Deepwater Natural Gas and Oil Discoveries and Fields

Deepwater Natural Gas and Oil Qualified Fields

The following table lists the nicknames of qualified deepwater natural gas and oil fields and leases discovered in the Gulf of Mexico.  Leases are listed as having discoveries when a well on the lease is qualified as capable of producing under 30 CFR 550.115 or 30 CFR 550.16.  These new producible leases are then designated as either a new field or assigned to an existing field.  The designated field name is listed for those leases that have qualified as capable of producing by BOEM.  This table provides a listing of field nicknames, location (lease, area and block), the water depth and the current operator, field name code, field discovery date, field first production date, lease qualification date, lease first production date, and lease expiration date from field.

Please note that the field discovery date is the date that the discovery well reached total depth.

If you have any questions about this page please contact Larry Daugherty at 504-736-2583.

Deepwater Qualified Fields in the Gulf of Mexico as of 12-01-2016 09:08:02 AM
(Leases in field water depths over 1,000 feet.)

Field Nickname Lease Area Block Field Water Depth (ft) Operator Field Name Code Field Discovery Date Field First Production Date Lease Qualification Date Lease First Production Date Lease Expiration Date from Field
Aconcagua G19935 MC 305 7,043 ATP Oil & Gas Corporation MC305 02/21/1999 10/2002 09/20/2002 09/2002 12/2013
Allegheny G07049 GC 254 3,248 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. GC254 01/01/1985 10/1999 02/23/1994 09/1999 N/A
Allegheny G07049 GC 254 3,248 Newfield Exploration Gulf Coast LLC GC254 01/01/1985 10/1999 02/23/1994 09/1999 N/A
Allegheny G08010 GC 298 3,248 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. GC254 01/01/1985 10/1999 04/10/2000 04/2000 N/A
Allegheny G08010 GC 298 3,248 Newfield Exploration Gulf Coast LLC GC254 01/01/1985 10/1999 04/10/2000 04/2000 N/A
Amberjack G05825 MC 109 1,044 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC109 11/13/1983 10/1991 08/17/1984 10/1991 N/A
Amberjack G05825 MC 109 1,044 Stone Energy Corporation MC109 11/13/1983 10/1991 08/17/1984 10/1991 N/A
Amberjack G05826 MC 110 1,044 BP Exploration Inc. MC109 11/13/1983 10/1991 N/A N/A 12/1988
Amberjack G09777 MC 108 1,044 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC109 11/13/1983 10/1991 07/01/1992 11/1993 N/A
Amberjack G09777 MC 108 1,044 Stone Energy Corporation MC109 11/13/1983 10/1991 07/01/1992 11/1993 N/A
Amberjack G18192 MC 110 1,044 Fieldwood Energy LLC MC109 11/13/1983 10/1991 08/18/1999 05/2000 N/A
Anchor G31752 GC 807 5,064 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. GC807 11/01/2014 N/A 02/22/2016 N/A N/A
Angus G15545 GC 112 1,845 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. GC112 06/08/1997 09/1999 02/25/1998 10/1999 N/A
Angus G15546 GC 113 1,845 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. GC112 06/08/1997 09/1999 09/11/1999 09/1999 N/A
Angus G15546 GC 113 1,845 Shell Offshore Inc. GC112 06/08/1997 09/1999 09/11/1999 09/1999 N/A
Appaloosa G18244 MC 459 2,833 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC503 12/11/2007 12/2010 09/15/2008 N/A 03/2013
Appaloosa G18245 MC 460 2,833 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC503 12/11/2007 12/2010 09/15/2008 06/2011 N/A
Appaloosa G27277 MC 503 2,833 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC503 12/11/2007 12/2010 02/19/2008 12/2011 N/A
Appaloosa G27277 MC 503 2,833 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC503 12/11/2007 12/2010 02/19/2008 12/2011 N/A
Appomattox G19939 MC 348 7,216 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. MC392 12/21/2009 N/A 09/14/2000 10/2002 N/A
Appomattox G19939 MC 348 7,216 Shell Offshore Inc. MC392 12/21/2009 N/A 09/14/2000 10/2002 N/A
Appomattox G26253 MC 392 7,216 Shell Offshore Inc. MC392 12/21/2009 N/A 01/10/2012 N/A N/A
Ariel G07944 MC 429 6,132 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC429 11/20/1995 04/2004 05/13/1996 04/2004 N/A
Arnold G13084 EW 963 1,682 EnVen Energy Ventures, LLC EW963 06/12/1996 05/1998 07/15/1996 05/1998 N/A
Aspen G20051 GC 243 3,039 Hess Corporation GC243 01/27/2001 12/2002 10/31/2001 12/2002 N/A
Aspen G20051 GC 243 3,039 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation GC243 01/27/2001 12/2002 10/31/2001 12/2002 N/A
Atlantis G15604 GC 699 6,304 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC743 05/12/1998 10/2007 10/10/2004 04/2013 N/A
Atlantis G15606 GC 742 6,304 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC743 05/12/1998 10/2007 N/A 04/2009 N/A
Atlantis G15607 GC 743 6,304 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC743 05/12/1998 10/2007 10/06/2004 10/2007 N/A
Atlantis G15608 GC 744 6,304 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC743 05/12/1998 10/2007 N/A N/A N/A
Atlas G23458 LL 50 8,944 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation LL050 05/29/2003 07/2007 04/17/2006 07/2007 02/2012
Atlas Nw G23450 LL 5 8,807 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation LL005 01/13/2004 07/2007 04/17/2006 07/2007 02/2012
Auger G07493 GB 427 2,847 Shell Offshore Inc. GB426 05/01/1987 04/1994 08/21/1987 05/2007 N/A
Auger G07498 GB 471 2,847 Shell Offshore Inc. GB426 05/01/1987 04/1994 08/21/1987 N/A N/A
Auger G08241 GB 426 2,847 Shell Offshore Inc. GB426 05/01/1987 04/1994 05/16/1990 05/1994 N/A
Auger G08248 GB 470 2,847 Shell Offshore Inc. GB426 05/01/1987 04/1994 05/27/1992 04/1994 N/A
Baccarat G25123 GC 178 1,404 W & T Offshore, Inc. GC178 05/11/2004 08/2005 06/10/2004 08/2005 06/2009
Baha G08580 AC 600 7,620 Shell Offshore Inc. AC600 05/23/1996 N/A 09/26/1996 N/A 12/2001
Balboa G22288 EB 597 3,352 Apache Deepwater LLC EB597 07/02/2001 12/2010 08/29/2001 12/2010 N/A
Baldpate G07461 GB 259 1,605 Hess Corporation GB260 11/01/1991 09/1998 05/18/1995 01/1999 N/A
Baldpate G07462 GB 260 1,605 Hess Corporation GB260 11/01/1991 09/1998 09/14/1992 09/1998 N/A
Baldpate G09216 GB 215 1,605 Hess Corporation GB260 11/01/1991 09/1998 05/16/1995 06/2003 N/A
Baldpate G14224 GB 216 1,605 Hess Corporation GB260 11/01/1991 09/1998 04/09/1997 05/1999 N/A
Bass Lite G18603 AT 426 6,623 Apache Deepwater LLC AT426 01/25/2001 02/2008 01/19/2006 02/2008 12/2014
Big Bend G28022 MC 698 7,221 Noble Energy, Inc. MC698 11/15/2012 10/2015 07/16/2013 10/2015 N/A
Big Foot G16942 WR 29 5,444 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. WR029 12/02/2005 N/A 05/09/2006 N/A N/A
Bison G07028 GC 166 2,348 Exxon Mobil Corporation GC166 03/01/1986 N/A 06/02/1986 N/A 12/1994
Blind Faith G16641 MC 696 6,950 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. MC696 05/30/2001 11/2007 05/17/2005 11/2007 N/A
Blind Faith G21182 MC 695 6,950 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. MC696 05/30/2001 11/2007 11/25/2008 11/2008 N/A
Bonsai G16910 AT 398 3,619 BP Exploration & Production Inc. AT398 08/14/2005 N/A 09/09/2006 N/A 02/2007
Boomvang East G09191 EB 688 3,756 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB688 05/01/1988 06/2002 05/13/1992 06/2002 04/2010
Boomvang North G09183 EB 642 3,397 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB643 12/13/1997 08/2002 12/07/1999 06/2002 N/A
Boomvang North G09184 EB 643 3,397 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB643 12/13/1997 08/2002 10/01/1999 08/2002 N/A
Boomvang North G19027 EB 598 3,397 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB643 12/13/1997 08/2002 11/02/2004 10/2004 N/A
Boomvang North G19028 EB 599 3,397 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB643 12/13/1997 08/2002 12/04/2002 10/2004 N/A
Boomvang West G09183 EB 642 3,749 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB642 10/31/1999 06/2002 12/07/1999 06/2002 N/A
Boomvang West G20729 EB 686 3,749 Anadarko US Offshore LLC EB642 10/31/1999 06/2002 N/A 02/2004 09/2008
Boomvang West G21374 EB 641 3,749 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB642 10/31/1999 06/2002 03/26/2003 03/2003 N/A
Boris G16727 GC 282 2,367 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. GC282 09/29/2001 02/2003 01/02/2002 02/2003 N/A
Boris G16727 GC 282 2,367 Energy Resource Technology GOM, LLC GC282 09/29/2001 02/2003 01/02/2002 02/2003 N/A
Boris G26302 GC 238 2,367 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. GC282 09/29/2001 02/2003 N/A 07/2011 N/A
Boris G26302 GC 238 2,367 Energy Resource Technology GOM, LLC GC282 09/29/2001 02/2003 N/A 07/2011 N/A
Brutus G07995 GC 158 2,940 Shell Offshore Inc. GC158 03/01/1989 08/2001 05/13/1992 09/2001 N/A
Brutus G07998 GC 202 2,940 Shell Offshore Inc. GC158 03/01/1989 08/2001 N/A 08/2001 N/A
Brutus G12210 GC 201 2,940 Fieldwood Energy Offshore LLC GC158 03/01/1989 08/2001 11/20/2000 11/2000 N/A
Brutus G12210 GC 201 2,940 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. GC158 03/01/1989 08/2001 11/20/2000 11/2000 N/A
Brutus G24154 GC 157 2,940 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. GC158 03/01/1989 08/2001 09/09/2003 05/2005 N/A
Buckskin G25806 KC 785 6,749 Repsol E&P USA Inc. KC785 09/13/2011 N/A 04/29/2014 N/A N/A
Bullwinkle G05889 GC 65 1,337 Fieldwood Energy Offshore LLC GC065 10/01/1983 07/1989 02/23/1984 07/1989 N/A
Bullwinkle G05890 GC 66 1,337 Marathon Oil Company GC065 10/01/1983 07/1989 07/29/1988 N/A 12/1990
Bullwinkle G05900 GC 109 1,337 Fieldwood Energy Offshore LLC GC065 10/01/1983 07/1989 12/13/1984 08/1989 N/A
Bullwinkle G05901 GC 110 1,337 Marathon Oil Company GC065 10/01/1983 07/1989 11/21/1984 N/A 12/1990
Bullwinkle G07005 GC 64 1,337 Shell Offshore Inc. GC065 10/01/1983 07/1989 04/15/1985 02/1992 05/1998
Bullwinkle G07014 GC 108 1,337 Eni Petroleum Co. Inc. GC065 10/01/1983 07/1989 04/02/1987 N/A 06/1991
Bullwinkle G14023 GC 110 1,337 Shell Offshore Inc. GC065 10/01/1983 07/1989 01/23/1996 01/1996 03/2005
Bullwinkle G14668 GC 108 1,337 Fieldwood Energy Offshore LLC GC065 10/01/1983 07/1989 04/02/2006 04/2006 N/A
Bullwinkle G34539 GC 64 1,337 Fieldwood Energy Offshore LLC GC065 10/01/1983 07/1989 N/A 01/2015 N/A
Callisto G21190 MC 875 7,787 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation MC876 03/08/2001 01/2011 N/A 01/2011 11/2016
Callisto G21191 MC 876 7,787 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation MC876 03/08/2001 01/2011 06/24/2008 N/A 06/2016
Camden Hills G19939 MC 348 7,206 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. MC348 08/04/1999 10/2002 09/14/2000 10/2002 N/A
Camden Hills G19939 MC 348 7,206 Shell Offshore Inc. MC348 08/04/1999 10/2002 09/14/2000 10/2002 N/A
Cascade G16965 WR 206 8,148 Petrobras America Inc. WR206 04/14/2002 02/2012 04/21/2006 N/A N/A
Cheyenne G23480 LL 399 8,986 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation LL399 07/20/2004 10/2007 04/17/2006 10/2007 06/2012
Cheyenne G23481 LL 400 8,986 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation LL399 07/20/2004 10/2007 01/23/2012 02/2012 01/2014
Chinook G16987 WR 425 8,841 Petrobras America Inc. WR469 06/19/2003 09/2012 N/A N/A N/A
Chinook G16997 WR 469 8,841 Petrobras America Inc. WR469 06/19/2003 09/2012 03/24/2006 09/2012 N/A
Claymore G16865 AT 140 3,739 Anadarko US Offshore LLC AT140 05/05/2006 N/A 06/16/2006 N/A 12/2007
Clipper G15571 GC 299 3,429 ATP Oil & Gas Corporation GC299 10/05/2005 03/2013 02/10/2006 N/A 09/2009
Clipper G15571 GC 299 3,429 Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc. GC299 10/05/2005 03/2013 02/10/2006 N/A 09/2009
Clipper G22939 GC 300 3,429 Bennu Oil & Gas, LLC GC299 10/05/2005 03/2013 01/12/2007 03/2013 N/A
Clipper G22939 GC 300 3,429 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA GC299 10/05/2005 03/2013 01/12/2007 03/2013 N/A
Cognac G02638 MC 194 1,022 EnVen Energy Ventures, LLC MC194 07/01/1975 09/1979 03/31/1977 09/1980 N/A
Cognac G02639 MC 195 1,022 EnVen Energy Ventures, LLC MC194 07/01/1975 09/1979 03/01/1982 03/1982 N/A
Cognac G02642 MC 150 1,022 EnVen Energy Ventures, LLC MC194 07/01/1975 09/1979 11/08/1977 11/1979 N/A
Cognac G02643 MC 151 1,022 EnVen Energy Ventures, LLC MC194 07/01/1975 09/1979 03/31/1977 09/1979 N/A
Condor G28077 GC 448 3,266 Deep Gulf Energy LP GC448 01/23/2008 06/2011 02/26/2008 06/2011 06/2016
Constitution G21811 GC 679 4,998 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC680 10/31/2001 03/2006 05/23/2005 06/2006 N/A
Constitution G21811 GC 679 4,998 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. GC680 10/31/2001 03/2006 05/23/2005 06/2006 N/A
Constitution G21811 GC 679 4,998 Noble Energy, Inc. GC680 10/31/2001 03/2006 05/23/2005 06/2006 N/A
Constitution G22987 GC 680 4,998 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC680 10/31/2001 03/2006 05/23/2005 03/2006 N/A
Cooper G07485 GB 387 2,209 Newfield Exploration Gulf Coast LLC GB388 03/16/1989 09/1995 07/10/1990 05/1996 09/2005
Cooper G07486 GB 388 2,209 Newfield Exploration Gulf Coast LLC GB388 03/16/1989 09/1995 06/21/1991 09/1995 09/2005
Cooper G08232 GB 344 2,209 Energy Resource Technology GOM, LLC GB388 03/16/1989 09/1995 07/31/1997 07/1997 07/2008
Cooper G08232 GB 344 2,209 Hess Corporation GB388 03/16/1989 09/1995 07/31/1997 07/1997 07/2008
Cooper G08232 GB 344 2,209 Newfield Exploration Gulf Coast LLC GB388 03/16/1989 09/1995 07/31/1997 07/1997 07/2008
Cortez Bank G19530 KC 244 5,431 BP Exploration & Production Inc. KC244 08/09/2007 N/A 11/08/2007 N/A 04/2011
Cottonwood G15860 GB 244 2,089 Petrobras America Inc. GB244 08/15/2001 02/2007 12/10/2001 02/2007 N/A
Coulomb G08496 MC 657 7,558 Shell Offshore Inc. MC657 11/01/1987 06/2004 03/31/1988 06/2004 N/A
Coulomb G19974 MC 613 7,558 Shell Offshore Inc. MC657 11/01/1987 06/2004 N/A 07/2004 N/A
Crosby G09895 MC 898 4,151 Shell Offshore Inc. MC899 01/04/1998 12/2001 03/09/2005 03/2007 N/A
Crosby G09896 MC 899 4,151 Shell Offshore Inc. MC899 01/04/1998 12/2001 03/19/1998 12/2001 N/A
Crosby G09904 MC 942 4,151 Shell Deepwater Development Inc. MC899 01/04/1998 12/2001 06/08/1999 N/A 04/2001
Crosby G16661 MC 941 4,151 Bennu Oil & Gas, LLC MC899 01/04/1998 12/2001 04/26/1999 10/2010 N/A
Crosby G16661 MC 941 4,151 Shell Offshore Inc. MC899 01/04/1998 12/2001 04/26/1999 10/2010 N/A
Crosby G16661 MC 941 4,151 Statoil USA E&P Inc. MC899 01/04/1998 12/2001 04/26/1999 10/2010 N/A
Crosby G24130 MC 942 4,151 Bennu Oil & Gas, LLC MC899 01/04/1998 12/2001 N/A 02/2012 N/A
Crosby G24130 MC 942 4,151 Statoil USA E&P Inc. MC899 01/04/1998 12/2001 N/A 02/2012 N/A
Cyclops G09995 AT 8 3,135 Shell Deepwater Development Inc. AT008 04/26/1997 N/A 08/14/1997 N/A 04/1998
Dalmatian G10440 DC 48 5,876 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA DC048 09/29/2008 04/2014 12/01/2008 04/2014 N/A
Dalmatian North G10437 DC 4 5,822 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA DC004 04/30/2010 06/2014 06/17/2010 06/2014 N/A
Dalmatian South G23488 DC 134 6,318 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA DC134 09/27/2012 N/A 03/18/2013 01/2016 N/A
Daniel Boone G20083 GC 646 4,230 W & T Offshore, Inc. GC646 01/10/2004 08/2008 04/21/2004 09/2009 01/2016
Dantzler G33757 MC 782 6,575 Noble Energy, Inc. MC782 11/20/2013 11/2015 01/14/2014 11/2015 N/A
Deep Blue G21813 GC 723 5,040 Noble Energy, Inc. GC723 05/03/2010 N/A 01/01/2011 N/A 05/2012
Devils Tower G16644 MC 728 5,352 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC773 12/13/1999 05/2004 09/16/2002 11/2005 N/A
Devils Tower G16647 MC 772 5,352 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. MC773 12/13/1999 05/2004 09/12/2002 06/2005 N/A
Devils Tower G16647 MC 772 5,352 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC773 12/13/1999 05/2004 09/12/2002 06/2005 N/A
Devils Tower G19996 MC 773 5,352 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC773 12/13/1999 05/2004 09/14/2000 05/2004 N/A
Devils Tower G24107 MC 771 5,352 Deep Gulf Energy II, LLC MC773 12/13/1999 05/2004 08/17/2004 12/2005 N/A
Devils Tower G24107 MC 771 5,352 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC773 12/13/1999 05/2004 08/17/2004 12/2005 N/A
Diamond G06951 MC 445 2,095 Anadarko US Offshore LLC MC445 12/05/1992 10/1993 10/16/1993 10/1993 09/1999
Diana G08211 EB 945 4,646 Exxon Mobil Corporation EB945 08/01/1990 05/2000 01/24/1994 06/2000 08/2014
Diana G08212 EB 946 4,646 Exxon Mobil Corporation EB945 08/01/1990 05/2000 04/23/1996 05/2000 08/2014
Diana G08214 EB 989 4,646 Exxon Mobil Corporation EB945 08/01/1990 05/2000 02/23/2000 06/2000 08/2014
Diana South G09249 AC 65 4,852 Exxon Mobil Corporation AC065 03/24/1997 03/2004 09/24/1997 03/2004 02/2016
Dionysus G04498 VK 864 1,482 Conoco Inc. VK864 10/01/1981 N/A 04/26/1982 N/A 10/1985
Double Corona G06992 GC 27 1,593 Eni Petroleum Co. Inc. GC027 07/01/1989 N/A 09/29/1989 N/A 12/1990
Dulcimer G17351 GB 367 1,123 Mariner Energy, Inc. GB367 02/09/1998 04/1999 N/A 04/1999 03/2002
East Anstey G08838 MC 606 6,516 BP America Production Company MC607 08/25/1997 11/2003 N/A N/A 03/1998
East Anstey G09837 MC 607 6,516 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC607 08/25/1997 11/2003 03/16/1998 N/A 04/2011
East Anstey G09838 MC 608 6,516 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC607 08/25/1997 11/2003 N/A 11/2003 04/2011
East Anstey G19966 MC 562 6,516 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC607 08/25/1997 11/2003 07/17/2007 06/2012 N/A
East Anstey G21176 MC 563 6,516 Deep Gulf Energy III, LLC MC607 08/25/1997 11/2003 07/07/2015 N/A N/A
East Anstey G27278 MC 519 6,516 Noble Energy, Inc. MC607 08/25/1997 11/2003 06/24/2009 06/2012 N/A
Einset G08471 VK 873 3,584 Shell Offshore Inc. VK873 03/01/1988 12/2001 06/07/1988 N/A 05/1991
Einset G19908 VK 873 3,584 Shell Offshore Inc. VK873 03/01/1988 12/2001 12/18/2000 12/2001 07/2008
El Toro G05893 GC 69 1,437 Conoco Inc. GC069 09/13/1984 N/A N/A N/A 12/1988
El Toro G13159 GC 69 1,437 Devon SFS Operating, Inc. GC069 09/13/1984 N/A 04/23/1996 N/A 12/2000
El Toro G13159 GC 69 1,437 Shell Deepwater Development Inc. GC069 09/13/1984 N/A 04/23/1996 N/A 12/2000
Europa G07969 MC 890 3,871 Shell Offshore Inc. MC935 04/22/1994 02/2000 N/A 01/2000 N/A
Europa G07975 MC 934 3,871 Shell Offshore Inc. MC935 04/22/1994 02/2000 06/19/1995 02/2000 N/A
Europa G07976 MC 935 3,871 Shell Offshore Inc. MC935 04/22/1994 02/2000 11/01/1994 07/2006 N/A
Falcon G19025 EB 579 3,454 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. EB579 03/27/2001 03/2003 03/18/2003 03/2003 03/2011
Falcon G19030 EB 623 3,454 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. EB579 03/27/2001 03/2003 03/15/2003 03/2003 N/A
Flying Dutchman G22971 GC 511 3,831 Marathon Oil Company GC511 04/17/2010 N/A 04/18/2011 N/A 04/2011
Fourier G08823 MC 522 6,904 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC522 07/01/1989 11/2003 03/20/1992 11/2003 N/A
Fourier G08823 MC 522 6,904 Shell Offshore Inc. MC522 07/01/1989 11/2003 03/20/1992 11/2003 N/A
Fourier G08831 MC 566 6,904 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC522 07/01/1989 11/2003 05/11/2008 05/2008 N/A
Fourier G08831 MC 566 6,904 Shell Offshore Inc. MC522 07/01/1989 11/2003 05/11/2008 05/2008 N/A
Fourier G09821 MC 520 6,904 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC522 07/01/1989 11/2003 05/06/1997 12/2003 N/A
Friesian G16762 GC 599 3,857 Plains Exploration & Production Company GC599 10/08/2006 N/A 01/26/2007 N/A 05/2011
Friesian G16772 GC 643 3,857 Plains Exploration & Production Company GC599 10/08/2006 N/A 03/17/2009 N/A 05/2011
Friesian G35001 GC 643 3,857 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC GC599 10/08/2006 N/A 11/17/2015 04/2016 N/A
Front Runner G21790 GC 338 3,327 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA GC339 01/23/2001 12/2004 11/06/2001 12/2004 N/A
Front Runner G21790 GC 338 3,327 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation GC339 01/23/2001 12/2004 11/06/2001 12/2004 N/A
Front Runner G21791 GC 339 3,327 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA GC339 01/23/2001 12/2004 09/14/2001 03/2005 N/A
Front Runner G22950 GC 382 3,327 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA GC339 01/23/2001 12/2004 10/25/2002 04/2005 N/A
Fuji G08879 GC 505 4,256 Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. GC506 01/30/1995 N/A 01/09/1998 N/A 12/1999
Fuji G08880 GC 506 4,256 Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. GC506 01/30/1995 N/A 02/12/1996 N/A 12/1999
Fuji G11064 GC 461 4,256 BP Exploration & Oil Inc. GC506 01/30/1995 N/A 12/15/1998 N/A 04/1999
Gb302 G09223 GB 302 2,346 N/A GB302 02/01/1991 01/2008 05/20/1991 N/A 09/1995
Gb302 G24479 GB 302 2,346 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GB302 02/01/1991 01/2008 02/24/2006 01/2008 02/2016
Gb302 G24479 GB 302 2,346 Shell Offshore Inc. GB302 02/01/1991 01/2008 02/24/2006 01/2008 02/2016
Gb302 G24479 GB 302 2,346 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation GB302 02/01/1991 01/2008 02/24/2006 01/2008 02/2016
Gb302 G27632 GB 258 2,346 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GB302 02/01/1991 01/2008 03/16/2007 06/2008 N/A
Gb302 G27632 GB 258 2,346 W & T Offshore, Inc. GB302 02/01/1991 01/2008 03/16/2007 06/2008 N/A
Geauxpher G19127 GB 462 2,789 Apache Deepwater LLC GB462 01/25/2007 05/2009 12/30/2008 05/2009 06/2015
Geauxpher G26655 GB 463 2,789 Apache Deepwater LLC GB462 01/25/2007 05/2009 N/A 02/2014 N/A
Geauxpher G26655 GB 463 2,789 Energy Resource Technology GOM, LLC GB462 01/25/2007 05/2009 N/A 02/2014 N/A
Geauxpher G26664 GB 506 2,789 Energy Resource Technology GOM, LLC GB462 01/25/2007 05/2009 09/08/2008 09/2008 N/A
Gemini G08805 MC 291 3,529 Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. MC292 09/07/1995 05/1999 02/26/1998 N/A 05/1998
Gemini G08806 MC 292 3,529 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. MC292 09/07/1995 05/1999 05/28/1999 05/1999 04/2015
Gemini G08806 MC 292 3,529 Noble Energy, Inc. MC292 09/07/1995 05/1999 05/28/1999 05/1999 04/2015
Gemini G13114 MC 248 3,529 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. MC292 09/07/1995 05/1999 06/04/2001 N/A 06/2001
Gemini G27268 MC 248 3,529 Noble Energy, Inc. MC292 09/07/1995 05/1999 07/27/2007 11/2008 02/2016
Genesis G05909 GC 161 2,792 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. GC205 09/01/1988 01/1999 03/04/1991 02/2000 N/A
Genesis G05911 GC 205 2,792 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. GC205 09/01/1988 01/1999 01/05/1989 01/1999 N/A
Genesis G07996 GC 160 2,792 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. GC205 09/01/1988 01/1999 07/14/1992 09/1999 N/A
Genesis G15565 GC 248 2,792 Shell Offshore Inc. GC205 09/01/1988 01/1999 N/A 07/2004 N/A
Gibson G33531 KC 96 4,835 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. KC096 05/16/2016 N/A 06/16/2016 N/A N/A
Gladden G18292 MC 800 3,116 W & T Offshore, Inc. MC800 04/29/2008 02/2011 07/16/2008 02/2011 N/A
Gomez G07956 MC 755 2,941 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC755 03/19/1986 03/2006 06/19/1986 N/A 04/1992
Gomez G14016 MC 711 2,941 ATP Oil & Gas Corporation MC755 03/19/1986 03/2006 12/30/1997 03/2006 06/2013
Gomez G14017 MC 755 2,941 Anadarko E&P Company LP MC755 03/19/1986 03/2006 06/11/1998 N/A 04/2001
Gomez G24104 MC 754 2,941 ATP Oil & Gas Corporation MC755 03/19/1986 03/2006 06/08/2009 02/2011 12/2012
Gomez G24105 MC 755 2,941 ATP Oil & Gas Corporation MC755 03/19/1986 03/2006 10/19/2007 10/2007 10/2013
Gomez G24105 MC 755 2,941 Nexen Petroleum U.S.A. Inc. MC755 03/19/1986 03/2006 10/19/2007 10/2007 10/2013
Goose G22899 MC 751 1,589 Statoil USA E&P Inc. MC751 12/15/2002 11/2012 04/24/2003 N/A 04/2008
Goose G33175 MC 751 1,589 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC751 12/15/2002 11/2012 10/04/2011 11/2012 N/A
Great White G17561 AC 813 7,918 Shell Offshore Inc. AC857 05/18/2002 03/2010 10/10/2006 11/2014 N/A
Great White G17565 AC 857 7,918 Shell Offshore Inc. AC857 05/18/2002 03/2010 10/10/2006 03/2010 N/A
Great White G17571 AC 901 7,918 Shell Offshore Inc. AC857 05/18/2002 03/2010 10/21/2010 10/2010 N/A
Great White G20870 AC 856 7,918 Shell Offshore Inc. AC857 05/18/2002 03/2010 N/A 03/2014 N/A
Great White G24593 AC 812 7,918 Shell Offshore Inc. AC857 05/18/2002 03/2010 N/A 05/2011 N/A
Gretchen G20034 GC 114 2,506 Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. GC114 12/18/1999 N/A 03/10/2000 N/A 07/2008
Gretchen G20034 GC 114 2,506 Shell Offshore Inc. GC114 12/18/1999 N/A 03/10/2000 N/A 07/2008
Guadalupe G27698 KC 10 3,911 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. KC010 08/14/2014 N/A 04/20/2016 N/A N/A
Gunflint G24133 MC 992 6,104 Marathon Oil Company MC948 08/15/2008 N/A 08/19/2013 N/A N/A
Gunflint G24133 MC 992 6,104 Noble Energy, Inc. MC948 08/15/2008 N/A 08/19/2013 N/A N/A
Gunflint G28030 MC 948 6,104 Noble Energy, Inc. MC948 08/15/2008 N/A 03/16/2009 07/2016 N/A
Gunnison G15927 GB 625 3,064 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GB668 05/09/2000 12/2003 12/15/2004 07/2006 12/2015
Gunnison G17406 GB 667 3,064 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GB668 05/09/2000 12/2003 09/14/2001 12/2003 N/A
Gunnison G17407 GB 668 3,064 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GB668 05/09/2000 12/2003 09/14/2000 12/2003 N/A
Gunnison G17408 GB 669 3,064 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GB668 05/09/2000 12/2003 01/11/2001 12/2003 N/A
Hadrian South G21450 KC 963 7,508 Exxon Mobil Corporation KC964 09/21/2008 03/2015 01/08/2010 N/A 07/2011
Hadrian South G21451 KC 964 7,508 Exxon Mobil Corporation KC964 09/21/2008 03/2015 03/18/2009 03/2015 N/A
Hal G20403 WR 848 7,657 Statoil Gulf of Mexico LLC WR848 01/15/2008 N/A 04/04/2008 N/A 08/2008
Harrier G20744 EB 758 4,114 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. EB759 01/28/2003 01/2004 N/A N/A 09/2008
Harrier G20745 EB 759 4,114 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. EB759 01/28/2003 01/2004 04/24/2003 01/2004 09/2008
Hawkes G21764 MC 508 4,082 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC509 11/20/2001 N/A 05/06/2004 N/A 04/2009
Hawkes G21765 MC 509 4,082 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC509 11/20/2001 N/A 10/01/2002 N/A 04/2009
Healey G26292 GC 82 2,391 W & T Offshore, Inc. GC082 02/15/2007 N/A 04/15/2014 N/A 04/2014
Heidelberg G24194 GC 859 5,325 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC859 01/23/2009 N/A 05/21/2012 01/2016 N/A
Heidelberg G24197 GC 903 5,325 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC859 01/23/2009 N/A 05/17/2012 02/2016 N/A
Holstein G11080 GC 644 4,341 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC GC644 01/09/1999 12/2004 03/29/1999 12/2004 N/A
Holstein G11081 GC 645 4,341 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC GC644 01/09/1999 12/2004 04/06/2005 04/2005 N/A
Holstein G18423 GC 688 4,341 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC GC644 01/09/1999 12/2004 12/25/2008 12/2008 N/A
Hoover G10380 AC 25 4,807 Exxon Mobil Corporation AC025 01/30/1997 09/2000 09/11/1997 09/2000 N/A
Hoover G10381 AC 26 4,807 Exxon Mobil Corporation AC025 01/30/1997 09/2000 12/15/2001 N/A N/A
Hopkins G25174 GC 627 4,379 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC627 12/01/2014 N/A 04/27/2016 N/A N/A
Hornet G22947 GC 379 3,878 Hess Corporation GC379 12/14/2001 N/A 05/17/2002 N/A 06/2012
Ida/Fastball G21160 VK 1003 4,914 W & T Offshore, Inc. VK1003 04/15/2007 10/2009 01/27/2009 10/2009 09/2014
Jack G17015 WR 758 6,963 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. WR759 07/09/2004 12/2014 01/24/2006 12/2014 N/A
Jack G17016 WR 759 6,963 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. WR759 07/09/2004 12/2014 04/15/2005 N/A N/A
Jolliet G04518 GC 184 1,718 MC Offshore Petroleum, LLC GC184 07/01/1981 11/1989 04/16/1982 11/1989 N/A
Jolliet G05910 GC 185 1,718 Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. GC184 07/01/1981 11/1989 04/01/1985 N/A 09/1996
Jubilee G18577 AT 349 8,778 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation AT349 03/30/2003 10/2007 04/17/2006 10/2007 04/2016
Jubilee G23473 LL 309 8,778 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation AT349 03/30/2003 10/2007 04/17/2006 11/2007 03/2012
Julia G20351 WR 584 7,132 Exxon Mobil Corporation WR627 04/07/2007 N/A 10/14/2008 03/2016 N/A
Julia G20361 WR 627 7,132 Exxon Mobil Corporation WR627 04/07/2007 N/A 08/23/2007 N/A N/A
K2 G11075 GC 562 4,031 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC562 08/14/1999 05/2005 11/02/1999 05/2005 N/A
K2 G11076 GC 563 4,031 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC562 08/14/1999 05/2005 03/09/2006 N/A 05/2010
K2 G11076 GC 563 4,031 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. GC562 08/14/1999 05/2005 03/09/2006 N/A 05/2010
K2 G16753 GC 561 4,031 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC562 08/14/1999 05/2005 N/A N/A N/A
K2 G21801 GC 518 4,031 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC562 08/14/1999 05/2005 03/18/2006 01/2006 N/A
K2 G21801 GC 518 4,031 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. GC562 08/14/1999 05/2005 03/18/2006 01/2006 N/A
K2 G21807 GC 606 4,031 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC562 08/14/1999 05/2005 11/03/2009 11/2009 N/A
Kaskida G25792 KC 292 5,879 BP Exploration & Production Inc. KC292 05/22/2006 N/A 07/27/2006 N/A N/A
Kepler G07937 MC 383 5,614 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC383 08/01/1987 04/2004 11/06/1987 04/2004 N/A
King Kong G05097 GC 472 3,813 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. GC472 02/01/1989 02/2002 04/03/1989 02/2002 12/2012
King Kong G05922 GC 473 3,813 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. GC472 02/01/1989 02/2002 06/24/1992 04/2003 12/2012
King Kong G20074 GC 516 3,813 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. GC472 02/01/1989 02/2002 04/05/2002 04/2002 12/2012
King'S Peak G09789 MC 173 6,511 ATP Oil & Gas Corporation DC133 03/01/1993 09/2002 11/11/2002 N/A 03/2013
King'S Peak G09790 MC 217 6,511 ATP Oil & Gas Corporation DC133 03/01/1993 09/2002 10/22/1997 10/2002 03/2013
King'S Peak G10444 DC 133 6,511 ATP Oil & Gas Corporation DC133 03/01/1993 09/2002 11/18/1993 09/2002 08/2009
King'S Peak G10445 DC 177 6,511 ATP Oil & Gas Corporation DC133 03/01/1993 09/2002 10/30/1997 N/A 06/2009
King/Horn Mt. G08484 MC 84 5,299 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation MC084 01/01/1993 04/2002 11/18/1993 06/2003 N/A
King/Horn Mt. G08484 MC 84 5,299 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC084 01/01/1993 04/2002 11/18/1993 06/2003 N/A
King/Horn Mt. G08484 MC 84 5,299 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC MC084 01/01/1993 04/2002 11/18/1993 06/2003 N/A
King/Horn Mt. G08797 MC 85 5,299 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC084 01/01/1993 04/2002 11/04/1997 04/2002 N/A
King/Horn Mt. G08797 MC 85 5,299 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC MC084 01/01/1993 04/2002 11/04/1997 04/2002 N/A
King/Horn Mt. G10977 MC 129 5,299 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC084 01/01/1993 04/2002 11/05/1997 04/2009 N/A
King/Horn Mt. G10977 MC 129 5,299 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC MC084 01/01/1993 04/2002 11/05/1997 04/2009 N/A
King/Horn Mt. G18194 MC 126 5,299 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC MC084 01/01/1993 04/2002 05/16/2000 01/2003 N/A
King/Horn Mt. G19925 MC 127 5,299 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation MC084 01/01/1993 04/2002 05/03/2000 11/2002 N/A
King/Horn Mt. G19925 MC 127 5,299 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC MC084 01/01/1993 04/2002 05/03/2000 11/2002 N/A
La Femme G16608 MC 427 5,776 Newfield Exploration Gulf Coast LLC MC427 12/02/2004 N/A 06/17/2005 N/A 08/2006
La Femme G31498 MC 427 5,776 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC427 12/02/2004 N/A 04/14/2016 N/A N/A
La Femme G31498 MC 427 5,776 Stone Energy Corporation MC427 12/02/2004 N/A 04/14/2016 N/A N/A
La Femme G33735 MC 471 5,776 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC427 12/02/2004 N/A 04/18/2016 N/A N/A
Ladybug G15891 GB 409 1,358 Union Oil Company of California GB409 05/13/1997 09/2001 11/25/1997 09/2001 11/2015
Lena G03205 MC 281 1,005 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC281 05/01/1976 01/1984 05/29/1980 05/1984 N/A
Lena G03605 MC 324 1,005 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC281 05/01/1976 01/1984 08/18/1980 01/1984 N/A
Lena G03818 MC 280 1,005 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC281 05/01/1976 01/1984 08/01/1980 04/1985 N/A
Lena G03820 MC 325 1,005 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC281 05/01/1976 01/1984 09/15/1985 09/1985 N/A
Llano G07485 GB 387 2,313 Newfield Exploration Gulf Coast LLC GB387 10/03/1994 05/1996 07/10/1990 05/1996 09/2005
Llano G10350 GB 386 2,313 Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc. GB387 10/03/1994 05/1996 10/01/1998 05/2004 N/A
Llano G15879 GB 341 2,313 Shell Offshore Inc. GB387 10/03/1994 05/1996 05/06/2002 11/2003 N/A
Llano G17358 GB 385 2,313 Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc. GB387 10/03/1994 05/1996 01/17/2002 04/2004 N/A
Logan G26419 WR 969 7,532 Statoil Gulf of Mexico LLC WR969 09/20/2011 N/A 07/16/2013 N/A 06/2015
Longhorn G06960 MC 502 2,540 BP America Production Company MC546 02/01/1986 10/2009 N/A N/A 08/1990
Longhorn G06965 MC 546 2,540 BP America Production Company MC546 02/01/1986 10/2009 05/02/1986 N/A 08/1990
Longhorn G14642 MC 546 2,540 Eni Petroleum Co. Inc. MC546 02/01/1986 10/2009 03/11/1999 N/A 04/2002
Longhorn G24084 MC 502 2,540 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC546 02/01/1986 10/2009 10/27/2009 10/2009 N/A
Longhorn G25098 MC 546 2,540 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC546 02/01/1986 10/2009 10/26/2009 10/2009 N/A
Longhorn G25098 MC 546 2,540 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC546 02/01/1986 10/2009 10/26/2009 10/2009 N/A
Longhorn G27277 MC 503 2,540 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC546 02/01/1986 10/2009 02/19/2008 12/2011 N/A
Longhorn G27277 MC 503 2,540 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC546 02/01/1986 10/2009 02/19/2008 12/2011 N/A
Longhorn G32334 MC 547 2,540 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC546 02/01/1986 10/2009 06/14/2010 12/2011 N/A
Lost Ark G17255 EB 421 2,754 Noble Energy, Inc. EB421 01/31/2001 06/2002 08/28/2001 06/2002 01/2008
Lost Ark G17259 EB 464 2,754 Noble Energy, Inc. EB421 01/31/2001 06/2002 04/15/2004 12/2007 10/2009
Lucius G21444 KC 875 7,106 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation KC875 01/23/2010 01/2015 03/13/2010 01/2015 N/A
Lucius G26771 KC 874 7,106 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation KC875 01/23/2010 01/2015 03/28/2013 01/2015 N/A
Lucius G26771 KC 874 7,106 Union Oil Company of California KC875 01/23/2010 01/2015 03/28/2013 01/2015 N/A
Macaroni G11553 GB 602 3,688 Shell Offshore Inc. GB602 01/21/1996 08/1999 N/A 08/1999 N/A
Mad Dog G09981 GC 825 4,788 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC826 11/24/1998 01/2005 10/17/2008 N/A N/A
Mad Dog G09982 GC 826 4,788 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC826 11/24/1998 01/2005 03/16/1999 08/2008 N/A
Mad Dog G15609 GC 781 4,788 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC826 11/24/1998 01/2005 10/21/2008 12/2015 N/A
Mad Dog G15610 GC 782 4,788 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC826 11/24/1998 01/2005 N/A 01/2005 N/A
Mad Dog G16786 GC 738 4,788 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC826 11/24/1998 01/2005 02/14/2012 N/A 01/2015
Mad Dog G28100 GC 869 4,788 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC826 11/24/1998 01/2005 05/19/2016 N/A N/A
Madison G10379 AC 24 4,856 Exxon Mobil Corporation AC024 06/25/1998 02/2002 10/02/1998 02/2002 N/A
Magnolia G11573 GB 783 4,659 ConocoPhillips Company GB783 05/03/1999 12/2004 05/24/1999 12/2004 N/A
Magnolia G11574 GB 784 4,659 ConocoPhillips Company GB783 05/03/1999 12/2004 N/A N/A N/A
Magnolia G20797 GB 782 4,659 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GB783 05/03/1999 12/2004 08/23/2007 N/A 06/2009
Magnolia G20797 GB 782 4,659 Callon Entrada Company GB783 05/03/1999 12/2004 08/23/2007 N/A 06/2009
Manta Ray G05820 EW 1006 1,851 MOBIL OIL EXPLORATION & PRODUCING SOUTHEAST INC. EW1006 01/26/1988 03/1999 N/A N/A 03/1988
Manta Ray G10968 EW 1006 1,851 Marathon Oil Company EW1006 01/26/1988 03/1999 10/23/1996 03/1999 N/A
Manta Ray G10968 EW 1006 1,851 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation EW1006 01/26/1988 03/1999 10/23/1996 03/1999 N/A
Marathon G05907 GC 153 1,687 Marathon Oil Company GC153 04/01/1984 N/A 08/15/1984 N/A 12/1990
Marathon G07022 GC 152 1,687 Marathon Oil Company GC153 04/01/1984 N/A 02/18/1988 N/A 05/1989
Marco Polo G18402 GC 608 4,289 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC608 04/21/2000 07/2004 08/06/2002 07/2004 N/A
Marco Polo G18402 GC 608 4,289 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. GC608 04/21/2000 07/2004 08/06/2002 07/2004 N/A
Marlin G06894 VK 915 3,446 BP Exploration & Production Inc. VK915 06/01/1993 11/1999 08/17/1993 11/1999 N/A
Marlin G06894 VK 915 3,446 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC VK915 06/01/1993 11/1999 08/17/1993 11/1999 N/A
Marlin G08469 VK 871 3,446 BP Exploration & Production Inc. VK915 06/01/1993 11/1999 02/25/2001 02/2001 N/A
Marlin G08469 VK 871 3,446 Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC VK915 06/01/1993 11/1999 02/25/2001 02/2001 N/A
Marmalard G22868 MC 300 5,939 ConocoPhillips Company MC300 05/03/2012 04/2015 08/21/2012 05/2015 N/A
Marmalard G22868 MC 300 5,939 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC300 05/03/2012 04/2015 08/21/2012 05/2015 N/A
Marmalard G24064 MC 255 5,939 ConocoPhillips Company MC300 05/03/2012 04/2015 07/25/2013 04/2015 N/A
Marmalard G24064 MC 255 5,939 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC300 05/03/2012 04/2015 07/25/2013 04/2015 N/A
Mars-Ursa G05868 MC 809 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 11/15/1996 03/1999 N/A
Mars-Ursa G05871 MC 853 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 N/A 01/2000 N/A
Mars-Ursa G06981 MC 808 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 04/14/2009 04/2009 N/A
Mars-Ursa G07957 MC 762 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 N/A 07/2007 N/A
Mars-Ursa G07958 MC 763 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 04/24/1992 07/1997 N/A
Mars-Ursa G07962 MC 806 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 05/26/1992 12/1996 N/A
Mars-Ursa G07963 MC 807 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 04/24/1992 07/1996 N/A
Mars-Ursa G08852 MC 764 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 09/30/1998 04/2000 N/A
Mars-Ursa G09873 MC 810 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 09/19/1996 N/A N/A
Mars-Ursa G09881 MC 850 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 10/03/2009 10/2009 N/A
Mars-Ursa G09882 MC 851 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 10/29/2008 10/2008 N/A
Mars-Ursa G09883 MC 854 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 03/23/1992 03/2001 N/A
Mars-Ursa G12166 MC 765 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 09/06/2000 11/2002 N/A
Mars-Ursa G14653 MC 766 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 09/10/2003 12/2003 N/A
Mars-Ursa G24112 MC 805 3,345 Shell Offshore Inc. MC807 04/01/1989 07/1996 11/02/2012 03/2014 N/A
Marshall G10322 EB 948 4,376 Exxon Mobil Corporation EB949 07/30/1998 10/2001 10/21/2001 10/2001 N/A
Marshall G10323 EB 949 4,376 Exxon Mobil Corporation EB949 07/30/1998 10/2001 10/02/1998 10/2001 N/A
Matterhorn G07927 MC 243 2,785 Conoco Inc. MC243 09/01/1990 11/2003 02/03/1993 N/A 06/1995
Matterhorn G19931 MC 243 2,785 W & T Energy VI, LLC MC243 09/01/1990 11/2003 N/A 11/2003 N/A
Matterhorn G32301 MC 199 2,785 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC243 09/01/1990 11/2003 03/03/2010 06/2012 N/A
Mckinley G09932 GC 416 4,019 Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. GC416 07/14/1998 N/A 10/16/1998 N/A 04/2000
Medusa G14005 MC 496 2,163 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. MC582 08/23/1998 06/2003 05/14/2001 06/2003 N/A
Medusa G16614 MC 538 2,163 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA MC582 08/23/1998 06/2003 04/12/2000 11/2003 N/A
Medusa G16623 MC 582 2,163 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA MC582 08/23/1998 06/2003 04/12/2000 03/2004 N/A
Medusa G16624 MC 583 2,163 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation MC582 08/23/1998 06/2003 09/17/2004 06/2005 N/A
Mensa G05862 MC 686 5,286 Shell Offshore Inc. MC731 12/01/1986 07/1997 07/12/1997 07/1997 03/2014
Mensa G05863 MC 687 5,286 Shell Offshore Inc. MC731 12/01/1986 07/1997 11/20/1998 11/1998 03/2014
Mensa G07954 MC 730 5,286 Shell Offshore Inc. MC731 12/01/1986 07/1997 04/27/1992 11/1997 03/2014
Mensa G07955 MC 731 5,286 Shell Offshore Inc. MC731 12/01/1986 07/1997 06/01/1987 N/A 07/2007
Merganser G21825 AT 36 7,938 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation AT037 11/28/2001 08/2007 05/13/2010 07/2010 09/2014
Merganser G21826 AT 37 7,938 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation AT037 11/28/2001 08/2007 01/29/2002 08/2007 05/2011
Mica G08801 MC 167 4,321 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC211 05/01/1990 06/2001 06/06/2001 06/2001 04/2009
Mica G08803 MC 211 4,321 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC211 05/01/1990 06/2001 01/25/1994 06/2001 09/2016
Mission Deep G20114 GC 955 7,120 Anadarko E&P Company LP GC955 12/13/1999 N/A 12/12/2007 N/A 04/2009
Moccasin G13816 GB 254 1,920 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. GB254 07/23/1993 N/A 08/16/1993 N/A 11/2000
Moccasin G22367 KC 736 6,591 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. KC736 08/04/2011 N/A 06/01/2012 N/A 01/2016
Mondo Nw G10486 LL 1 8,351 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation LL001 01/08/2005 08/2007 04/17/2006 07/2007 05/2010
Mondo Nw G10487 LL 2 8,351 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation LL001 01/08/2005 08/2007 08/10/2009 03/2010 03/2016
Monet G19965 MC 561 6,295 Noble Energy, Inc. MC561 06/03/2008 N/A 12/09/2008 N/A 01/2009
Morpeth G06925 EW 966 1,712 ORYX ENERGY COMPANY EW921 07/30/1989 10/1998 02/03/1989 N/A 03/1990
Morpeth G06935 EW 1010 1,712 Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. EW921 07/30/1989 10/1998 02/14/1989 N/A 06/1990
Morpeth G12142 EW 921 1,712 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. EW921 07/30/1989 10/1998 08/19/1993 03/1999 N/A
Morpeth G12145 EW 965 1,712 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. EW921 07/30/1989 10/1998 12/05/1996 10/1998 N/A
Morpeth G18184 EW 966 1,712 Apache Deepwater LLC EW921 07/30/1989 10/1998 06/16/1999 10/2000 N/A
Morpeth G18184 EW 966 1,712 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. EW921 07/30/1989 10/1998 06/16/1999 10/2000 N/A
Mosquito Hawk G12644 GB 269 1,049 Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. GB269 03/06/1996 N/A 04/23/1996 N/A 09/1998
Mudbug G34896 MC 560 6,237 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC560 04/27/2016 N/A 06/01/2016 N/A N/A
N.Thunder Horse G09866 MC 776 5,672 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC776 07/23/2000 06/2009 09/07/2004 02/2009 N/A
N.Thunder Horse G09867 MC 777 5,672 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC776 07/23/2000 06/2009 02/15/2009 02/2009 N/A
N.Thunder Horse G09868 MC 778 5,672 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC776 07/23/2000 06/2009 09/29/1999 07/2010 N/A
N.Thunder Horse G19997 MC 775 5,672 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC776 07/23/2000 06/2009 01/09/2010 01/2010 N/A
N.Thunder Horse G21778 MC 734 5,672 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA MC776 07/23/2000 06/2009 11/30/2006 07/2009 N/A
N.Thunder Horse G27312 MC 819 5,672 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA MC776 07/23/2000 06/2009 04/03/2007 N/A 05/2016
Nansen G14205 EB 602 3,692 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB602 09/25/1999 01/2002 11/16/1999 01/2002 N/A
Nansen G17266 EB 558 3,692 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB602 09/25/1999 01/2002 09/09/2006 02/2008 11/2010
Nansen G20725 EB 646 3,692 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB602 09/25/1999 01/2002 10/19/2000 01/2002 N/A
Nansen G22295 EB 689 3,692 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB602 09/25/1999 01/2002 08/22/2002 05/2003 12/2014
Nansen G22296 EB 690 3,692 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation EB602 09/25/1999 01/2002 10/25/2001 05/2002 06/2015
Neptune G05778 VK 825 1,864 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation VK825 11/01/1987 03/1997 01/14/1988 11/1998 11/2013
Neptune G05784 VK 869 1,864 Exxon Mobil Corporation VK825 11/01/1987 03/1997 07/22/1988 N/A 08/1990
Neptune G06888 VK 826 1,864 Noble Energy, Inc. VK825 11/01/1987 03/1997 08/21/1989 03/1997 N/A
Neptune G13065 VK 869 1,864 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation VK825 11/01/1987 03/1997 N/A 03/2004 11/2013
Neptune (At) G08035 AT 574 6,205 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. AT575 09/26/1995 07/2008 02/10/2005 07/2008 N/A
Neptune (At) G08036 AT 575 6,205 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. AT575 09/26/1995 07/2008 11/29/1995 08/2008 N/A
Neptune (At) G08037 AT 617 6,205 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. AT575 09/26/1995 07/2008 02/10/2005 N/A 07/2013
Neptune (At) G08038 AT 618 6,205 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. AT575 09/26/1995 07/2008 02/10/2005 12/2009 N/A
Ness G22970 GC 507 4,001 Hess Corporation GC507 12/27/2001 N/A 02/01/2002 N/A 06/2013
Nile G08785 VK 914 3,535 BP Exploration & Production Inc. VK914 04/30/1997 04/2001 08/20/1997 04/2001 07/2009
Nirvana G07926 MC 162 3,454 BP Exploration & Oil Inc. MC162 11/30/1994 N/A 04/28/1995 N/A 12/1997
Nirvana G21746 MC 162 3,454 Deep Gulf Energy LP MC162 11/30/1994 N/A 01/13/2010 N/A 06/2010
Nirvana G21746 MC 162 3,454 Shell Offshore Inc. MC162 11/30/1994 N/A 01/13/2010 N/A 06/2010
Northwestern G15852 GB 200 1,391 Hess Corporation GB200 05/14/1998 11/2000 09/09/1998 11/2000 N/A
Northwestern G17300 GB 158 1,391 Hess Corporation GB200 05/14/1998 11/2000 09/19/2000 01/2002 N/A
Northwestern G17307 GB 201 1,391 Hess Corporation GB200 05/14/1998 11/2000 11/13/2002 11/2002 N/A
Ochre G24040 MC 66 1,144 Mariner Energy, Inc. MC066 10/25/2002 01/2004 05/30/2003 01/2004 06/2010
Oregano G11546 GB 559 3,398 Shell Offshore Inc. GB559 03/27/1999 10/2001 08/27/1999 10/2001 N/A
Otis G27259 MC 79 3,861 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC079 07/28/2014 N/A 12/03/2014 04/2016 N/A
Ourse G33764 MC 895 3,737 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC895 05/04/2016 N/A 06/09/2016 N/A N/A
Pegasus G25142 GC 385 3,531 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. GC385 04/28/2005 12/2008 03/30/2007 12/2008 N/A
Petronius G10944 VK 830 1,790 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. VK786 07/14/1995 07/2000 10/04/2001 09/2001 N/A
Petronius G12119 VK 786 1,790 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. VK786 07/14/1995 07/2000 08/14/1995 07/2000 N/A
Petronius G13988 VK 742 1,192 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. VK742 08/08/1997 02/2002 03/12/1998 02/2002 N/A
Phoenix G05913 GC 235 2,077 Placid Oil Company GC236 10/01/1984 07/2001 01/08/1985 N/A 06/1988
Phoenix G15562 GC 236 2,077 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. GC236 10/01/1984 07/2001 10/20/1999 07/2001 06/2011
Phoenix G15562 GC 236 2,077 Energy Resource Technology GOM, LLC GC236 10/01/1984 07/2001 10/20/1999 07/2001 06/2011
Phoenix G15563 GC 237 2,077 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. GC236 10/01/1984 07/2001 10/20/1999 08/2001 N/A
Phoenix G15563 GC 237 2,077 Energy Resource Technology GOM, LLC GC236 10/01/1984 07/2001 10/20/1999 08/2001 N/A
Phoenix G33242 GC 281 2,077 Energy Resource Technology GOM, LLC GC236 10/01/1984 07/2001 04/27/2016 10/2016 N/A
Phoenix G34971 GC 236 2,077 Energy Resource Technology GOM, LLC GC236 10/01/1984 07/2001 N/A 05/2015 N/A
Pilsner G02648 EB 161 1,094 Fieldwood SD Offshore LLC EB205 05/02/2001 12/2001 07/07/1976 02/1987 12/2015
Pilsner G17237 EB 205 1,094 Union Oil Company of California EB205 05/02/2001 12/2001 10/11/2001 11/2001 06/2008
Pluto G07952 MC 718 2,802 Apache Deepwater LLC MC718 10/20/1995 12/1999 01/30/1996 09/2006 05/2011
Pluto G07952 MC 718 2,802 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC718 10/20/1995 12/1999 01/30/1996 09/2006 05/2011
Pluto G13687 MC 674 2,802 Apache Deepwater LLC MC718 10/20/1995 12/1999 02/02/1996 12/1999 05/2011
Pluto G13687 MC 674 2,802 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC718 10/20/1995 12/1999 02/02/1996 12/1999 05/2011
Pompano G04256 MC 28 1,436 Atlantic Richfield Company VK990 05/01/1981 10/1994 04/13/1981 N/A 09/1984
Pompano G06898 VK 989 1,436 Stone Energy Corporation VK990 05/01/1981 10/1994 12/30/1985 11/1994 N/A
Pompano G06899 VK 990 1,436 Stone Energy Corporation VK990 05/01/1981 10/1994 07/23/1985 08/1995 N/A
Pompano G07923 MC 27 1,436 Stone Energy Corporation VK990 05/01/1981 10/1994 02/23/1989 10/1994 N/A
Pompano G08483 MC 72 1,436 Energy XXI GOM, LLC VK990 05/01/1981 10/1994 07/13/1992 05/1996 N/A
Pompano G08483 MC 72 1,436 Stone Energy Corporation VK990 05/01/1981 10/1994 07/13/1992 05/1996 N/A
Pompano G09771 MC 28 1,436 Stone Energy Corporation VK990 05/01/1981 10/1994 02/13/1989 10/1994 N/A
Pompano I G13997 MC 29 2,042 Newfield Exploration Company MC029 03/04/1998 01/2002 01/14/2002 01/2002 N/A
Pompano I G13997 MC 29 2,042 Stone Energy Corporation MC029 03/04/1998 01/2002 01/14/2002 01/2002 N/A
Popeye G05896 GC 72 2,019 Shell Offshore Inc. GC072 07/10/1985 01/1996 05/21/1986 01/1996 10/2015
Popeye G05897 GC 73 2,019 Shell Offshore Inc. GC072 07/10/1985 01/1996 09/13/1985 N/A 06/2005
Popeye G05904 GC 116 2,120 Shell Offshore Inc. GC116 02/01/1985 01/1996 04/29/1985 01/1996 10/2015
Popeye G05905 GC 117 2,019 Shell Offshore Inc. GC072 07/10/1985 01/1996 04/16/2002 04/2002 10/2015
Poseidon G08016 GC 691 4,489 BP Exploration & Oil Inc. GC691 02/27/1996 N/A 06/07/1996 N/A 09/1997
Prince G06921 EW 958 1,526 EnVen Energy Ventures, LLC EW958 07/20/1994 09/2001 03/28/1995 12/2001 N/A
Prince G13091 EW 1003 1,526 EnVen Energy Ventures, LLC EW958 07/20/1994 09/2001 10/13/1994 09/2001 N/A
Ptolemy G06371 GB 412 1,390 Union Exploration Partners, Ltd. GB412 07/01/1984 N/A 08/10/1984 N/A 12/1988
Puma G16808 GC 823 4,155 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GC823 11/05/2003 N/A 05/11/2005 N/A 07/2009
Pyrenees G32409 GB 293 2,079 W & T Offshore, Inc. GB293 04/14/2009 02/2012 N/A 02/2012 06/2016
Q G26281 MC 961 7,926 Statoil USA E&P Inc. MC961 06/17/2005 10/2007 04/28/2005 10/2007 04/2014
Ram-Powell G05784 VK 869 3,238 Exxon Mobil Corporation VK956 05/01/1985 09/1997 07/22/1988 N/A 08/1990
Ram-Powell G06892 VK 911 3,238 Shell Offshore Inc. VK956 05/01/1985 09/1997 01/29/1999 01/1999 N/A
Ram-Powell G06893 VK 912 3,238 Shell Offshore Inc. VK956 05/01/1985 09/1997 07/24/1985 09/1997 N/A
Ram-Powell G06896 VK 956 3,238 Shell Offshore Inc. VK956 05/01/1985 09/1997 03/19/1986 12/1997 N/A
Ram-Powell G08474 VK 955 3,238 Shell Offshore Inc. VK956 05/01/1985 09/1997 03/22/2002 03/2002 N/A
Ram-Powell G08475 VK 957 3,238 Shell Offshore Inc. VK956 05/01/1985 09/1997 02/07/1998 02/1998 N/A
Ram-Powell G08784 VK 913 3,238 Shell Offshore Inc. VK956 05/01/1985 09/1997 N/A 07/2004 N/A
Ram-Powell G13065 VK 869 3,238 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation VK956 05/01/1985 09/1997 N/A 03/2004 11/2013
Raptor G23243 EB 668 3,710 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. EB668 09/13/2003 06/2004 10/29/2003 06/2004 09/2011
Red Hawk G21408 GB 877 5,329 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GB877 08/15/2001 07/2004 10/05/2002 07/2004 10/2009
Red Zinger G35325 MC 257 5,848 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC257 08/28/2016 N/A 10/27/2016 N/A N/A
Rigel G18207 MC 252 5,065 Dominion Exploration & Production, Inc. MC252 11/29/1999 03/2006 07/03/2003 N/A 06/2007
Rigel G21164 MC 296 5,065 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC252 11/29/1999 03/2006 02/17/2004 03/2006 12/2011
Rigel G24055 MC 209 5,065 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC252 11/29/1999 03/2006 09/09/2013 05/2015 N/A
Rigel G24062 MC 253 5,065 ConocoPhillips Company MC252 11/29/1999 03/2006 03/03/2013 04/2015 N/A
Rigel G24062 MC 253 5,065 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC252 11/29/1999 03/2006 03/03/2013 04/2015 N/A
Rigel G32303 MC 208 5,065 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC252 11/29/1999 03/2006 02/25/2015 04/2015 N/A
Rigel G32306 MC 252 5,065 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC252 11/29/1999 03/2006 N/A 04/2010 N/A
Rigel G35491 MC 252 5,065 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC252 11/29/1999 03/2006 N/A 10/2015 N/A
Rockefeller G10325 EB 992 4,865 Exxon Mobil Corporation EB992 11/28/1995 08/2009 07/14/1997 N/A 11/1998
Rockefeller G23257 EB 992 4,865 Exxon Mobil Corporation EB992 11/28/1995 08/2009 08/18/2009 08/2009 01/2013
Rocky G05901 GC 110 1,959 Marathon Oil Company GC110 08/07/1987 01/1996 11/21/1984 N/A 12/1990
Rocky G05907 GC 153 1,959 Marathon Oil Company GC110 08/07/1987 01/1996 08/15/1984 N/A 12/1990
Rocky G05908 GC 154 1,959 Marathon Oil Company GC110 08/07/1987 01/1996 04/19/1988 N/A 12/1990
Rocky G14023 GC 110 1,959 Shell Offshore Inc. GC110 08/07/1987 01/1996 01/23/1996 01/1996 03/2005
Rocky G16698 GC 155 1,959 Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. GC110 08/07/1987 01/1996 04/24/2000 07/2002 N/A
Rocky G24160 GC 199 1,959 Noble Energy, Inc. GC110 08/07/1987 01/1996 11/22/2004 04/2006 09/2015
Rydberg G31507 MC 525 7,461 Shell Offshore Inc. MC525 06/03/2014 N/A 11/02/2016 N/A N/A
Sable G05912 GC 228 1,694 Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. GC228 07/01/1985 N/A 09/20/1985 N/A 09/1996
Saint Malo G18753 WR 677 6,933 Union Oil Company of California WR678 10/13/2003 12/2014 05/28/2008 12/2014 N/A
Saint Malo G21245 WR 678 6,933 Union Oil Company of California WR678 10/13/2003 12/2014 12/12/2006 12/2014 N/A
Salsa G06353 GB 171 1,212 Marathon Oil Company GB171 04/18/1984 08/1998 07/22/1988 N/A 02/1990
Salsa G09216 GB 215 1,212 Hess Corporation GB171 04/18/1984 08/1998 05/16/1995 06/2003 N/A
Salsa G13369 GB 171 1,212 Anadarko US Offshore LLC GB171 04/18/1984 08/1998 05/08/1996 N/A 06/1999
Salsa G14221 GB 172 1,212 Shell Offshore Inc. GB171 04/18/1984 08/1998 03/11/1996 08/1998 N/A
San Jacinto G23526 DC 618 7,805 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. DC618 04/24/2004 10/2007 02/14/2005 09/2007 01/2012
San Patricio G13211 AT 153 4,785 Exxon Mobil Corporation AT153 08/09/2001 N/A 11/29/2001 N/A 02/2002
Sangria G16702 GC 177 1,487 Mariner Gulf of Mexico LLC GC177 08/22/1999 06/2002 12/02/1999 06/2002 03/2005
Serrano G08252 GB 516 3,340 Shell Offshore Inc. GB516 07/23/1996 12/2001 11/21/1996 06/2002 06/2005
Serrano G11528 GB 472 3,340 Shell Offshore Inc. GB516 07/23/1996 12/2001 01/01/2000 02/2002 05/2010
Serrano G20792 GB 515 3,340 Marathon Oil Company GB516 07/23/1996 12/2001 10/30/2008 12/2011 07/2013
Seventeen Hands G21752 MC 299 5,881 Eni US Operating Co. Inc. MC299 05/04/2001 03/2006 05/08/2002 03/2006 09/2011
Shaft G21785 GC 141 1,016 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. GC141 06/29/2008 02/2010 08/12/2008 07/2010 N/A
Shenandoah G31938 WR 51 5,846 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation WR051 01/29/2013 N/A 09/30/2014 N/A N/A
Shenzi G16764 GC 609 4,304 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. GC654 12/02/2002 10/2007 N/A 06/2012 N/A
Shenzi G16765 GC 610 4,304 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. GC654 12/02/2002 10/2007 01/30/2007 N/A N/A
Shenzi G20084 GC 653 4,304 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. GC654 12/02/2002 10/2007 11/09/2006 09/2009 N/A
Shenzi G20085 GC 654 4,304 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. GC654 12/02/2002 10/2007 11/09/2006 03/2009 N/A
Shenzi G21810 GC 652 4,304 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc. GC654 12/02/2002 10/2007 04/05/2006 10/2007 N/A
Shiner Deep G19154 GB 700 4,542 Anadarko E&P Company LP GB700 09/13/2003 N/A 05/05/2004 N/A 11/2007
Slammer G21188 MC 849 3,600 Noble Energy, Inc. MC849 03/19/2002 N/A 05/17/2002 N/A 06/2009
Son Of Bluto 2 G22877 MC 431 6,426 ConocoPhillips Company MC431 03/14/2012 08/2015 04/26/2012 08/2015 N/A
Son Of Bluto 2 G22877 MC 431 6,426 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC431 03/14/2012 08/2015 04/26/2012 08/2015 N/A
Spiderman/Amazo G23528 DC 620 8,082 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation DC621 11/29/2003 09/2007 04/18/2006 11/2007 03/2013
Spiderman/Amazo G23529 DC 621 8,082 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation DC621 11/29/2003 09/2007 04/18/2006 09/2007 05/2015
Stampede G26313 GC 468 3,500 Hess Corporation GC468 06/24/2006 N/A 10/01/2008 N/A N/A
Stampede G26315 GC 512 3,500 Hess Corporation GC468 06/24/2006 N/A 05/01/2009 N/A N/A
Stonefly G33701 VK 999 4,119 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. VK999 09/22/2016 N/A 11/09/2016 N/A N/A
Stones G17001 WR 508 9,169 Shell Offshore Inc. WR508 03/10/2005 09/2016 03/23/2009 09/2016 N/A
Supertramp G10971 MC 26 1,193 BP Exploration & Oil Inc. MC026 05/27/1994 01/2016 06/28/1994 N/A 06/1997
Supertramp G31474 MC 26 1,193 Stone Energy Corporation MC026 05/27/1994 01/2016 N/A 12/2015 N/A
Sw Horseshoe G19001 EB 430 2,285 Hess Corporation EB430 05/03/2000 05/2006 12/04/2001 05/2006 N/A
Sw Horseshoe G19001 EB 430 2,285 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation EB430 05/03/2000 05/2006 12/04/2001 05/2006 N/A
Swordfish G15441 VK 917 4,372 BP Exploration & Production Inc. VK917 12/08/2001 10/2006 01/16/2002 10/2006 N/A
Swordfish G15441 VK 917 4,372 Noble Energy, Inc. VK917 12/08/2001 10/2006 01/16/2002 10/2006 N/A
Swordfish G15444 VK 961 4,676 BP Exploration & Production Inc. VK962 11/15/2001 10/2005 10/01/2004 10/2005 01/2012
Swordfish G15444 VK 961 4,676 Noble Energy, Inc. VK962 11/15/2001 10/2005 10/01/2004 10/2005 01/2012
Swordfish G15445 VK 962 4,676 BP Exploration & Production Inc. VK962 11/15/2001 10/2005 01/16/2002 10/2005 N/A
Swordfish G15445 VK 962 4,676 Noble Energy, Inc. VK962 11/15/2001 10/2005 01/16/2002 10/2005 N/A
Tahiti/Cae/Tong G16759 GC 596 4,327 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. GC640 03/29/2002 04/2007 04/27/2005 07/2007 N/A
Tahiti/Cae/Tong G16760 GC 597 4,327 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. GC640 03/29/2002 04/2007 N/A 06/2015 N/A
Tahiti/Cae/Tong G16783 GC 727 4,327 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC640 03/29/2002 04/2007 04/10/2006 01/2014 N/A
Tahiti/Cae/Tong G16794 GC 771 4,327 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC640 03/29/2002 04/2007 04/23/2007 N/A 06/2007
Tahiti/Cae/Tong G18421 GC 683 4,327 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC640 03/29/2002 04/2007 03/15/2007 01/2007 N/A
Tahiti/Cae/Tong G20082 GC 640 4,327 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. GC640 03/29/2002 04/2007 05/02/2005 04/2007 N/A
Tahiti/Cae/Tong G24179 GC 726 4,327 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC640 03/29/2002 04/2007 N/A 03/2012 N/A
Tahiti/Cae/Tong G24184 GC 770 4,327 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC640 03/29/2002 04/2007 N/A 03/2012 N/A
Tahoe/Se Tahoe G06886 VK 783 1,328 W & T Energy VI, LLC VK783 12/01/1984 01/1994 03/29/1985 01/1994 N/A
Tahoe/Se Tahoe G07910 VK 827 2,104 Shell Deepwater Production Inc. VK827 11/08/1998 N/A 01/07/1999 N/A 04/2001
Tahoe/Se Tahoe G13060 VK 784 1,328 W & T Energy VI, LLC VK783 12/01/1984 01/1994 04/25/1996 10/1996 N/A
Telemark G13198 AT 63 4,412 Bennu Oil & Gas, LLC AT063 02/11/2000 03/2010 07/25/2000 03/2010 N/A
Thunder Horse G09868 MC 778 6,094 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC778 04/01/1999 06/2008 09/29/1999 07/2010 N/A
Thunder Horse G14657 MC 821 6,094 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC778 04/01/1999 06/2008 03/14/2012 02/2016 N/A
Thunder Horse G14658 MC 822 6,094 BP Exploration & Production Inc. MC778 04/01/1999 06/2008 N/A 06/2008 N/A
Thunder Ridge G16645 MC 737 6,113 Murphy Exploration & Production Company - USA MC737 10/27/2006 N/A 11/28/2006 N/A 05/2007
Ticonderoga G21817 GC 768 5,258 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC768 09/10/2004 02/2006 10/18/2004 02/2006 N/A
Ticonderoga G21817 GC 768 5,258 Noble Energy, Inc. GC768 09/10/2004 02/2006 10/18/2004 02/2006 N/A
Tiger G20863 AC 818 9,004 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. AC818 02/28/2004 N/A 05/09/2007 N/A 10/2008
Tiger G24159 GC 195 1,844 Deep Gulf Energy LP GC195 05/25/2006 01/2007 12/30/2006 12/2006 06/2009
Timber Wolf G21770 MC 555 4,749 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC555 10/30/2001 N/A 10/01/2002 N/A 05/2010
Tobago G19409 AC 815 9,436 Shell Offshore Inc. AC859 04/17/2004 12/2010 12/09/2010 12/2010 N/A
Tobago G20871 AC 859 9,436 Shell Offshore Inc. AC859 04/17/2004 12/2010 10/10/2006 10/2011 N/A
Troika G11043 GC 244 2,795 Fieldwood Energy Offshore LLC GC244 05/30/1994 11/1997 08/04/1994 03/1998 N/A
Troika G11043 GC 244 2,795 Marathon Oil Company GC244 05/30/1994 11/1997 08/04/1994 03/1998 N/A
Troika G12209 GC 200 2,795 Fieldwood Energy Offshore LLC GC244 05/30/1994 11/1997 10/31/1997 10/1997 N/A
Troika G12210 GC 201 2,795 Fieldwood Energy Offshore LLC GC244 05/30/1994 11/1997 11/20/2000 11/2000 N/A
Troika G12210 GC 201 2,795 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. GC244 05/30/1994 11/1997 11/20/2000 11/2000 N/A
Troubadour G33169 MC 699 7,273 Noble Energy, Inc. MC699 08/10/2013 N/A 06/11/2015 N/A N/A
Tubular Bells G16636 MC 683 4,513 Hess Corporation MC682 10/17/2003 11/2014 04/01/2008 N/A N/A
Tubular Bells G21776 MC 682 4,513 Hess Corporation MC682 10/17/2003 11/2014 03/15/2007 N/A N/A
Tubular Bells G22897 MC 724 4,513 Hess Corporation MC682 10/17/2003 11/2014 N/A 11/2014 N/A
Tubular Bells G22898 MC 725 4,513 Hess Corporation MC682 10/17/2003 11/2014 04/23/2008 12/2014 N/A
Tubular Bells G24101 MC 726 4,513 Hess Corporation MC682 10/17/2003 11/2014 04/09/2008 01/2015 N/A
Valley Forge G25103 MC 707 1,538 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC707 06/20/2007 09/2007 10/09/2007 07/2008 N/A
Vicksburg A G26254 MC 393 7,374 Shell Offshore Inc. MC393 05/17/2013 N/A 02/09/2015 N/A N/A
Virgo G10942 VK 823 1,142 W & T Energy VI, LLC VK823 01/01/1993 12/1999 05/29/1997 12/1999 N/A
Virgo G16549 VK 822 1,142 W & T Energy VI, LLC VK823 01/01/1993 12/1999 N/A 06/2000 N/A
Vito G22919 MC 984 4,025 Shell Offshore Inc. MC940 03/29/2010 N/A 01/13/2011 N/A N/A
Vito G31534 MC 940 4,025 Shell Offshore Inc. MC940 03/29/2010 N/A 11/30/2010 N/A N/A
Vortex G16890 AT 261 8,344 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation AT261 12/02/2002 10/2007 03/31/2006 10/2007 09/2012
Wide Berth G31732 GC 490 3,714 Apache Deepwater LLC GC490 10/25/2009 04/2012 N/A 04/2012 N/A
Wrigley G26261 MC 506 3,682 W & T Offshore, Inc. MC506 02/06/2005 07/2007 10/12/2005 07/2007 N/A
Zinc G02961 MC 398 1,493 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC354 08/01/1977 08/1993 11/20/1979 N/A 05/2010
Zinc G02962 MC 399 1,493 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC354 08/01/1977 08/1993 04/10/1979 N/A 05/2010
Zinc G02963 MC 354 1,493 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC354 08/01/1977 08/1993 04/10/1979 08/1993 05/2010
Zinc G02964 MC 355 1,493 Exxon Mobil Corporation MC354 08/01/1977 08/1993 01/22/1980 08/1993 05/2010
N/A G02972 MC 113 1,857 Placid Oil Company MC113 01/01/1976 N/A 03/03/1976 N/A 11/1977
N/A G02974 MC 68 1,214 ATOFINA Petrochemicals, Inc. MC068 12/09/1975 01/2001 N/A N/A 11/1977
N/A G03208 VK 862 1,049 Exxon Mobil Corporation VK862 10/01/1976 12/1995 09/10/1980 N/A 02/1982
N/A G05783 VK 862 1,049 BP Exploration Inc. VK862 10/01/1976 12/1995 09/18/1985 N/A 03/1989
N/A G05832 MC 285 2,902 Texaco Inc. MC285 09/01/1987 04/2012 11/01/1987 N/A 06/1989
N/A G05879 GC 21 1,224 Odeco Oil & Gas Company GC021 10/01/1984 N/A 01/14/1985 N/A 02/1991
N/A G05882 GC 29 1,565 Placid Oil Company GC029 01/01/1984 11/1988 04/12/1984 06/1989 12/1990
N/A G05883 GC 39 1,976 Placid Oil Company GC039 04/01/1984 N/A 07/25/1984 N/A 06/1988
N/A G05894 GC 70 1,618 Conoco Inc. GC070 06/01/1984 N/A 09/06/1984 N/A 12/1988
N/A G06931 EW 999 1,565 Placid Oil Company GC029 01/01/1984 11/1988 11/14/1985 10/1988 07/1990
N/A G06953 MC 455 1,400 Union Exploration Partners, Ltd. MC455 02/01/1986 N/A 04/23/1986 N/A 05/1989
N/A G06973 MC 665 2,525 Atlantic Richfield Company MC709 02/01/1987 N/A 09/01/1987 N/A 10/1989
N/A G06975 MC 709 2,525 Atlantic Richfield Company MC709 02/01/1987 N/A 05/14/1987 N/A 10/1989
N/A G06984 MC 929 2,250 Conoco Inc. MC929 11/01/1987 N/A 04/08/1988 N/A 05/1989
N/A G06994 GC 31 2,172 EP Operating Limited Partnership GC075 05/01/1985 11/1988 01/08/1986 11/1988 04/1990
N/A G07007 GC 75 2,172 ORYX ENERGY COMPANY GC075 05/01/1985 11/1988 09/06/1985 N/A 08/1989
N/A G07020 GC 147 1,275 Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. GC147 05/01/1988 N/A 07/21/1988 N/A 06/1990
N/A G07025 GC 162 2,583 ORYX ENERGY COMPANY GC162 07/01/1989 N/A 06/20/1989 N/A 10/1990
N/A G07075 AT 1 2,381 Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. AT001 05/14/1986 N/A 08/08/1986 N/A 06/1989
N/A G07424 EB 377 2,450 Shell Offshore Inc. EB377 10/01/1985 N/A 01/14/1986 N/A 08/1989
N/A G07483 GB 379 2,047 Conoco Inc. GB379 07/01/1985 12/2004 10/01/1985 N/A 08/1991
N/A G08222 GB 208 1,267 Eni Petroleum Co. Inc. GB208 09/01/1991 11/2004 04/21/1992 N/A 04/1995
N/A G08268 PI 525 3,381 BP Exploration & Oil Inc. PI525 04/30/1996 N/A 08/14/1996 N/A 11/1996
N/A G11066 GC 463 4,032 BP Exploration & Oil Inc. GC463 12/01/1998 N/A 01/21/1999 N/A 04/1999
N/A G13064 VK 862 1,049 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation VK862 10/01/1976 12/1995 12/19/1995 12/1995 N/A
N/A G15464 MC 68 1,214 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation MC068 12/09/1975 01/2001 07/20/2000 01/2001 10/2005
N/A G16650 MC 837 1,543 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation EW878 07/03/2000 12/2001 07/02/2001 04/2004 05/2007
N/A G16679 GC 39 1,976 Eni Petroleum Co. Inc. GC039 04/01/1984 N/A 04/30/1999 N/A 08/2003
N/A G17456 GB 873 4,705 BP Exploration & Production Inc. GB873 12/09/2006 N/A 03/03/2007 N/A 06/2007
N/A G18169 EW 878 1,543 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation EW878 07/03/2000 12/2001 08/02/2000 12/2001 N/A
N/A G21163 MC 161 2,924 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation MC161 07/16/2005 11/2007 10/20/2005 11/2007 N/A
N/A G21750 MC 241 2,902 Shell Offshore Inc. MC285 09/01/1987 04/2012 05/06/2009 04/2012 09/2015
N/A G21750 MC 241 2,902 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation MC285 09/01/1987 04/2012 05/06/2009 04/2012 09/2015
N/A G23278 GB 205 1,330 Nexen Petroleum U.S.A. Inc. GB205 07/25/2002 12/2002 09/18/2002 12/2002 01/2012
N/A G24059 MC 214 5,931 Deep Gulf Energy II, LLC MC214 09/17/2013 N/A 02/21/2014 N/A N/A
N/A G24060 MC 215 5,931 Deep Gulf Energy II, LLC MC214 09/17/2013 N/A 07/13/2015 10/2016 N/A
N/A G24182 GC 767 5,116 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation GC767 08/13/2004 N/A 10/15/2004 N/A 06/2013
N/A G24182 GC 767 5,116 Noble Energy, Inc. GC767 08/13/2004 N/A 10/15/2004 N/A 06/2013
N/A G24462 GB 208 1,267 McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC GB208 09/01/1991 11/2004 10/16/2003 11/2004 11/2008
N/A G24488 GB 378 2,047 LLOG Exploration & Production Company, L.L.C. GB379 07/01/1985 12/2004 06/18/2004 12/2004 11/2011
N/A G25118 GC 137 1,173 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation GC137 03/02/2004 01/2005 01/13/2005 01/2005 N/A
N/A G25610 EB 197 1,249 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. EB197 12/09/2004 N/A 03/24/2005 N/A 11/2012
N/A G25673 GB 339 2,180 Deep Gulf Energy LP GB339 11/22/2008 03/2010 06/09/2009 03/2010 N/A
N/A G25854 DC 398 7,579 Shell Offshore Inc. DC398 11/28/2014 N/A 05/04/2015 N/A 06/2015
N/A G27243 VK 821 1,030 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation VK821 04/24/2008 06/2008 10/31/2009 10/2009 04/2015
N/A G27247 VK 960 4,254 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. VK959 05/20/2015 N/A 02/26/2016 N/A N/A
N/A G27779 SE 39 8,590 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation SE039 04/09/2013 N/A 11/18/2013 N/A N/A
N/A G27982 EW 834 1,543 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation EW878 07/03/2000 12/2001 04/26/2012 07/2016 N/A
N/A G27988 EW 998 1,313 Walter Oil & Gas Corporation EW998 02/27/2009 03/2011 N/A 03/2011 N/A
N/A G33178 MC 816 5,595 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. MC816 08/30/2013 N/A 03/18/2014 N/A N/A
N/A G34874 VK 959 4,254 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. VK959 05/20/2015 N/A 06/18/2015 N/A N/A