LRP - Licenses

LRP - Regulations

LRP - Permits

Recreation - Statewide

Recreation - Trapping

Recreation - Fishing

Recreation - Hunting

Env. Protection - Management

Env. Protection - Emergency

Env. Protection - Resources

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the Permit Primer.
navigation tips for the Permit Primer.
applicable codes and statutes.
about pollution prevention.
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For information about the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, contact:
Small Business Hotline
Toll free: 855-889-3021

Permit Primer

Managing a small business requires you to wear many hats - CEO, accountant, environmental manager, etc. - and as a Wisconsin business owner, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the number and complexity of rules and regulations. The DNR created this interactive "one-stop shop" Permit Primer to help small business owners manage their environmental requirements. The system will clarify your environmental responsibilities.

To learn more about using the Permit Primer, click on the "Continue" button at the bottom of this page. Once you are exploring the Primer you may return to the beginning by clicking on "Start the Permit Primer" link in the right-hand sidebar. From there you will be able to:

  1. determine which environmental requirements apply to you;
  2. determine what permits you need and how to get them; and
  3. find ways to save money and resources through pollution prevention, waste minimization, conservation and resource protection.

Please Note: The Permit Primer addresses DNR programs that offer permits. However, it does not address other programs that you may need to be aware of such as: endangered species regulations and brownfield cleanups.

The Permit Primer contents are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon solely. Please acquire, read and review any recommended pamphlets, brochures, statutes, codes, ordinances and other informational items. Remember also that there may be changes to statutes, codes and ordinances or other informational items, so please refer to the latest information.

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Last revised: Tuesday May 06 2014