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For the second half of our series on ARPA-E’s Tech-to-Market program, we introduce T2M advisor Dr. Carlton Reeves. Prior to joining ARPA-E, Reeves worked at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). He is a tribologist by training, an expert in how friction, lubrication and wear affect efficiency and performance. Learn how Reeves’ time with ARPA-E has taught him to “think outside the box” and view challenges from multiple perspectives.
Q&A with ARPA-E Tech-to-Market Advisor Carlton Reeves. January 11, 2017. Preparing early stage technologies to make the leap from lab to market is a key element of ARPA-E's mission. Every project team must prepare a Technology-to-Market Plan, which serves as a roadmap for planned activities to ...
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Happy New Year! The countdown has begun to the 2017 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit. In less than 2 months, we’ll host the country’s top energy innovators, investors, and researchers in the nation’s capital to celebrate how ARPA-E projects improve America’s energy security, bolster our economic competitiveness and protect the environment. Register now!
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Introducing the REFUEL and ROOTS programs—26 projects to power next-gen transportation with clean fuels and improve soil carbon storage by breeding crops with deep roots.
ARPA-E will spend $35 million to help farmers develop crops that increase the capture of carbon and the soil depth at which it is stored.
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Every year, the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit invites the country’s top thinkers, entrepreneurs, and innovators to share their vision for our energy future. This year’s speaker lineup is already off to a great start, featuring Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good, MIT president L. Rafael Reif, Ajay Royan, and more!
During the last week of February 2017, more than 2000 energy innovators, investors, and policymakers will gather just outside Washington, D.C. to discuss cutting-edge energy technologies and commercialization strategies at the eighth annual ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit.
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In this interview with Ensia Magazine, ARPA-E Director Ellen D. Williams discusses some of ARPA-E’s accomplishments in energy innovation over the past few years—and looks forward to what tomorrow holds.
ARPA-E director Ellen Williams on the future of energy innovation
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Graduate students, energy innovators and entrepreneurs wanted! Accepting applications for the Student Program and Technology Showcase at the 2017 Energy Innovation Summit, February 27 – March 1, 2017 in National Harbor, Maryland. Join cutting-edge researchers and businesses at this one-of-a kind opportunity to learn, network, and get your technology out there in front of investors, media, and policy professionals. Student application closes December 5; Tech Showcase closes December 16.
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“The big challenge is making sure energy is clean and affordable for everyone.” In this interview, ARPA-E Director Ellen D. Williams sat down with Ensia Magazine to discuss the future of energy innovation—and the United States’ role in leading the way.
ARPA-E director Ellen Williams on the future of energy innovation
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In the New Year, we’re resolving to continue working to bring transformative energy technologies to life. Check out some of our greatest hits in ARPA-E: The First Seven Years!
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ARPA-E is pleased to announce its newest round of project selections for the ROOTS and REFUEL programs, which take on the unique challenges of selecting plants to store more carbon in the soil and using renewable energy to make liquid fuels using only air and water. Click to learn more! 
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Get to know Nate Gorence, an ARPA-E Tech-to-Market Advisor. In our most recent post, Nate shares how he wound up at ARPA-E—and how his role of guiding projects on the path to commercialization helps the agency achieve its mission.
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“Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology uses on-board or cloud-based sensors to help vehicles react to the surrounding environment to ensure the safety of — and creative convenience for — drivers. [ARPA-E’s] NEXTCAR program aims to build off that to make vehicles more fuel efficient through features like cruise control, how vehicles stop and start from traffic signals and when engines turn on and off.”
Passenger safety and convenience has until now been the primary driver behind advances in autonomous vehicle technology. Now the federal government is hoping to leverage that work into making those vehicles more fuel efficient.
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ARPA-E brings together top minds in energy research, development, and commercialization to change what’s possible. One quality that stretches across this spectrum of backgrounds and talents is a commitment to making an impact—enhancing the United States’ economic competitiveness, energy security, and environment. If you think you fit the bill, check out the ARPA-E jobs page and let us know!
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Changing What's Possible

The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) accelerates the advancement of transformation energy technologies to enhance the economic and energy security of the United States by investing in high-potential, high-impact energy projects that are too early for the private sector. Launched in 2009, ARPA-E explores uncharted territories of energy technology to generate options for entirely new paths to create, store and use energy. Learn more at

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