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Salem-Albany Transmission Line Rebuild

Polk, Benton, Marion, and Linn counties, Oregon

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is completely rebuilding the 24-mile Salem-Albany No. 1 and the 28-mile Salem-Albany No. 2 wood-pole transmission lines. The lines run from Salem to Albany, Oregon, through Polk, Benton, Marion, and Linn counties. The project includes replacing all components of the two transmission lines, including the wood poles and conductors (existing fiber on both lines would remain). Associated activities will include improving, acquiring, and building access roads and removing danger trees. The project is needed due to the age and deterioration of the two lines.

BPA has issued the final environmental assessment (EA) and finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for the project and has decided to proceed with the Proposed Action. BPA will rebuild the Salem-Albany transmission lines as described in the final EA. The final EA provides responses to comments received on the draft EA and includes revisions to the EA text. Based on the EA analysis and mitigation measures to help lessen impacts, BPA has found that the Proposed Action will not cause any significant impacts, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement will not be prepared.

BPA is rescheduling construction activities for this project by a year. This new schedule better aligns with BPA's long-range Transmission Services planning efforts and spending plans. The 28-mile No. 2 line will now be rebuilt in 2016 and the 24-mile No. 1 line in 2017.

A Revision Sheet for the EA is available that, with the Preliminary EA, constitutes the Final EA. On November 25, 2014, a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was issued. It includes a Mitigation Action Plan. BPA has decided to proceed with the Proposed Action.

Construction for the Salem-Albany No. 2 line will begin in 2016 and construction for the Salem-Albany No. 1 line will begin in 2017.

BPA will continue to work with landowners, agencies and tribes regarding the project and will update this website when we determine the final construction schedule.

Scoping comment period
Scoping public meetings

Draft EA comment period
Public meetings

Final EA
Finding of No Significant Impact

For environmental information, contact:
Doug Corkran
Environmental Protection Specialist
Bonneville Power Administration - ECT-4
P.O. Box 3621
Portland, OR   97208-3621

December 4, 2012 through January 31, 2013
January 16, 2013 in Monmouth, OR
January 17, 2013 in Albany, OR
July 3, 2014 through August 6, 2014
July 23, 2014 in Independence, OR
July 24, 2014 in Albany, OR
November 25, 2014
November 25, 2014

Toll-free:     800-622-4519
Direct line:  503-230-7646


Supplement Analysis                       (05/05/2016) 

Public Letter - Notice of Construction   (04/26/2016)

Public Letter                               (12/08/2014)
Final EA                                     (11/25/2014)
FONSI and Mitigation Action Plan    (11/25/2014)
Project Update Postcard

Draft EA comments received 
Public Letter            (07/03/2014)
Draft EA                  (July, 2014)
Comment Form       (07/03/2014)

Scoping comments received 
Postcard Notification   (01/02/2013)
Public Letter              (12/04/2012)
Project Map               (11/27/2012)
Comment Form         (12/04/2012)