Welcome to the website for the Office of Grants and Contracts Support,  Office of Science, U. S. Department of Energy. We are located in the Department of Energy Headquarters complex at the Germantown, Maryland site. Our contact information is located on the left side of the screen in Standard (Desktop) View, and the footer in Mobile View. Please do not submit grant applications to this mailing or email address. Grant applications must be submitted through Grants.govExternal link.

This website will provide prospective grant applicants with information about the Office of Science grant process. Acquisition and contracting services are provided by the DOE Office of Science Integrated Support Center (ISC). The ISC is a virtual organization comprised of the combined support capabilities of offices in Chicago, Illinois, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee. You can also reach the ISC Office of Acquisition and Assistance.

The Office of Grants and Contracts Support serves the Office of Science, the basic scientific research arm of the Department of Energy.
- For information about energy efficiency or renewable energy, please visit http://energy.gov/eere
- For information about fossil energy, please visit http://energy.gov/fe
- For information about the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy, please visit http://arpa-e.energy.gov
- For information about nuclear energy, please visit http://energy.gov/ne
- For information about the power grid, electricity delivery, and energy reliability, please visit http://energy.gov/oe
- For information about grants in general, please vist http://www.grants.govExternal link

Last modified: 8/24/2016 4:29:48 PM