Stakeholder Engagement

BOEM recognizes that stakeholder engagement is an important part of our renewable energy program. We work hard to obtain your input through numerous outreach opportunities.

A Citizen’s Guide BOEM’s Renewable Energy Authorization Process

In December 2016, BOEM published a guide to help the public understand BOEM’s process for overseeing renewable energy projects on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and to highlight opportunities for public involvement. To access the guide, click on the link below:

Avian Surveys

BOEM's Office of Renewable Energy Programs (OREP) is working to update the Guidelines for Providing Avian Survey Information for Renewable Energy Development on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf.

On September 8, 2016, BOEM held a webinar to discuss proposed changes to the guidelines and give participants the opportunity to provide feedback. Please find the slides below:

Atlantic Fishing Industry

BOEM has created a place on our website to help commercial fishers learn more about BOEM’s mission and to outline opportunities for participating in our rule making process, or to just let us know what you think. For more information, click on the link below.

Request for Feedback

Since BOEM promulgated its renewable energy regulations in 2009, we have made substantial progress in our OCS renewable energy planning and leasing efforts. Now that our program has gained experience in implementing a significant portion of these regulations and is moving beyond its nascent stages, we believe the time is ripe to evaluate and assess our existing processes.

To that end, we have published a Request for Feedback (RFF) in the Federal Register. The RFF invites comments on any aspects of BOEM’s renewable energy program that stakeholders have found to be particularly effective, and recommendations for improving any aspects of our program that stakeholders believe to be ineffective or unnecessarily burdensome. The 90 day comment period associated with this ended on December 29, 2015. The comments have been posted via the link below.

BOEM will use the information submitted to inform our strategic planning efforts and in determining whether and how we should change our existing renewable energy processes, including, if warranted, our renewable energy regulations.

For additional information, please contact:

Calendar of Events

Please check out the calendar below for upcoming BOEM events.

Intergovernmental Task Force Meetings

BOEM works with interested and affected federal, state, local and tribal governments through intergovernmental renewable energy task forces, established with 13 coastal states to date. Meetings are following by public question and answer sessions. More information about past and future meetings can be found at: