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Electric Power Monthly

Dec 23, 2016

Data in the December 2016 Electric Power Monthly (EPM ) are for October 2016, during which net generation in the United States rose 0.2 percent from the October 2015 level. Consumption of coal for power generation was up 1.8 percent compared to October 2015. The average retail price of electricity for October 2016 was down 1.6 percent from what it had been in October 2015.

Within the past week

Quarterly Coal Report (Abbreviated), July – September 2016

Dec 22, 2016
U.S. coal production during third quarter 2016 totaled 195.1 million short tons. This was 21.6% higher than the previous quarter and 17.6% lower than third quarter 2015. Third quarter 2016 U.S. coal exports (12.5 million short tons) decreased 11.7% from second quarter 2016 and decreased 25.8% from third quarter 2015. U.S. coal imports in third quarter 2016 totaled 2.7 million short tons. All data for 2015 and prior years are final. All data 2016 are preliminary.

State Energy Data System: Distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, and kerosene for 2015

Dec 22, 2016
Annual state-level estimates of consumption, prices, and expenditures for distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, and kerosene for 2015.

Monthly Energy Review

Dec 22, 2016
EIA's most comprehensive report on recent integrated energy statistics. This month’s MER features new Appendix E, “Alternative Approaches for Deriving Energy Contents of Noncombustible Renewables.” Preliminary data indicate that, in September 2016, total carbon dioxide emissions from U.S. consumption of energy (excluding biomass) equaled 421 million metric tons. Of that total, petroleum accounted for 45%, coal for 29%, and natural gas for 25%.

Wholesale Electricity and Natural Gas Market Data

Dec 22, 2016
Wholesale market data for natural gas and electric power are now available and updated through December 20, 2016. Data contain peak prices, volumes, and the number of transactions at eight selected ICE (IntercontinentalExchange) electricity trading hubs and eight corresponding natural gas hubs covering most regions of the United States.

Prime Supplier Report

Dec 21, 2016
The latest Prime Supplier Report presents data collected through October 2016 on Form EIA-782C, "Monthly Report of Prime Supplier Sales of Petroleum Products Sold for Local Consumption." These data measure primary petroleum product deliveries into the states where they are locally marketed and consumed.

Within the past 30 days

U.S. natural gas production resilient to market changes in 2015, but has fallen in 2016

Dec 16, 2016
U.S. dry natural gas production continued to increase in 2015, reaching 74.1 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d). This record-high level was a 4.5% (3.2 Bcf/d) increase over 2014, according to EIA’s Natural Gas Annual, which provides final production data for 2015.

U.S. oil and natural gas proved reserves declined in 2015 because of lower prices

Dec 15, 2016
U.S. crude oil proved reserves declined 4.7 billion barrels (11.8%) from their year-end 2014 levels to 35.2 billion barrels at year-end 2015, according to EIA's recently released U.S. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Proved Reserves report.

State Energy Profiles: New data for September and October 2016, new annual data, and updated analytical narratives and Quick Facts

Dec 15, 2016
New monthly data are available for electricity, petroleum, and coal series. The Profiles also feature new annual data on coal, emissions, home heating fuel, ethanol, and fossil fuel reserves and refining capacity. In addition, analytical narratives and Quick Facts have been updated for Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and Wyoming.

New EIA survey collects data on production and sales of wood pellets

Dec 14, 2016
During the first half of 2016, U.S. manufacturers produced approximately 3.3 million tons of wood pellets and sold 3.1 million tons, mostly to foreign markets, according to data from EIA’s newly released Densified Biomass Fuel Report.

U.S. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Proved Reserves, Year-end 2015

Dec 14, 2016
U.S. oil and natural gas proved reserves declined in 2015 due to lower prices. U.S. crude oil and lease condensate proved reserves declined 4.7 billion barrels (11.8%) from their year-end 2014 level to 35.2 billion barrels at year-end 2015, according to U.S. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Proved Reserves, Year-end 2015, released today by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. U.S natural gas proved reserves decreased 64.5 trillion cubic feet, a 16.6% decline, reducing the U.S. total to 324.3 Tcf at year-end 2015.

EIA forecasts continued biomass-based diesel growth due to final 2017 RFS targets

Dec 13, 2016
On November 23, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its final rule for the 2017 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program year, with higher targets than those initially proposed in May. EPA increased both the advanced biofuels and total renewable fuel targets while keeping the cellulosic biofuel and biomass-based diesel targets unchanged.

Monthly Densified Biomass Fuel Report

Dec 12, 2016
This is the first Densified Biomass Fuel Report resulting from a new EIA survey launched in January 2016. The survey collects information on wood pellet and other densified biomass fuel production, sales, and inventory levels from approximately 90 operating pellet fuel manufacturing facilities in the United States. Facilities with an annual capacity of 10,000 tons or more per year are required to report monthly.

Drilling Productivity Report

Dec 12, 2016
EIA’s monthly Drilling Productivity Report (DPR) has been released. The DPR takes a fresh look at oil and natural gas production, starting with an assessment of how and where drilling for hydrocarbons is taking place. It uses recent data on the total number of drilling rigs in operation along with estimates of drilling productivity and estimated changes in production from existing oil and natural gas wells to provide estimated changes in oil and natural gas production for seven key fields.

Winter residential electricity consumption expected to increase from last winter

Dec 12, 2016
EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) projects that the average residential customer will consume 4% more electricity over December through March compared with the same period last winter. However, this forecast is highly dependent on winter temperatures. If temperatures are warmer than expected, as they have been the past two months, average electricity use could be slightly below that of the previous winter.

Mexico Country Analysis Brief

Dec 9, 2016
Mexico is a major producer of petroleum and other liquids and is among the largest sources of U.S. oil imports, accounting for 9% of U.S. crude oil imports in 2015. While Mexico’s oil production has steadily decreased since 2005, they remain the fourth largest producer in the Americas after the United States, Canada and Brazil. While the petroleum sector’s role has significantly decreased in recent years, it still generated 6% of the country’s export earnings in 2015. In 2014 in an effort to address declines in domestic oil production, the Mexican government enacted constitutional reforms that ended the 75-year monopoly of Petroleós Mexicanos (PEMEX), the state-owned oil company on domestic oil.

Recent OPEC agreement reflected in EIA forecast issued earlier this week

Dec 9, 2016
In EIA’s December Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), both the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent crude oil 2017 price forecasts increased by about $1 per barrel (b) from the November STEO, with prices expected to average $51/b and $52/b, respectively.

EIA adds population density layers to U.S. Energy Mapping System

Dec 8, 2016
EIA’s U.S. Energy Mapping System and related interactive state maps now include two new layers showing population density to complement layers that already display energy infrastructure, energy resources, storm tracks, and flood hazard areas.

About 30% of distributed solar capacity is owned by third parties

Dec 7, 2016
Distributed solar capacity in the United States, which includes all solar power capacity other than utility-scale installations 1 MW or larger, totaled 12.3 gigawatts (GW) as of September. About 30% of that amount (3.7 GW) was owned by third-party owners. Third-party owners are private companies that provide either solar electricity or equipment to generate it to building owners or tenants, typically with little or no upfront costs.

New England natural gas pipeline capacity increases for the first time since 2010

Dec 6, 2016
Spectra Energy Corporation has almost completed the first two natural gas pipeline projects in New England since 2010. On November 1, Spectra placed part of the Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) project into service, following the late-October approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The remainder of the project is expected to be completed this month.

Short-Term Energy Outlook

Dec 6, 2016
U.S. crude oil production averaged 9.4 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2015, and it is forecast to average 8.9 million b/d in 2016 and 8.8 million b/d in 2017.

Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales

Dec 5, 2016
The report provides information, illustrations, and State-level statistical data on energy-use sales of kerosene, distillate fuel oil, and residual fuel oil.

Thanksgiving holiday causes unique electricity usage patterns across the country

Dec 5, 2016
In terms of electricity usage, Thanksgiving Day is one of the most unusual days of the year. Typically at this time of year, electric loads in most regions have a small peak in the morning and a larger peak in the evening. On Thanksgiving, however, the largest peak of the day occurs closer to midday as many Americans gather to celebrate the holiday.

State Energy Data System: Motor Gasoline, Fuel Ethanol, and Aviation Gasoline for 2015

Dec 2, 2016
Annual state-level estimates of motor gasoline and aviation gasoline consumption, prices, and expenditures and fuel ethanol consumption for 2015.

Federal leasing for offshore wind grows as first U.S. offshore wind farm comes online

Dec 2, 2016
The first commercial U.S. offshore wind farm, Block Island, is scheduled to come online in late 2016. Located three miles off the southeastern coast of Rhode Island, Block Island consists of five wind turbines that will produce 30 megawatts of electricity. The electricity will be used on Block Island, where electricity is currently supplied by diesel-powered generators.

Petroleum Marketing Monthly

Dec 1, 2016
The December 2016 Petroleum Marketing Monthly (PMM), with data through September 2016, presents monthly and annual price and volume statistics covering crude oil and refined products sales in the United States. In this issue of the PMM, preliminary September data show an assorted range of changes for crude oil and refined products. At the national level, Prime Supplier data show a decline in gasoline sales while sales of distillate products increased in September.

New U.S. border-crossing pipelines bring shale gas to more regions in Mexico

Dec 1, 2016
U.S. pipeline capacity for natural gas exports to Mexico has rapidly expanded in the past few years and currently stands at 7.3 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d). This existing cross-border capacity primarily supplies the Northeast and Central regions of Mexico. New capacity projected to be completed in the next several years will help to supply Mexico’s Central and Northwestern regions.

Petroleum Supply Monthly

Nov 30, 2016
Supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products on a national and regional level. The data series describe production, imports and exports, movements, and inventories.

U.S. Movements of Crude Oil By Rail

Nov 30, 2016
Monthly data on rail movements of crude oil have been updated for September 2016. Crude oil movements by rail have significantly increased over the past five years. The new data on crude-by-rail (CBR) movements are also fully integrated with EIA’s existing monthly petroleum supply statistics, which already include crude oil movements by pipeline, tanker, and barge.

Natural Gas Monthly

Nov 30, 2016
• In September 2016, for the seventh consecutive month, dry natural gas production decreased year-to-year from the same month in 2015. Preliminary dry natural gas production for September 2016 was 2,159 billion cubic feet (Bcf), or 72.0 Bcf/day. This level was a 3.0 Bcf/day (4.0%) decrease from the September 2015 level of 75.0 Bcf/day. • Preliminary dry natural gas consumption for September 2016 was 1,957 Bcf, or 65.2 Bcf/day. This was an increase of 2.5%, or 1.6 Bcf/day, from the 1,909 Bcf consumed in September 2015. • Year-over-year total consumption of dry natural gas in September increased in all four consuming sectors. Deliveries of natural gas by consuming sector in September 2016 were as follows: o Residential deliveries in September 2016 were 111 Bcf, or 3.7 Bcf/day, up 2.8% from 3.6 Bcf/day in September 2015. Residential deliveries were the second lowest for the month since EIA began tracking them in 1973. o Commercial deliveries were 145 Bcf, or 4.8 Bcf/day, up 5.1% from 4.6 Bcf/day in September 2015. Commercial deliveries were the third highest for the month since EIA began tracking them in 1973. o Industrial deliveries were 608 Bcf, or 20.3 Bcf/day, up 4.8% from 19.3 Bcf/day in September 2015. Industrial deliveries were the highest for the month since EIA began tracking them in 2001. o Electric power deliveries were 915 Bcf, or 30.5 Bcf/day, up 1.4% from 30.1 Bcf/day in September 2015. Electric power deliveries were the highest for the month since EIA began tracking them in 2001.

Company Level Imports

Nov 30, 2016
Imports data at the company level collected from the EIA-814 Monthly Imports Report.

Monthly Biodiesel Production Report

Nov 30, 2016
The U.S. Energy Information Administration released new data today showing national and regional monthly biodiesel production for September 2016. In addition to biodiesel production, data included producer sales, producer stocks, and feedstock inputs.

Tighter marine fuel sulfur limits will spark changes by both refiners and vessel operators

Nov 30, 2016
The sulfur content of transportation fuels has been declining for many years as a result of increasingly stringent regulations. New international regulations limiting sulfur in fuels for ocean-going vessels, set to take effect in 2020, have further implications for both refiners and vessel operators at a time of high uncertainty in future crude oil prices, which will be a major factor in their operational decisions.

Domestic Uranium Production Report - Quarterly

Nov 30, 2016
Third quarter 2016 update of uranium production in the United States and operating status of U.S. uranium mills and plants.

Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production

Nov 30, 2016
These monthly production estimates are based on data from the EIA-914, Monthly Crude Oil, Lease Condensate, and Natural Gas Production Report.

Working and Net Available Shell Storage Capacity

Nov 30, 2016
Working and net available shell storage capacity as of September 30, 2016 is the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) report containing semi-annual storage capacity data. It includes three tables detailing working and net available shell storage capacity by facility type, product, and PAD District as of September 30.

U.S. natural gas exports to Mexico continue to grow

Nov 29, 2016
U.S. pipeline exports of natural gas continued to grow in 2016, and they have doubled since 2009. Almost all of this growth is attributable to increasing exports to Mexico, which have accounted for more than half of all U.S. natural gas exports since April 2015. In August, the United States exported 4.2 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of natural gas to Mexico via pipelines.

Electricity Monthly Update

Nov 29, 2016
This issue contains data for September 2016 as well as a feature article explaining that average electricity bills for residential customers rose in 2014 and dipped slightly in 2015.

Three turbine manufacturers provide more than 75% of U.S. wind capacity

Nov 28, 2016
EIA recently started collecting data on wind turbine manufacturers, turbine models, and other wind plant attributes in the Annual Electric Generator Report. As of the end of 2015, just three manufacturers—General Electric (GE), Vestas, and Siemens—accounted for 55 gigawatts (GW), or 76%, of installed wind generating capacity in the United States.

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