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Berkeley Lab
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Berkeley Lab

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From our labs to your homes, Happy Holidays! 🔭🔬
yamil santos's profile photoNandhu Thangavel's profile photo不動明王's profile photo
I am sure if someone bake those into a cake will kill everyone. LOL
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Berkeley Lab

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Today's view of Berkeley, San Francisco, and the Golden Gate Bridge comes from Shyh Wang Hall. The building is home to NERSC, one of the world's leading supercomputing centers for open science, serving nearly 6000 researchers in the U.S. and abroad.

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#lablife #photooftheday
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Berkeley Lab

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Cutting to the root of a plant data problem: leaf traits vary widely based on shade vs. sun.
A literally shady practice in plant science has in some cases underestimated plants’ rate of growth and photosynthesis, among other traits.
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Berkeley Lab

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New graphene-based system could be key to seeing electrical signaling in the heart and brain. The ability to visually depict the strength and motion of very faint electrical fields could aid in the development of so-called lab-on-a-chip devices that use very small quantities of fluids on a microchip-like platform to diagnose #disease or aid in drug development.

#health +Stanford University +UC Berkeley

Scientists have developed a graphene-based imaging method that could help us "see" electrical signaling networks in our hearts and brains.
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Berkeley Lab

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#Arctic may be less of a #carbon sink than previously thought.

New findings by Berkeley Lab researchers mean the Arctic may be even less of a carbon sink than previously thought
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Berkeley Lab

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Which is your favorite? 
Berkeley Lab scientists are developing new ways to see the unseen. Here are six imaging advances that are helping to push science forward.
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Berkeley Lab

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#ICYMI: Enjoy a recap of some of the science we've worked on over 2016. Here's to more groundbreaking #science in 2017!

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Berkeley Lab

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Our Nuclear Data Group is conducting new experiments to address common data needs in nuclear medicine, nuclear energy and fusion R&D, security, and counterproliferation work.

+UC Berkeley
A nuclear data effort seeks to address common challenges for the nuclear medicine, nuclear energy and fusion R&D, and security communities.
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Berkeley Lab

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A new type of power plant? By sending electrical currents into the stem, our researchers hope to image the root system and help farmers increase crop yields while also promoting the storage of carbon in soil.

ARPA-E has awarded Berkeley Lab $4.6 million for two projects to “see” into the soil and ultimately develop crops that take carbon out of the atmosphere. One technology aims to use electrical current to image the root system. The other will use neutron scattering to measure the distribution of carbon and other elements in the soil.
Sanjay Sanju's profile photo
I am astonishing about root programing and decrease in co2 global wow!👌👍👍👍👍
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Berkeley Lab

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Warming could slow upslope migration of trees. "This means there’s a real risk that climate change may outpace tree migration—some trees may not be able to keep up with their climate.” - Lara Kueppers (scientist in Berkeley Lab’s Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division and at +UC Merced’s Sierra Nevada Research Institute)
Berkeley Lab-led research shows some subalpine trees may have trouble gaining a foothold above the tree line
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Berkeley Lab

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A set of new laser systems and proposed upgrades at our BELLA Center will propel long-term plans for a more compact and affordable ultrahigh-energy particle collider.
A set of new laser systems and proposed upgrades at Berkeley Lab will propel plans for a more compact and affordable particle collider.
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Berkeley Lab

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#WindTurbines: How big can they get?
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#windenergy #cleanenergy
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1 Cyclotron Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720
Bringing science solutions to the world.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory addresses the world’s most urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable energy, protecting human health, creating new materials, and revealing the origin and fate of the universe.

Founded in 1931, Berkeley Lab’s scientific expertise has been recognized with 13 Nobel prizes. The University of California manages Berkeley Lab for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.