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Ocean Surface Topography from Space
What's up El Niño?
How does it compare to 1997-1998?
Animated gif comparing 1997-1998 vs 2015-2016 El Nino event.
Site Highlights
Societal Benefits
Societal Benefits
Data and images from TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason altimeters are being used for practical applications.
Sea Level Viewer
Sea Level Viewer
Check out the Sea Level Viewer from the Climate web site.
Literature Database
Literature Database
A searchable database of ocean surface topography related published works.
Literature Database
OST Science Team
Updates on the latest research being completed by the team of international and interdisciplinary scientists.
Q&A with Josh Willis
Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) scientist

El Niño 2015-16:
As California waits, Latin America is hit hard

Jason-3 Begins Mapping Oceans
Sees Ongoing El Niño

Link to the Jason-3 Mission page Link to the Sea Level curve data
Latest El Niño/La Niña Watch Data
The latest image from NASA's Jason satellite is updated approximately every 15 days.
Latest Jason data
Data Maps
SSHA Data MapsAMR Data Maps
Sea Surface Height Anomaly: SARAL, Jason-2 and Jason-3 Measurements from 04-Jan-2017 to 14-Jan-2017
Along-Track Near Real-Time Data
SARAL, Jason-2 and Jason-3 Measurements from 04-Jan-2017 to 14-Jan-2017
NASA CNES Aviso PO.DAAC Jet Propulsion Laboratory NOAA

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Site Manager: Margaret Srinivasan
Webmaster: Kristy L. Kawasaki
JPL Clearance: CL01-1707