/15)
link to article Warming Waters a Major Factor in Gulf of Maine Cod Collapse (10/29/15)
link to article New instrument flies over "Hurricane for the Historybooks" (10/23/15)
link to article On the Ice Edge: Researchers head to the Arctic Ocean to study the fall ice advance and interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, and waves on sea ice formation (10/14/15)
link to article HRRR team wins prestigious Governor's Award for High-Impact Research (09/17/15)
link to article Scientists find Southern Ocean removing CO2 from the atmosphere more efficiently (09/10/15)
link to article Emissions of black carbon from flaring in the Bakken oil and gas fields (09/09/15)
link to article New desktop version of Science On a Sphere® released today (09/02/15)
link to article Researchers from ESRL and collaborators report record-breaking 2015 Spring warming at Alaska station (08/31/15)
link to article Congratulations to recent ESRL award winners (07/29/15)
link to article NOAA's hugely popular Science On a Sphere® available soon in classrooms (08/27/15)
link to article California drought highlights importance of understanding both natural and human causes of drought (08/27/15)
link to article Congratulations to recent ESRL award winners (07/29/15)
link to article Researchers examine whether distinct 'flavors' of El Niño/La Niña may exist (07/28/15)
link to article Moisture pathways through western U.S. mountains more likely to cause extreme wintertime precipitation (07/13/15)
link to article Stratosphere an Accomplice for Santa Ana Winds in California Wildfires (07/07/15)
link to article Measuring methane loss in Texas' Barnett Shale (07/07/15)
link to article Galaxy Pancakes, Dragon Genetics, and Wild Wonders Taught Here! (06/30/15)
link to article Stricter Limits for Ozone Pollution Would Boost Need for Science, Measurements (06/04/15)
link to article Colorado's biggest storms can happen anytime, new study finds (05/20/15)
link to article Recent adjustments to the Montreal Protocol help protect ozone layer, but newer chemicals contribute to warming (05/14/15)
link to article New Study Links Stratosphere, La NiƱa Climate Conditions, and Surface Air Quality (05/12/15)
link to article ESRL Team Receives Climate-Related Technology Transfer Award (04/02/15)
link to article Researchers Contribute to Free Online Course (03/31/15)
link to article SOS at National Science Teacher's Association National Conference (03/25/15)
link to article Studying the Air above Oil and Gas Production Areas in the Western United States (03/19/15)
link to article Growing weather observations database goes into full operations (02/19/15)
link to article Methane leaks from three large U.S. natural gas fields in line with federal estimates (02/18/15)
link to article Investigating eastern US air pollution in wintertime (01/30/15)
link to article NOAA's investments in weather models and partnerships paying off (01/30/15)
link to article Haboobs, hurricanes, and heat (01/27/15)
link to article Experiment studying major West Coast winter storms – Atmospheric Rivers – kicks off this week in California (01/16/15)
link to article Forecasting and explaining bad air days in Utah's oil and gas fields (01/14/15)
link to article Energy Department Announces $2.5 Million to Improve Wind Forecasting (01/09/15)
link to article ESRL Director Sandy MacDonald takes up the AMS Presidency reins (01/05/15)