
The Office of Grants and Contracts Support (SC-43) primarily supports financial assistance activities as exhibited in the following chart.

Grants & Contracts Pie Chart

SC-43 works to provide stewardship, guidance, tools and advice needed to manage and administer the Office of Science Financial Assistance Program. This program covers basic and applied research and related research activities with awards consisting of either grants or cooperative agreements. SC-43 manages the Office of Science grant regulation at 10 CFR 605, publishes an annual Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) as well as specific FOAs addressing scientific areas, and provides policy and guidance on financial assistance issues.

The distribution of the workload that is processed by the Office of Grants and Contracts Support is predominantly financial assistance actions with our main concentration in the pre-award arena. There are very few contract actions that are reviewed by the office and the office’s responsibility in this area is as an acquisition advisor. The Office of Science Management and Operations contracts are not processed through the Office of Grants and Contracts Support. Information about this contract type is available here.

The Office of Grants and Contracts Support reviews and publishes Funding Opportunity Announcements and Program Announcements to the National Laboratories, and SC-43 reviews grant awards, cooperative agreement awards, interagency awards, and a few procurement contracts in support of SC’s research mission. SC makes awards to universities, non-profit organizations, other Federal agencies, large businesses, and small businesses—in addition to its support of the DOE National Laboratories.

Other Federal agencies may submit proposals which, if approved, will be funded via interagency agreements. Applications may be submitted through Grants.govExternal link in response to a Funding Opportunity Announcement which permits other Federal agencies to apply for support. Proposals may also be submitted in response to an invitation through the Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS).

Other DOE program offices that recommend the award of financial assistance are provided for your assistance in determining areas that you may want to inquiry about support:

The Office of Grants and Contracts Support does not issue official notices of award. Notices of Financial Assistance Awards are issued by the Chicago Office - Office of Acquisition and Assistance. The Office of Science personnel at the DOE Headquarters Complex handle the receipt, review, and recommendation of applications in addition to providing scientific and technical oversight and stewardship.

Last modified: 3/5/2016 8:18:05 PM