Press Release Catalog 2001

  • 12/13/01 MMS Contractor Earns Another Environmental Award
  • 12/12/01 Federal Agencies Sign Memorandum of Agreement the Restoration of Assateague Island
  • 12/05/01 Sale 181 Attracts $340 Million in High Bids
  • 12/01/01 Eastern GOM Lease Sale 181 Receives 190 Bids on 95 Tracts
  • 11/20/01 Western Gulf of Mexico Sale 180 Nets $163,627,562 in High Bids  
  • 11/20/01 Minerals Management Service Acting Director Tom Kitsos Announces Resignation
  • 11/20/01 MMS Issues Proposed Notice of Central Gulf Lease Sale 182
  • 11/13/01 White House Task Force On Energy Project Streamlining Holds Open Houses
  • 11/13/01 Interior Supports Royalty In Kind to Strengthen Long-TermEnergy Security and Fill Strategic Petroleum Reserve
  • 11/07/01 MMS Issues Final Notice of Sale for Eastern Gulf of Mexico Sale 181 
  • 11/01/01 First Alaska Offshore Energy Flows Today
  • 10/26/01 Secretary Norton Announces Eastern Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 181, Scheduled for Dec. 5
  • 10/26/01 MMS Issues Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program 2002-2007 and Draft Environmental Impact Statement
  • 10/03/01 MMS Contracts with Texas A&M University to Investigate Deepwater Shipwreck Discovered by ExxonMobil 
  • 10/02/01 MMS Schedules Royalty Policy Committee Meeting
  • 09/21/01 MMS Issues 8th ITM Proceedings
  • 09/21/01 MMS Issues Sport Fisheries Economic Assessment for Lower and Central Cook Inlet
  • 09/21/01 Sockeye Salmon Diet Revealed in New MMS Study
  • 09/20/01 MMS Contractor Earns Environmental Achievement Award
  • 09/14/01 MMS Issues Multisale Process for Gulf of Mexico Sales
  • 09/13/01 MMS Postpones Royalty Policy Committee Meeting
  • 09/09/01 MMS Announces Multiple Sale Process for Alaska's Beaufort Sea
  • 09/05/01 The U.S. Minerals Management Service to Visit University Career Fairs
  • 08/28/01 MMS Publishes Proposed Rule to Improve Workers' Safety
  • 08/22/01 Western Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 180 Attracts $165.5 Million in High Bids
  • 08/21/01 Western GOM Lease Sale 180 Receives 386 Bids on 320 Tracts; Central GOM Lease Sale 178, Part 2 Receives No Bids
  • 08/17/01 MMS & LSU Sponsor Over $22 Million in Coastal Studies, 1992-1998
  • 08/16/01 American Indian Company Awarded $100 Million Contract
  • 08/15/01 News Release - Cook Inlet Sediment Study Issued
  • 08/10/01 States Receive Record $656 Million From Federal Mineral Revenues
  • 08/07/01 MMS to Prepare Environmental Assessment for Proposed Eastern Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 181 
  • 08/06/01MMS Study Finds that Oil and Gas Industry Development Along the Gulf Coast Is Only Part of the Picture
  • 08/06/01 Dr. Richard Prentki Receives Interior Department's Superior Service Award
  • 07/20/01 MMS Issues Draft Proposed  Outer  Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program 2002-2007
    07/23/01 MMS Issues Final Notice of Western Gulf Lease Sale 180 
  • 07/23/01 MMS Issues Final Notice of Western Gulf Lease Sale 180 - Fact Sheet
  • 07/23/01 MMS Issues Final Notice of Sale 178, Part 2
  • 07/23/01 MMS Issues Draft Proposed 5-Year OCS Leasing Program for 2002-2007
  • 07/15/01 MMS Publishes Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Proposed Delineation Drilling Activity on Undeveloped Leases Offshore Santa Barbara County, California.  Public Hearings Scheduled. 
  • 07/12/01 MMS Issues Proposed Notice of Sale for Eastern Gulf of Mexico Sale 181
  • 07/03/01 MMS Postpones Public Hearings on Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Proposed Delineation Drilling Activity on Undeveloped Leases Offshore Santa Barbara County, California. MMS Fully Complies with Recent Ruling Over Pacific OCS Lease Suspensions.
  • 07/02/01 Secretary Norton Announces Area of Proposed 181 Lease Sale on Outer Continental Shelf
  • 07/02/01 Minerals Management Service Has Prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement on Proposed Eastern Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale 181 
  • 06/22/01Central Gulf of Mexico Sale 178, Part 1 Nets $499.6 Million in High Bids
  • 06/15/01 MMS Ensures Nation's Historic Shipwrecks are Protected as Archaeologists Share in U-Boat Discovery
  • 06/07/01 MMS Streamlines Process, Announces Prequalification Guidelines For Upcoming Royalty-In-Kind Crude Oil Sales
  • 05/23/01 Two Records Are Set for Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
  • 05/23/01 MMS Updates Oil & Gas Production Rate Projections to 2005
  • 05/09/01 $65 Goes to Six Coastal States in Final 8(g) Settlement
  • 05/01/01 MMS Nears Final Stages of Reengineering Financial System
  • 04/30/01 $65 Million Goes to Six Coastal States in Final 8(G) Settlement Payment
  • 04/19/01 Number of Rigs Drilling In Deepwater Gulf Reaches Record High of 42
  • 04/19/01 Gulf of Mexico Oil Production Rose Again in 2000; Gas Production Declining
  • 04/16/01 Minerals Management Service Engages Booz/Allen to Conduct Foundational Study on E-government Strategy Aimed at Promoting Efficiency and Saving Money for Government, Industry and Taxpayers
  • 04/16/01 NEED Conference for Teachers to be Held in Girdwood
  • 04/09/01 President Requests $258.2 Million for FY 2002 MMS Budget
  • 04/06/01 Proposed Notice of Western Gulf Lease Sale 180 Includes Initiatives to Increase Domestic Energy Production
  • 04/06/01 MMS Issues Proposed Notice of Sale 178, Part 2
  • 04/05/01 2001 Campbell School Science Fair Winners
  • 04/04/01 Secretary of the Interior Announces Oil and Gas Industry Awards
  • 03/30/01 Secretary of the Interior to Present Stewardship Award to Top Mineral Resource Companies
  • 03/30/01 Media Advisory: Secretary Norton to Address the Minerals Management Services Third Annual Industry Awards Ceremony, April 4
  • 03/28/01 Central Gulf of Mexico Sale 178, Part I Attracts $505.4 Million in High Bids
  • 03/27/01Central GOM Lease Sale 178, Part 1 Receives 780 Bids on 547 Tracts
  • 03/22/01Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 178, Part 1
  • 03/22/01 MMS Recognizes Contractor For Safe Drilling Operations Offshore Santa Barbara County, California
  • 03/15/01 Deepwater Program: Literature Review, Environmental Risk of Chemicals Used in Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Oil and Gas Operations MMS Study 2001-011 and 012
  • 03/14/01 MMS Analyzes Results of Wyoming Oil Royalty-in-Kind Pilot Program
  • 03/09/01 Norton Announces Nomination of J. Steven Griles to Serve as Deputy Secretary of the Interior
  • 03/05/01 MMS Royalty Policy Committee Meeting Set For New Orleans, March 27
  • 02/27/01 Liberty DEIS Hearings on North Slope
  • 02/23/01MMS Issues Final Notice of Sale for Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 178
  • 02/23/01MMS Announces Lease Terms and Conditions for Central Gulf Lease Sale 178
  • 02/20/01 MMS Announces 2000 Safe Finalists
  • 02/16/01 MMS Releases Scientific Report on Barium- and Radium-Rich Fluids Seeping onto the Gulf of Mexico Seafloor
  • 02/09/01 MMS Announces the Availability of the Final EIS on Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading Systems, and Completion of the Comparative Risk Analysis
  • 02/05/01 Liberty DEIS Hearings In Anchorage
  • 02/06/01 MMS and Wyoming Conduct Sixth Royalty-In-Kind Crude Oil Sale
  • 02/01/01 MMS Announces Winners of Corporate Leadership Award
  • 02/01/01 Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement on the Proposed Use  of Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading Systems on the Gulf of Mexico  Outer Continental Shelf, Western and Central Planning Areas
  • 01/25/01 35 States Receive Record $800 Million
  • 01/23/01 Shell Oil to Pay United States $110 Million for Underpayment of Oil Royalties
  • 01/23/01 Alaska Annual Minerals Revenues
  • 01/23/01 California Nets $24.8 Million as State's Share of Federal Mineral Revenues in 2000
  • 01/18/01 Secretary Babbitt Defers Alaska's Beaufort Sea Lease Sale 176
  • 01/17/01 MMS Updates Estimates for Oil and Gas Resources on the OCS
  • 01/11/01 MMS Issues Final Revisions to Guidelines on Preparing Offshore Exploration and Development Plans
  • 01/11/01 MMS Holds Public Scoping Meeting on Proposed Exploratory Activity on  Undeveloped Leases Offshore Santa Barbara County, California