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Regional Dialogue Policy Implementation - Documents

20-year Regional Dialogue Contracts
Above-RHWM Load Elections
Conservation Billing Credits
Contract Demand Quantity (CDQ)
High Water Mark
Regional Dialogue Product Guidebook
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
Residential Exchange Program
Resource Support Services (RSS)
Tier 2 Vintage Rate Offerings
Transmission Curtailment Management Service (TCMS)
Transfer Service Support for Non-Federal Resources Agreement (TSSA)
Tier 2 Load Growth Opt-Out

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)      (Top)

    Regional Dialogue Exhibit H Resources
    Pursuant to section 2 of Exhibit H of the Regional Dialogue Agreements, BPA is providing the following as the list of resources with Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS) Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) associated with them that will be included in the Tier 1 REC inventory:

  • Foote Creek I
  • Stateline
  • Condon
  • Klondike I
  • Klondike III
  • Grand Coulee Efficiency Upgrades (effective November 2013)
  • Bonneville Efficiency Upgrades (effective June 2014)
  • Chief Joe (effective January 1, 2015)
  • Cougar (effective January 1, 2015)

  • Descriptions for the wind products can be found on the Wind Power page

    1. Ashland Solar and Foote Creek II were included on the version of the list above that appeared in Exhibit H of the Regional Dialogue Agreements as of the Effective Date of those Agreements. Ashland Solar has been removed from the current list and will not be included in Tier 1 REC inventory until further notice because it is not metered separately from the host load, is not registered with WREGIS, and therefore does not have WREGIS RECs associated with it. BPA's contract with Foote Creek II expired June, 2014.

    Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS) Bonneville joined WREGIS as Qualified Reporting Entity in May 2008 and as a Marketer in June 2008. The executed WREGIS TOU Agreement associated with BPA's power marketing function is incorporated by reference in related customer contracts and is being provided here for customer reference.

Contract Demand Quantity (CDQ)    (Top)
Tier 2 Load Growth Opt-Out    (Top)
  • NRU's Proposal Letter (12/15/2015)
  • BPA Decision Letter to Customers (04/07/2016)
  • As of Aug. 26, BPA is aware of 17 customers that have indicated that they may opt out of their Tier 2 Load Growth rate election beginning in FY 2020. This accounts for roughly one-third of the load currently forecasted for the Load Growth rate pool in the third Purchase Period. Customers that wish to remain in the Load Growth rate pool do not need to take any action. Customers that would like to terminate their Tier 2 Load Growth rate election must provide notice in writing to BPA by September 30, 2016.

Tier 2 Vintage Rate Offerings     (Top)

Above-RHWM Load Elections   (Top)
Transmission Curtailment Management Service (TCMS)    (Top)
Conservation Billing Credits    (Top)
Transfer Service Support for Non-Federal Resources Agreement (TSSA)    (Top)
Resource Support Services (RSS)       (Top)

20-year Regional Dialogue Contracts      (Top)

Regional Dialogue Product Guidebook      (Top)
Residential Exchange Program      (Top)
High Water Mark      (Top)

New Publics
  • Conservation Adjustment CHWM Summary (aMW) (03-04-2011)

  • Transition Period High Water Mark
  • Updated Transition Period High Water Mark Spreadsheet (pdf) (05-29-09)- Rev 06-02-09

  • Other High Water Mark Information
  • Metering Estimating Procedures for 2010 Load Data

  • FY 2010 Resources
  • Letter from Mark Gendron
  • Close-Out Summary: Clarification on the Use of Customer Resource Amounts for High Water Mark Calculations
    Policy Documents and Record of Decisions     (Top)  

    Page content last modified on:  October 18, 2016.
    Content provided by:  JoAnn Bas, 503-230-4983, jlbas@bpa.gov.
    Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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