Reporting a Stranding

First of all determine if this animal is truly stranded.  Evaluate the behavior, many seals and sea lions haul out and rest on land.  Monitor the animal(s) condition for 24 hours and help minimize disturbances if possible.  Educate the public to stay 100 yards away, especially with pets, and be aware of hazards or rising tides. 

To report a dead, injured or stranded marine mammal, please call: 1-866-767-6114 
For law enforcement, harassments,  and other violations, please call:  1-800-853-1964

For entangled marine mammals, please call: 1-877-SOS-WHALe or 1-877-767-9425
or hail the U.S. Coast Guard on VHF Ch. 16
To report derelict gear, please call:  1-855-542-3935

What Information To Report?

  1. Species or description of animal
  2. Location (region/landmarks and/or specific like GPS coordinates)
  3. Date and time last seen
  4. Approximate size of the animal (length and weight)… take photo with phone if possible
  5. Condition of animal (alive, dead, wounded, entangled, bleeding, etc.)
  6. Human interactions (evidence of ship strike, entangled, shooting, etc.)
  7. Tags or branding on animal
  8. Name and contact number for the person reporting the incident

When Should I Call?

Any live cetacean on the beach or entangled cetacean in the water… YES!

Live pinniped on the beach for more than 24 hours… YES!

Obviously sick or injured animal that has been hauled out less than 24 hours… YES!

ALL dead marine mammals… YES!

Health Guidelines

Zoonotic diseases are diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. There are known zoonotic diseases that come from marine mammals and have been transmitted to people working with them. So please remember the following:

1. Please stay >100 yards/meters away!

2. Keep dogs away at all times!

3. Do not disturb, move, touch, or feed a marine mammal!

All marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and it is illegal for unauthorized persons to harass, handle, or feed them. Learn more at Share the Shore.