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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Careers Student Relations Past Interns/STARS

Past Interns/STARS
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Brent Eldridge, Operations Research Analyst
Education: Texas A&M University, B.S. Industrial Engineering 2011 | University of California, Berkeley, M.S. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 2014
Joined FERC: Intern, June 2014 | Full-time October 2014

“Many of my coworkers are exceptionally talented and have a deep knowledge of electricity markets. I work on the mathematical models that underlie market transactions. The internship was a valuable opportunity to learn from experts and to explore emerging issues. It is a good idea to learn how the wholesale electricity market works so that you can begin working on something interesting right away. The internship helped me learn the limitations of large-scale optimization applications in the electricity market.”

Sakishia Simms, Labor and Employee Relations Specialist
Education: Bowie State University, B.S. Human Resources | University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, M.A. Human Resource Development 2015
Joined FERC: STAR, June 2014 | Full-time June 2015

“I enjoyed that during the internship, all the interns were able to have mentors assigned to us for the summer. Having a mentor really helps when you’re new to working in a federal government agency. I was able to learn a lot about HR in the government as an intern. During my time as an intern, I would try to get projects from every branch in HR just to see what best fit me as well as gain knowledge in areas I was not particularly familiar with. Before I started as a Labor and Employee Relations Specialist, I would work on small projects for the HR team that allowed me to see what exactly it took to be a successful HR specialist.”

What advice would you give to future interns?
“Network, work hard, and learn as much as you can. Networking allows you to expand your resources. As an intern there will be assignments where you may have to organize the file room, copy, or scan papers, which doesn’t seem to be too interesting, but you never know who may be watching you and how helpful your efforts are to the Commission. Everyone that you may work with during your time at the Commission has a valuable lesson you can learn from. It could be anything from teamwork with the other interns in order to accomplish a goal or leadership skills from observing management and mentors day to day.”

Katherine Scott, Energy Industry Analyst
Education: Meredith College, B.A. Environmental Studies 2010 | George Washington University, M.A. Environmental Resource Policy 2015
Joined FERC: STAR, June 2014 | Full-time, May 2015

“I really enjoyed the overview of all other offices and getting to know interns in other offices through the Summer Intern Program’s events and getting the opportunity to work with the Commission members. Remember to take all the opportunities you can to get to know other offices, and let people know you are interested in a full time career every chance you get, even if you feel like are constantly repeating yourself.”

What are the day-to-day tasks of an Energy Industry Analyst?
“I currently review regulatory filings from RTOs and individual companies in the energy industry. The job requires a lot of reading, frequent writing, summarizing of legal opinions and research to understand all issues that were raised in the filing. My graduate degree prepared me for this job by introducing me to complex research of energy and environmental issues, legal briefs and studying relevant legal cases.”

Recent Graduates

Owen Reynolds, Economist
Education: Ohio Wesleyan University, B.A. International Business & Spanish 2007 | Northeastern University, M.S. Commerce and Economic Development 2013
Joined FERC: Recent Graduates Program, September 2013

“I really liked how much I learned in my first year, as well as the camaraderie of the office. I also really appreciated my mentor, who I still see and speak with frequently. My managers and the rest of my colleagues were incredibly supportive of me in my first weeks and months. In Market Oversight, I keep up to date on market trends and behavior both quantitatively and qualitatively. I work on natural gas pipeline issues and largely study price and flow changes, as well as their function in the context of electric wholesale markets. I present my analysis at the Branch, Division, Office and Commission level when appropriate to keep Staff and Commissioners up to speed on market developments.”

What advice would you share with Recent Graduates interest in FERC opportunities?
“Learn as much as possible about the particular market you’re working in. The more you understand about the pipelines, RTOs and traditional markets in your focus area, the more quickly you'll adapt to the filings.”

Mark Armamentos, Economist
Education: Central Lewis University, B.A. Economics 2009 | Northern Illinois University, M.A. Economics 2013
Joined FERC: Recent Graduates Program, September 2013

“For the first few months, I was inundated with more things to learn than I ever was in graduate school. However, my manager was (and still is) very supportive! He made sure I had access to the proper training materials and let me largely direct my own study for a couple months while giving me routine casework to get me used to the processes around here. By November of my first year, I was already on and sometimes lead complex cases. Be ready to learn a ton of new material, including more acronyms than you’ve ever seen! Every industry has its own language, and FERC is no different.”

What are the day-to-day tasks of an Economist at FERC?
“I process routine and complex filings dealing electricity market issues and formula rates. Most of my time is spent doing research on specific topics and writing drafts of the orders that the Commission issues.”

Nicole Buell, Economist
Education: University of Richmond, B.S. Biology & Sociology 2007 | Duke University, M.S. Environmental Management (Environmental Economics and Policy) 2011
Joined FERC: Recent Graduates Program, September 2013

“I enjoy how friendly and helpful all of the employees are—particularly how everyone is so willing to (and continues to) drop everything and answer questions, help sort through an issue or problem. I’m constantly impressed with the knowledge everyone has to share. I analyze rate, rule, and regulation changes filed by electrical companies and regional transmission operators while working alongside many different offices including the Office of General Council, Office of Electric Reliability, Office of Energy Policy and Innovation. I also present options and recommendations to senior staff, and write and review orders for the Commissioners."

What advice would you share to new employees at FERC?
“Use your beginning months to read as much as you can, get on as many projects as you can, and join as many meetings you can. The exposure is critical to learning about the job and learning to do it well (in addition to figuring out what is of most interest to you).”

Matt McWhorter, Energy Industry Analyst
Education: College of William and Mary, B.A. Government 2006 | University of Massachusetts, Boston, M.A. Public Administration 2015
Joined FERC: Winter 2016

“FERC offers a great mix of professionals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. The work is truly engaging. The Office of Energy Markets and Regulations (East) staff have been welcoming and very receptive to answering questions and providing guidance.

FERC offers a truly interdisciplinary experience at the energy policy-engineering-economics nexus. The agency has an abundance of human capital resources to leverage in your quest for personal knowledge and development.”

What are the day-to-day activities of an Energy Industry Analyst at FERC?
“My daily tasks are typically focused on analyzing new electric rate filings submitted to the agency from jurisdictional entities in the East region of the United States. This involves assessing options for the requested Commission action and coordinating with internal staff from other departments. I also research appropriate Commission precedent to ensure that the orders I draft are in accordance with current FERC policies and guidance.”