Press Releases

December 2013

Secretary Jewell Applauds Passage of U.S. – Mexico Transboundary Hydrocarbons Agreement


Secretary Jewell Announces Milestone for Commercial Wind Energy Development in Federal Waters


Milestone Cleared for Second Wind Energy Research Lease Offshore Virginia


BOEM Proposes Eastern Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale


November 2013

BOEM Authorizes Dredging of Offshore Sand to Restore NASA’s Wallops Island Shoreline Eroded by Hurricane Sandy


BOEM Announces Selection of Dr. William Yancey Brown as Chief Environmental Officer


BOEM Extends deadline for public comment on Call for Information and Nominations on Proposed Chukchi Sea Oil and Gas Sale 237


BOEM joins National Science Foundation and international partners to study impacts of development in the Arctic


October 2013

BOEM Publishes Annual Progress Report on Five Year Program


BOEM Proposes Central Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale


BOEM Completes Environmental Review for Proposed Oil and Gas Sales in Eastern Gulf of Mexico


BOEM Announces $2 Million in Awards to the University of Florida and the Navy for Hurricane Sandy Environmental Monitoring Along the Southeast Coast


September 2013

BOEM to Assess Competitive Interest in First Proposed Wind Energy Project Site Offshore West Coast


BOEM Issues Call for Information and Nominations for Potential 2016 Oil and Gas Lease Sale Offshore Alaska


Interior Holds Second Competitive Lease Sale for Renewable Energy in Federal Waters


August 2013

Western Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale Yields $102.4 Million in High Bids on More Than 300,000 Acres


Interior to Offer 21 Million Acres in Western Gulf of Mexico for Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Development


BOEM Announces Availability of Environmental Assessment for Marine Hydrokinetic Technology Testing Offshore Florida


July 2013

Interior Holds First-Ever Competitive Lease Sale for Renewable Energy in Federal Waters


BOEM Announces Second Potential Wind Energy Research Lease for Federal Waters Offshore Virginia


BOEM Authorizes 2.4 Million Cubic Yards of Sand to Restore Florida Coastal Area Damaged by Hurricane Sandy


BOEM Authorizes 700,000 Cubic Yards of Sand to Restore Dam Neck Naval Annex Coastal Area in Virginia Beach


BOEM Offers Nearly 21 Million Acres Offshore Texas for Oil and Gas Exploration and Development


March Central Gulf of Mexico Sale 227 Nets $ 1.2 Billion in High Bids


Interior Announces Nation’s Second Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Lease Sale


June 2013

2.2 Million Cubic Yards Added to Sandbridge, VA, Beachfront


Interior Announces First Offshore Renewable Energy Lease Sale


May 2013

New Insight on Gas Hydrates in Gulf of Mexico


BOEM and NMFS Propose Preparation of Gulf Geological & Geophysical Environmental Impact Statement


BOEM Announces $11.7 Million for Hurricane Sandy Relief


April 2013

Obama Administration Announces 21 Million Acre Oil and Gas Lease Sale Offshore Texas


North Carolina Completes Restoration of Coast Damaged by Hurricane Irene


BOEM Completes Final Supplemental Review for Two Proposed Oil and Gas Lease Sales in the Gulf of Mexico


President's FY 2014 Budget for BOEM Includes $169.4 Million to Advance Exploration and Development of the Nation's Offshore Resources


March 2013

Obama Administration Holds 39-Million-Acre Oil and Gas Lease Sale in Central Gulf of Mexico


Department of the Interior Releases Assessment of Shell’s 2012 Arctic Operations


Western Gulf of Mexico Sale 229 Nets $133 Million in High Bids


Milestone cleared for wind energy research lease offshore Virginia


BOEM Completes Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Eastern Planning Area Lease Sales


February 2013

Secretary Salazar: Renewable Energy on Public Lands and Waters Making Rapid Advances


Interior to Offer 38 Million Acres for Oil and Gas Development in Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale


BOEM Extends Public Comment Period for Wind Energy Offshore North Carolina


January 2013

BOEM to Convene Renewable Energy Public Seminars in Rhode Island and Virginia for Offshore Wind Development


BOEM Authorizes Use of Offshore Sand to Restore North Carolina Coast Damaged by Hurricane Irene


BOEM Seeks Competitive Interest in Proposed Wind Energy Project Site Offshore New York
