2002 NERO Permit Holder Letters

Permit Holder Letters
By E-Mail

Northeast Regional Office
One Blackburn Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |

December 2002

November 2002

October 2002

September 2002

August 2002

July 2002

June 2002

May 2002

April 2002

1. NOAA Fisheries Makes Required Filings in Groundfish Lawsuit

2. NOAA Fisheries Supports Groundfish Settlement Agreement

3. Framework 1 to the Monkfish FMP - EA, EFHA, PREE, & IRFA___

4. NOAA Fisheries Announces Groundfish Measures for 2002 Fishing Year

5. Groundfish Measures for 2002 Fishing Year - Environmental Assessment and RIR 2MB File

6. Lobster Pot/Trap and Anchored Gillnet Restrictions to Protect Right Whales

7. NOAA Fisheries Annouces Additional Groundfish Measures for 2002 Fishing Year

8. Groundfish Measure for 2002 Fishing Year

March 2002

1. Lobster Trap Tag Program Information and Instructions for the 2002-2003 Fishing Year___

2. Proposed 2002 Specifications for the Atlantic Bluefish Fishery - EA, EFHA, PREE, & IRFA___

3. NOAA Fisheries' Scientists Re-examine Northeast Groundfish Biological Production & Rebuilding

4. NOAA Fisheries Completes Groundfish Permit Buy-Out

5. Proposed 2002 Specifications for the Spiny Dogfish Fishery - EA, RIR, IRFA & EFHA___

February 2002

1. Delay of Year-4 Management Measures for Small-Mesh Multispecies___

2. Status Report of Northeast Region Actions for the February 26 - 27, 2002, New England Fishery Management Council Meeting___

3. 2002 Hudson Canyon and Virginia Beach Sea Scallop Area Access Program___

4. Winter I Scup Possession Limit Change - From 10,000 lb to 1,000 lb___

5. Reinstatement of 5,000 lb Per DAS Haddock Landing Limit___

January 2002

1. American Lobster Fishery Proposed Rule___

2. Deep Sea Red Crab Fishery Closure___

3. 2002 Final Specifications for Surf Clams, Ocean Quahogs, & Maine Mahogany Quahogs Fisheries___

4. 2002 Final Specifications for Atlantic Herring Fisheries, Framework 1 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan, & Clarification to Existing Regulations Regarding Reporting Requirements___

5. 2002 Final Specifications for Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fisheries___

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