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Albeni Falls Dam Flexible Winter
Power Operations

Bonner County, Idaho

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has proposed the Corps of Engineers, Seattle District (Corps) operate Albeni Falls Dam (AFD) during the winter months (approximately December 15th to March 31st) to utilize a larger portion of the authorized operating range from what has occurred in recent years. This would allow water to be stored and released to meet power needs more effectively. The proposal is referred to as Flexible Winter Power Operations (FWPO).

BPA and the Corps are acting as co-lead agencies for the purpose of the draft Environmental Assessment (EA).

In 1995, BPA, the Corps, and Reclamation co-led the development of the Columbia River Power System Operation Review Environmental Impact Statement (SOR EIS). The primary purpose of the SOR EIS was to evaluate different management strategies for the 14 federal dams and reservoirs in the Columbia River Basin that have a major influence on multiple-purpose system operation, and for which power production is coordinated under the Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement.

The purpose of the draft EA is to evaluate effects of the FWPO and determine whether a supplemental or new EIS is required, or whether the SOR EIS, as confirmed through analyses in this draft Environmental Assessment is sufficient. Specifically, the EA is intended to evaluate whether: (1) FWPO is a substantial change from the proposed action evaluated in the SOR EIS relevant to environmental concerns; or (2) there are significant new circumstances or information relevant to environmental concerns and bearing on the proposed action of the SOR EIS or its impacts.

BPA and the Corps released the draft Environmental Assessment (EA) to the public July 28, 2011.

Comments were accepted on the draft EA through September 13, 2011.


For further information on this project, please contact or 503-230-4628.

Final Environmental Assessment      (October 2011)
    Appendix A - Ice Best Management Practice 
    Appendix B - Historical Winter Elevations of Lake Pend Oreille
    Appendix C - Endangered Species Act Correspondence
    Appendix D - Public Comments Received on the Draft EA and Corps/BPA Responses
Public Notice of Draft EA                  (07/28/11)
Draft EA            (July 2011)

The final EA is also available online on the Corps website under the project name Albeni Falls Dam Flexible Winter Power Operations, Bonner County, Idaho