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​75th Anniversary Videos
A Look Back and A Look Ahead
To commemorate the Northwest’s legacy of clean, affordable hydropower, we invite you to watch and share “BPA Turns 75: A Look Back and A Look Ahead,” a six-part series of short videos that show the history and benefits of delivering power at the lowest cost, as well as the economic, spiritual and cultural impacts of dam construction. Join us as we look at the challenges, successes and partnerships that have marked the last 75 years and those that will define our future.
Part One. Powerhouse of Hope
The Columbia River and the inexpensive hydropower it produces helped America win World War II. For decades after the war, the river and dams were a vital part of the Northwest's economic engine. This century, the duo have been a driving force in helping BPA connect more than 4,400 megawatts of clean, carbon-free wind energy to its transmission system. Wind is a great complement to hydropower--the original renewable energy source.
Part Two. Plugged-in.
To commemorate what BPA considers a 75-year partnership with the Columbia River, which is the cornerstone of BPA's relationship with the people and utilities of the Northwest, this is the second video of a series detailing its history.
Part Three, Voices Heard
During Bonneville's 75 year history the Pacific Northwest blossomed. Affordable, reliability electric hydropower brought light and life to rural communities. But not all residents fared well. Many Native Americans lost a cultural way of life. This is the story of the fish, and how collaboration between the Bonneville Power Administration and Northwest tribes has instilled a sense of hope as the fish return to the Columbia Basin.
Part Four, Power to Lead
​More than 10 years ago the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians approached Bonneville with a dream of two tribes to serve the electricity needs of their peoples. For the first time, wholesale tribal power sales agreements were signed. This agreement marked a turning point for BPA and for the tribes and is an important part of BPA’s 75 year history. Watch as we take you on their journey.
Part Five, Saving the Kilowatt
​In 1980 new federal legislation created a new role for BPA in energy efficiency. This was no easy transition for an agency whose identity was built around building transmission and selling electricity. Yet, today BPA is known as an international leader in saving energy.
Part Six, Eyes on the Future
In September Franklin Delano Roosevelt returned to Bonneville Dam. The journey commemorated 75 years of progress as well as renewal of relationships in the region. Join us for what has been named the most significant event in the past 75 years in the Pacific Northwest as we look forward with eyes on the future.
How America's Most Powerful River Fuels Hope
The nation's largest carbon-free energy provider celebrates 75 years. In less than five minutes, see how the Columbia River's raw power has transformed a nation.