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Wisconsin Conservation Congress

scheduled meetings, agendas, and minutes.
more about the annual Spring Hearings and how you can participate.
Congress press releases, position statements, and newsletters.


Our mission:

The Wisconsin Conservation Congress is the only statutory body in the state where citizens elect delegates to advise the Natural Resources Board and the Department of Natural Resources on how to responsibly manage Wisconsin's natural resources for present and future generations. The Congress accomplishes this through open, impartial, broad-ranged actions.

The vision of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress is to strengthen and enhance our ability to gather and convey the wisdom and influence of Wisconsin citizens in the formation of natural resource policy, research, education, and conservation.

The positions and viewpoints expressed on the Wisconsin Conservation Congress (WCC) web pages are solely those of the Conservation Congress. The WCC is an independent organization, separate from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The WCC is statutorily created to advise the Natural Resources Board and as such, the Conservation Congress web pages are housed on the DNR domain. However, the views and opinions represented on WCC web pages are those of the WCC and should not be taken to represent those of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and/or DNR staff.

Contact information
Kari Lee-Zimmermann
Conservation Congress Liaison
PO Box 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921
608-266-0580 (phone)
Last revised: Tuesday June 28 2016