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Program Directors

Dr. Patrick McGrath

Dr. Patrick McGrath currently serves as the Associate Director for Technology and a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).

ARPA-E Program Director Paul Albertus

Dr. Paul Albertus currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E). His focus at ARPA-E includes energy storage for transportation and stationary applications, energy conversion, and energy materials.

ARPA-E Program Director Chris Atkinson

Dr. Chris Atkinson currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). His focus at ARPA-E includes improving the energy efficiency of advanced combustion devices, and energy conversion and storage systems.

ARPA-E Program Director Joe Cornelius

Dr. Joe Cornelius currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E). His focus at ARPA-E includes bioenergy production and conversion as a renewable and sustainable energy source, transportation fuel, and chemical feedstock—applying innovations in biotechnology, genomics, metabolic engineering, molecular breeding, computational analytics, remote sensing, and precision robotics to improve biomass energy density, production intensity, and environmental impact.

Dr. Jennifer Gerbi currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). Her focus at ARPA-E includes improving energy efficiency and management via advanced sensing systems and storage, as well as renewable energy generation via photovoltaics.

ARPA-E Program Director Sonja Glavaski

Dr. Sonja Glavaski currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). Her focus at ARPA-E includes data analytics, and distributed control and optimization in complex, cyber-physical, and networked systems with applications to control, monitoring, and security of energy systems.

ARPA-E Program Director Michael Haney

Dr. Michael Haney currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). His focus at ARPA-E includes the application of integrated optics and photonics technologies for energy-efficient computing, switching, signal processing, and power conversion.

ARPA-E Program Director Tim Heidel

Dr. Tim Heidel currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). His focus at ARPA-E includes new approaches for controlling and optimizing the transmission and delivery of electric power, particularly in the context of high renewables penetrations.

ARPA-E Program Director Dr. Joseph King

Dr. Joseph King currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E). His focus at ARPA-E includes oil and gas efficiencies, thermoelectric conversion, and next generation battery technology.

ARPA-E Program Director Dr. Isik C. Kizilyalli

Dr. Isik C. Kizilyalli currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E). Kizilyalli’s focus at ARPA-E includes electrification, power electronics, high efficiency power conversion, wide bandgap semiconductors, electronic systems for extreme environments, solar PV, instrumentation for intrinsically safe nuclear energy, comminution, and enhanced geothermal systems. .
