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NOAA Marine Debris Clearinghouse

Welcome to the NOAA Marine Debris Program Information Clearinghouse, an online resource empowering the marine debris community to discover, explore, and apply knowledge in their efforts to study and mitigate marine debris and its impacts.

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This site houses information on the ongoing and historical marine debris projects of the MDP and its many funded partners. The Marine Debris Clearinghouse allows users in the marine debris community to query and discover these projects based on the project category, location, or debris type through two distinct views:

- The Explore view allows users to narrow their search by project category, date, debris type, project title, and region/territory

- The Visualize view provides an interactive Google-map tool where a user can narrow their view by activity, debris type, funding year, and/or region. Projects can also be viewed in a timeline or tabular view

The Marine Debris Program is excited to present this tool designed to improve the state of marine debris knowledge, promote collaboration, and spark ideas for prevention and mitigation.  In the future, the Clearinghouse will grow to integrate new features including a photo gallery with indexed images linked to projects, papers, and other content by common vocabularies as well as a searchable resource library including successful techniques, regional action and response plans, technical documents, and “topic papers” that reflect the state of knowledge of a given topic within the overall issue of marine debris.

The content on the Clearinghouse will be updated periodically as projects are completed and more information becomes available, so we'd encourage you to check back on your areas of interest.  If you have questions or feedback on the site or its contents, please contact us using the link below or a direct email to