Maine Activities

Map: Statoil North America
Proposed Pilot Project

What’s New?

At this time, there are no current activities offshore Maine in the Outer Continental Shelf.


The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act requires BOEM to award renewable energy leases competitively, unless BOEM determines there is no competitive interest.  In October 2011, BOEM received an unsolicited request for a commercial lease from Statoil North America Inc. (Statoil NA).  BOEM reviewed the unsolicited lease application and determined that Statoil NA was legally, technically and financially qualified to hold a commercial lease on the Outer Continental Shelf. Click here for a map showing the area proposed by Statoil North America.

The next steps in BOEM’s renewable energy leasing process were to determine whether or not other companies were interested in developing the same area (i.e., to determine competitive interest) and to conduct an environmental review of the proposed project. So, on August 10, 2012, BOEM published the following public notices in the Federal Register:

The comment period for the Request for Interest closed on October 9, 2012. BOEM received ten comments to the Request for Interest.  The comment period for the Notice of Intent closed on November 8, 2012.  BOEM received approximately 18 comments to the Notice of Intent.

On December 19, 2012, BOEM published a Notice of Determination of No Competitive Interest (DNCI) in the Federal Register (under Docket ID: BOEM-2012-0091), thereby announcing BOEM’s decision to proceed with a noncompetitive lease process for the proposed lease area offshore Maine. Since then, Statoil has withdrawn its lease request. There are no offshore renewable energy projects in Federal waters offshore Maine at this time.

Public Engagement

BOEM coordinates Outer Continental Shelf renewable energy activities with its federal, state, local, and tribal government partners through the Maine Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force. BOEM also coordinates public information meetings to help keep interested stakeholders updated on major renewable energy milestones. To obtain information discussed during these meetings, click on the links below.

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