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11.30.16Science Highlight

Lining up for New High-Density Memory Devices

Unique magnetic coupling found in vertically aligned nanocomposite films shrink devices and let them withstand higher temperatures.

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11.30.16Science Highlight

DNA + Nanoparticles = Self-Assembled “Diamond”

Using DNA linkers to form cages for nanoparticles redefines the rules for assembling nanoparticles  

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11.29.16Science Highlight

Make No Assumptions in Building a Better Battery

On the path to ultra-stable, low-cost, earth-abundant zinc-manganese oxide rechargeable batteries for the electric grid.

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11.29.16Science Highlight

Magnetic Discovery Could Be Tip of the “Ice”berg

A material with unprecedented control of magnetic states may have implications for new technologies.

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BES-2016-11-i-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Small, Efficient Solutions for a Big-Name Pollutant

Researchers designed an extremely efficient catalytic system to remove carbon monoxide.

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BES-2016-11-h-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Confined Water at Fahrenheit -451

Evidence for a new kind of water molecule, trapped within nanotunnels inside an emerald.

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BES-2016-11-f-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Re-Energizing the Lithium-Ion Battery

Scientists seek to improve the battery by investigating the detailed interactions lithium ions experience with liquid battery electrolytes.

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BES-2016-11-e-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Greater than the Sum of Its Parts

Combining two types of catalysts speeds conversion of carbon dioxide into an industrial feedstock.

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BES-2016-11-d-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Oxygen Takes Elitist Attitude to Sharing Electrons

Scientists find oxygen molecules ignore electrons in metal atoms in key reaction, providing an important detail for fuel cell design

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BES-2016-11-c-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

A Natural Fondness for Plutonium

A protean protein transports actinides into cells and could change environmental cleanup.

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Last modified: 4/21/2016 11:36:52 AM