Royalty Relief Information

The four general royalty relief categories in the Gulf of Mexico Region are Deepwater, Shallow Water Deep Gas, End-of-Life, and Special Case. BOEM has a formal program for the Deepwater, Deep Gas, and End-of-Life categories. There is no formal structure for the Special Relief category. BOEM encourages operators to contact our staff directly to discuss the details of any potential submittal in order to expedite the process. 


Deepwater royalty relief consists of discretionary relief and relief that does not require an economic evaluation. Discretionary relief requires an application demonstrating economic need whereas there is no application process for the relief that does not require an economic evaluation.

Discretionary relief applies to "fields" with leases issued prior to passage of the Deepwater Royalty Relief Act of 1995 (i.e., November 28, 1995) in water depths 200 meters or deeper that lie wholly west of 87 degrees, 30 minutes West longitude. These leases are called pre-Act leases. By regulation, deepwater royalty relief for pre-Act leases can not be approved for "fields" containing a current lease that produced prior to the passage of the Act.

royalty reliefRelief not requiring an economic evaluation applies to leases issued from sales held in years 1996 through 2000 in water depths 200 meters or deeper that lie wholly west of 87 degrees, 30 minutes West longitude. These leases are called "eligible" leases. Pursuant to the decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the fifth Circuit in Santa Fe Synder Corp., et al. v. Norton, deepwater royalty relief for "eligible leases" is no longer applicable on a "field" basis [See Information to Lessees and Operatorys (ITL) dated August 8, 2005]. Eligible leases may also be able to apply for discretionary relief under End-of-Life and Special Case Relief programs.

In addition, leases resulting from a Sale held after year 2000 may be issued with a designated royalty suspension volume on a "lease" basis. Post-2000 leases issued with a designated royalty suspension volume are called "Royalty Suspension" leases. The Lease Instrument and Final Notice of Sale specify the applicable water depth categories and royalty suspension volumes. All Post-2000 leases in water depths greater than 200 meters are also eligible to apply for discretionary relief.

Please refer to the regulations and guidelines listed below for more information.

"Pre-Act" Lease Information

Post-Act "Eligible" Lease Information

"Post-2000" Lease Information

Designated Royalty Suspension Provisions –

Discretionary Royalty Suspension Provisions -

Shallow Water Deep Gas Incentives

As stipulated in the Lease Instrument and Final Notice of Lease Sale, certain leases may be eligible for a royalty suspension volume for shallow water (< 200 meters) deep gas production. Refer to your Lease Instrument and the following:

Pursuant to 30 CFR 203.48, most of these leases have converted to the deep gas royalty relief provisions in the final rule.

In addition to leases with shallow water deep gas royalty relief provisions in their Lease Instruments, certain other leases may be eligible for shallow water deep gas royalty relief through the Deep Gas in Shallow Water Rule. For additional information, please refer to the following sources:

End-of-Life Royalty Relief

End-of-life relief is applicable to producing leases regardless of water depth when it can be shown that the economic limit has been reached and relief will result in "increased production." If approved, the royalty rate will be reduced by half subject to certain stipulations. Please refer to the regulations and guidelines listed below for more information.

Special Case Relief

Relief can be requested when our formal programs provide inadequate encouragement to increase production or development. Other conditions must also be met in order to submit an application. If you believe your situation meets the conditions for special case relief, you should submit data and arguments to the Regional Supervisor for Production and Development in the Gulf Of Mexico Region. If we agree you meet the required conditions, guidance will be provided concerning the application and the appropriate fee. For more details, please refer to the information listed below.

General Information