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Appliance Standard Testing


Below is the text version for the "Appliance Standard Testing" video.

The video follows Deputy Assistant Secretary Kathleen Hogan through the Intertek laboratory. Appliances are being tested, including air conditioners, water heaters, and washing machines.

Kathleen Hogan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency

The Department of Energy runs a very successful program known as the National Appliance Standards program that is really delivering consumers and businesses tremendous savings.

Consumers are expected to save around $550 billion by 2030 through the program.

Kathleen Hogan

We find that it's really important to be working with the manufacturers that have to be in compliance with our appliance standards program in a way to ensure that the products meet the minimum levels for efficiency in this country.

The program tests, sets and helps enforce efficiency standards on more than 60 U.S. products.  A majority of that testing is performed at Intertek laboratory in Cortland, NY.

Kathleen Hogan

There's certainly a lot of testing and certification that goes on as those products are put into the market but in addition, the Department of Energy does go out and pull product and have it tested and Intertek is one of the primary labs at which we do that type of work.

Gregg Tiemann, Executive Vice President, Intertek

We are helping manufacturers develop their products in a way that can constantly improve from a technological perspective as well as from an energy efficiency perspective and you marry that with working very closely with government agencies, trade associations, and the Department of Energy and I think that's really where we create our greatest value.

Kathleen Hogan

It's been an emphasis in this administration to ensure that we do our part to ensure that manufacturers have a level playing field. The appliance standards program works when everyone is doing their part to meet those levels. That's how the consumer is going to achieve those savings that are there to be gotten.

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