BOEM Announces Environmental Study Reports Posted During the Second Quarter FY 2016

Includes Economic Reports on Environmental Cost and Market Simulation Models

 bowhead whale
Clip from the video, “Arctic Currents:
A Year in the Life of a Bowhead Whale.”


The Environmental Studies Program (ESP) is pleased to announce the availability of new findings from five studies posted online to the Environmental Studies Program Information System (ESPIS) from January-March 2016. Three reports were derived from one economic study, three studies are from the Alaska Region, and one study is from the Pacific Region. The reports and associated technical summaries can be accessed through the enhanced ESPIS, which displays reports with new geo-referencing tools, animation and other new features.

Topics covered include:

  • Three economic reports and the associated technical summary derived from the “Study to Update and Improve BOEM's Offshore Environmental Cost Model
    and Market Simulation Model and Related Analyses;”

  • Three Alaska reports:
    • “Chukchi Offshore Monitoring in Drilling Area (COMIDA): Factors Affecting the Distribution and Relative Abundance of Endangered Whales and Other Marine Mammals in the Chukchi Sea;"
    • A final report on the video, “Arctic Currents: A Year in the Life of a Bowhead Whale;”
    • An annual report on the “Distribution and Relative Abundance of Marine Mammals in the Eastern Chukchi and Western Beaufort Seas, 2014;” and
  • Pacific:
    • Final report, “Determining the Infrastructure Needs to Support Offshore Floating Wind and Marine Hydrokinetic Facilities on the Pacific West Coast and Hawaii.”

BOEM’s ESP develops, funds, and manages rigorous scientific research to inform policy decisions regarding the development of energy and mineral resources on the OCS. The ESPIS makes all completed ESP reports available on-line as full electronic pdf documents, including images and graphics. Technical summaries of more than 1,700 BOEM-sponsored environmental research projects, as well as full pdf documents of over 3,400 research reports, are available for online full text search.

BOEM’s Environmental Studies Program page contains additional information on research opportunities and other aspects of the program. You can also follow our work on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and our other social media channels.

Dr. Rodney E. Cluck
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Chief, Division of Environmental Sciences
Environmental Studies Program