What We Do / Administrative Services / Technology Services

Technology Services

Technology Services Division (TSD) ensures the efficient and effective planning, management and acquisition of information technology (IT) and information resources within BSEE, also directly supporting the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR). This team ensures compliance with all Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) requirements, as well as other government-wide and departmental priorities.

TSD provides a central foundation to manage the large volume of information and data used in the scientific, engineering, and management activities of BSEE and BOEM’s programs managing energy on America's Outer Coninental Shelf (OCS). The Technical Information Management System (TIMS) is the bureau’s core mission application and provides the tools needed to manage the wide array of data and information needed to accomplish the Bureaus day-to-day mission requirements effectively. TIMS automates the business and regulatory functions of BSEE and BOEM and brings diverse information into a central database. This enables BSEE and BOEM regions and headquarters to share and combine data; to standardize processes, forms, reports, and maps; to promote the electronic submission of data; to enforce data integrity through relational database technology; and to release accurate, consistent information to the public sector.

TSD also manages and maintains the Geological Interpretive Tools (GIT) system. In addition, TSD has developed an extensive Geographic Information System (GIS) capability for nearly all BSEE and BOEM offshore maps and leasing processes, providing the means to define, describe, analyze, and account for every acre of Federal offshore-submerged lands.

The division provides direction and coordination for bureau-wide IT activities such as IT investment planning and monitoring through a
rigorous governance process. They also provide support for the overall infrastructure, including the shared services budget, enterprise help desk, network management, and other essential infrastructure for office automation. The TSD implements and supports the Bureau’s IT security program by working collaboratively with BSEE and BOEM offices as well as with the DOI’s Office of the CIO to review and improve security plans, policies, procedures, and standards to reflect technological changes.