Pacific Leasing Information and Data Available in PDF and ASCII Files for Downloading

Pacific Leasing Information and Data Available in PDF and ASCII Files for Downloading

Files listed in the table below are for the Pacific OCS Region only. Leasing Information and Data includes information on the status of leases along with the geographic locations, effective date, surface acreage and other data elements specific to the lease. Lease Owner details lease ownership by percentage and includes the company who is the designated lease operator.

Please read our disclaimer prior to downloading files. Download a copy of the file you want by clicking on Fixed or Delimited under the Download column of the table below. The Fixed Format provides a defined length for each field within the file and the Delimited Format provides the data fields delimited with quotes (") and separated by commas (,). Once you have downloaded the data and have decompressed the file using PKZIP or WinZip, the data can then be imported into a variety of database or spreadsheet packages to facilitate queries or reports.

For a complete record layout and associated data definitions click on the File Name of interest.

PDF Report Downloads

ASCII Downloads

This data was last updated on 12-01-2016 08:38:09 AM
and will be updated monthly.
File Name Download Description
COMPANY (ACTIVE)  Fixed List of all ACTIVE Companies and Addresses
COMPANY (ALL) Fixed List of ALL Companies and Addresses
LEASE OWNER Fixed All Information Available for all Leases and Ownership by Lease
LEASE OWNER with DESIGNATED OPERATOR Fixed Current Lessees for all Leases with Designated Operator