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Recovery Plans for Endangered and Threatened Species

Overview | Recovery Plans | Report to Congress | Guidance

Current Recovery Plans

Plans Under Revision / In Development

Species Status of Plan
Snake River Spring-Summer Salmon & Steelhead Draft Recovery Plan Draft
Yelloweye Rockfish and Bocaccio Draft Recovery Plan Draft
Appendices for Yelloweye Rockfish and Bocaccio Draft Recovery Plan Draft
Atlantic Salmon (Gulf of Main DPS) Draft Recovery Plan Draft
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Draft Recovery Plan Draft
Appendices for Proposed ESA Recovery Plan for Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Draft



Blue Whale (revision)

Notice of Intent to Prepare


Final Recovery Plans

Marine Mammals

Blue Whale Recovery Plan
Blue Whale

Jul 1998
Fin Whale Recovery Plan
Fin Whale

Jul 2010
Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Plan
Hawaiian Monk Seal

Aug 2007 (Revised)
*1983 Original
Humpback Whale Recovery Plan
Humpback Whale

Nov 1991
Southern Resident Recovery Plan
Killer Whale
(Southern Residents)

Jan 2008
Right Whale Recovery Plan
Right Whale, North Atlantic

May 2005 (Revised)
North Pacific Right Whale  Recovery Plan
Right Whale, North Pacific

Jun 2013
sei whale recovery plan
Sei Whale

Dec 2011
sperm whale recovery plan
Sperm Whale

Dec 2010
Stellar Sea Lion Recovery Plan
Steller Sea Lion

Mar 2008 (revised)
*1992 Original

Cook Inlet Beluga Whale
Dec 2016

Marine Turtles

Plans for marine turtles were developed jointly by NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). For more information, please see our marine turtle recovery planning page.
Marine Turtles in the U.S. Caribbean, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico
Atlantic Green Sea Turtle Recovery Plan
Green Turtle

Oct 1991
Atlantic Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Plan
Hawksbill Turtle

Dec 1993
Kemp's ridley Turtle Recovery Plan: 2nd Revision
Kemp's Ridley Turtle:
2nd revision

Sep 2011 (revised)
Tortuga Lora (español)
Sep 2011 (revised)
*1992 Original
» Supporting Documents
Atlantic Leatherback Turtle Recovery Plan
Leatherback Turtle

Apr 1992
Atlantic Loggerhead Turtle Recovery Plan
Loggerhead Turtle

Jan 2009
*1991 Original
Marine Turtles in the U.S. Pacific
East Pacific Green Turtle Recovery Plan
East Pacific Green Turtle

Jan 1998
Pacific Green Turtle Recovery Plan
Green Turtle

Jan 1998
Pacific Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Plan
Hawksbill Turtle

Jan 1998
Pacific Leatherback Turtle Recovery Plan
Leatherback Turtle

Jan 1998
Loggerhead Turtle Recovery Plan
Loggerhead Turtle

Jan 1998
Olive Ridley Turtle Recovery Plan
Olive Ridley Turtle

Jan 1998


Plans for Atlantic salmon and Gulf sturgeon were developed jointly by NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
Atlantic Salmon Recovery Plan
Atlantic Salmon

Dec 2005
Chinook Salmon in Puget Sound Recovery Plan
Chinook Salmon
(Puget Sound)

Jan 2007
Chum Salmon in Hood Canal Recovery Plan
Chum Salmon
(Hood Canal)

May 2007
Coho Salmon CCC ESU Recovery Plan
Coho Salmon
(Central California Coast)

Sep 2012
coho salmon soncc recovery plan
Coho Salmon (Southern Oregon/ Northern California Coast [SONCC])

Sep 2014
Columbia River Estuary Recovery Plan Module
Columbia River Estuary Recovery Plan Module for Salmon & Steelhead

Jan 2011
(incorporated by reference in all recovery plans for listed Columbia Basin salmonids)
Gulf Sturgeon Recovery and Management Plan
Gulf Sturgeon

Sep 1995
Lower Columbia River salmonid recovery plan
Lower Columbia River:
Chinook, coho, chum, and steelhead

Jun 2013
Salmonids in Central Valley Recovery Plan
Salmonids in the Central Valley

Jul 2014

Shortnose Sturgeon Recovery Plan
Shortnose Sturgeon

Dec 1998
Smalltooth Sawfish Recovery Plan
Smalltooth Sawfish

Jan 2009
Lake Ozette Sockeye Salmon Recovery Plan
Sockeye Salmon
(Lake Ozette)

May 2009
Middle Columbia River Steelhead Trout Recovery Plan
Steelhead Trout
(Middle Columbia River)

Sep 2009
South-central CA coast steelhead Recovery Plan
Steelhead Trout
(South-Central California Coast)

Dec 2013
Southern California Steelhead Recovery Plan
Steelhead Trout (Southern California)

Jan 2012
Upper Columbia River Steelhead Trout and Spring-Run Chinook Salmon Recovery Plan
Steelhead Trout
(Upper Columbia River) and Chinook Salmon (Spring-Run)

Oct 2007
Upper Willamette River Steelhead Trout and Chinook Salmon Recovery Plan
Steelhead Trout and Chinook Salmon
(Upper Willamette River)

Aug 2011

Snake River Sockeye Salmon
(Oncorhynchus nerka)

June 2015

Recovery Plan for the California Coastal Chinook salmon, Northern California
steelhead, and Central California Coast steelhead

October 2016

Oregon Coast Coho Salmon
December 2016

Marine Invertebrates & Plants

Johnson's Seagrass Recovery Plan
Johnson's Seagrass

Sep 2002
White Abalone Recovery Plan
White Abalone

Oct 2008

Elkhorn and Staghorn Coral
Mar 2015

More Information

Updated: January 5, 2017