Conservation Connect

NCTC's Conservation Connect logo.Conservation Connect is a new web-based video series produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Conservation Training Center (NCTC), which aims to connect youth, ages 9-13 (although any age is encouraged to enjoy!), with the great outdoors, wildlife species, and conservation careers. Conservation Connect is available to youth groups, schools, homeschoolers, nature centers, and other educational based programs throughout the country.

Formal and non-formal educators are encouraged to watch the introductory overview of Conservation Connect, which will demonstrate how this video series can supplement the use of existing environmental education curriculum, citizen science projects, and STEM content (science, technology, engineering, and math). The overview will highlight a segment featuring the American Bald Eagle, one of conservation’s biggest success stories.

Each 5-7 minute episode of Conservation Connect will feature a specialist and include footage of a species. For example, during one episode, an educational specialist will discuss manatee behavior, show actual footage of manatees, followed by a law enforcement officer who will demonstrate the use of high tech tools used to arrest wildlife poachers. Viewers are encouraged to spend time outdoors, observe wildlife in their own communities, and learn more about natural resource conservation.

Attention Educators: We'd love to hear how you use Conservation Connect videos with students! Please e-mail or call Randy Robinson with your comments and suggestions. or Phone: 304-876-7450

Click here to join us October 19th for Conservation Connect LIVE!


On the third Wednesday of every month
at 2:00pm ET, students have the opportunity
to view a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Conservation Connect episode and chat with Conservation Professionals LIVE. Mark
your school calendars for the dates below!

Past episodes of Conservation Connect LIVE are available for on-demand viewing!

Click here see and play all Conservation Connect videos!

Click on the TV to see and play all
Conservation Connect videos!

Scheduled FREE LIVE Broadcasts: 2PM ET

01/18/2017 - Manatee Migration
02/15/2017 - Brook Trout Discovery
03/15/2017 - Bald Eagle Exploration
04/19/2017 - Furry Mammals
05/17/2017 - The World of Herps

For additional information, contact:

Chelsea McKinney:
Randy Robinson:

Join us on Facebook Icon Facebook Icon

  Click on the above image to download the
2016/17 schedule!








Children in a Classroom Click here to view the Eagle Cam!
National Wildlife Refuge Locator Map
“Once the emotions have been aroused… a sense of the beautiful, the excitement of the new and the unknown, a feeling of sympathy, pity, admiration or love… then we wish for knowledge about the object of our emotional response.”

From The Sense of Wonder by Rachel Carson, 1956

  Click on the map above to take you to view a map
displaying many of the refuges and wetland management districts in that state.