Resources & Tips

Quick Refreshers

  • Dr. S. Joesph Levine has posted a "Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal." This guide breaks writing a grant proposal into sections, and for each section he provides writing hints and examples that make this an easy quick reference.
  • The Foundation Center Learning Lab provides resources to grant seekers designed to help you be successful in your grant search. The proposal writing short course is a two-part introduction to grant seeking. For additional resources from the Foundation Center, check out the virtual classroom menu.

Grant Writing Guides

  • The Non-Profit Guides organization designs grant writing tools to help nonprofits win grant funds. The "10-Point Grant Writing Guide" is specifically aimed at nonprofit organizations and provides sample inquiry letters, cover letters, and budgets.
  • "A Guide to Proposal Planning and Writing" (PDF) by Jeremy T. Miner and Lynn E. Miner explains what motivates grant makers, where to find out about public and private grants, and how to get started.
  • The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance has a guide for "Developing and Writing Grant Proposals." This guide provides another perspective on grant seeking.
  • The Minnesota Council on Foundations provides a guide for "Writing a Successful Grant Proposal." Although specifically geared for Minnesota, this guide helps grant seekers understand what information funders want and provides some guidance on how to answer these questions.
  • Purdue University has developed a set of Proposal Enhancement Tools. These tools were designed to help writers develop a strong grant proposal by clearly identifying the audience and the potential impacts to that audience. This set contains seven worksheets and can be downloaded in PDF format.