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​BP-18 Rate Proceeding

BPA is conducting a consolidated power and transmission rate proceeding, BP-18, to set rates for the FY 2018-2019 rate period. 

BP-18 Federal Register Notice Publication and Ex Parte Rules
On Thursday, November 10, 2016, a Federal Register Notice (including Transmission Rate Schedules and Power Rate Schedules) was published.  This publication triggered the commencement of the prohibition of ex parte communications which will remain in effect throughout the duration of the rate case. The ex parte rule prohibits BPA from having discussions about substantive rate case matters outside of the formal rate case proceeding. All discussions concerning substantive rate matters must take place in publicly noticed meetings. Please refer to this letter regarding ex parte rule for additional information.
Release of BPA's Direct Case
BPA released its Direct Case in the BP-18 rate proceeding on November 17, 2016.  Please refer to the Secure Rate Case website to view public documents filed in the BP-18 Rate Case.
Christian Griffen
Paralegal Specialist
(503) 230-5107
Tiffany Cox
Rate Clerk
(503) 230-3102