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FY 2016 Budget Justification

Watch the video above to hear Secretary Moniz present the Energy Department's fiscal year 2016 budget request to the media on February 2, 2015.

The following documents reflect the FY 2016 Department of Energy's Budget Request to Congress:

Summary Budget Documents

  • Budget in Brief - A high-level narrative summarization of the Department's budget request
  • Summary Table - A short summarization of the request by appropriation account and by first tier organization
  • Control Tables - A longer summarization of the request at the decision unit level available in order by appropriation account or in first tier organization order
  • Statistical Table - Shows the budget request at the level at which Congress controls our spending and is more detailed than the Control table by appropriation account and by first tier organization
  • Laboratory Table - Summarizes funding by decision unit and by the laboratories at which DOE does work
  • State Table - Summarizes funding by decision unit and by each State at which DOE does work

Detailed Budget Justifications - Energy and Water Development Appropriations

  • Volume 1
    • National Nuclear Security Administration
    • Weapons Activities
    • Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation
    • Naval Reactors
    • Federal Salaries and Expenses
  • Volume 2
    • Other Defense Activities
    • Departmental Administration
    • Inspector General
    • Working Capital Fund
    • Crosscutting Activities
    • Pensions
  • Volume 3
    • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    • Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
    • Nuclear Energy
    • Fossil Energy Research and Development
    • Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves
    • Strategic Petroleum Reserve
    • Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserves
    • Ultra-Deepwater Unconventional Natural Gas
    • Clean Coal Technology
    • Elk Hills School Lands Fund
    • Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program
    • Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program
    • Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
    • Energy Information Administration
  • Volume 4
    • Science
    • Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E)
  • Volume 5
    • Environmental Management
  • Volume 6
    • Southeastern Power Administration
    • Southwestern Power Administration
    • Western Area Power Administration
    • Bonneville Power Administration

Documents Available For Download