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Water topics

Still Waters, credit: Eric Poggemann

photo credit: Eric Poggemann (Port Washington)

for water permits online.

Water resources are the foundation for Wisconsin’s economy, environment and quality of life. Managing, conserving and restoring them for the benefit of Wisconsin citizens now and in the future is a big job, and one that DNR staff share with local governments, citizens and businesses.

Agribusiness and CAFOs
  • Wisconsin’s beaches provide wildlife habitat, recreation areas and tourist destinations.
Dam safety
  • There are approximately 3,800 dams in Wisconsin.
Drinking water
  • The DNR works to provide Wisconsin residents with safe, clean drinking water.
  • A Floodplain is land that has been or may be covered by floodwater during a regional flood.
Great Lakes
Groundwater montioring well
  • Approximately two thirds of the people living in Wisconsin get their drinking water from groundwater.
Impaired waters
cows standing in a stream
Nonpoint source runoff
Rivers & streams
  • In addition to their natural beauty, Wisconsin’s shoreland areas protect water quality, and provide habitat for fish and wildlife habitat and areas for recreational activities.
Storm water runoff
  • Storm water runoff contains pollutants from roads, parking lots, construction sites, industrial storage yards and lawns.
Surface water
  • Wisconsin residents are fortunate to live in a state bountiful with natural resources, including our many surface waters.
  • Wisconsin regulates municipal and industrial operations discharging wastewater to surface or groundwaters.
Water use
  • Sustainable water use is critical for a healthy environment and economy.
Watersheds & basins
Children playing on the
  • Help preserve and protect our waterways for current enjoyment and future generations.
Wells (public & private)
  • Help keep Wisconsin wells safe and dependable sources of water.
Wetland flowers
  • Help protect, restore and explore Wisconsin’s wetlands.

Last revised: Thursday January 22 2015